Abject Surrender In Dead Of Night

So sign off on the treaty and that leaves some 1550 warheads.....cool.

Ivan is getting controlling interest in uranium mines out west.....cool.

Suddenly N Korea and Iran have surprising centrifuge technology and delivery systems.....supplied by 'others'. Sign a treaty and sit by and let your stooges do your dirty work.......

Is that your argument against START, it makes us vulnerable to North Korea and Iran?
I would be perfectly OK with that. There are a hand full of countries out there with out nukes and have some how managed to escape being invaded. Can you imagine what would happen to the world economy f the US economy collapsed due to a nuke attack? China won't do it because there would be no one to buy all their stuff. What motivation would Russia have?

The nuke that blows up on US soil will not come in on a rocket. It will sail or drive to its destination. It will be a terrorist act, not an act of war.

To keep the hawks at ease, keep a few boomers around if it makes you happy. Get rid of the rest.

No country is going to dismantle their nuclear forces in such a way.
I felt an earthquake here.......Dude we are in agreement.

Given their history, the condition of their conventional forces and the fact they have one billion Chinese on their border the Russians are not going to give up their arsenal anytime soon.
President Obama may not be troubled by additional barriers to building a comprehensive missile defense. After all, he has already cut the missile interceptor force for protecting the U.S. by 50%. However, future presidents who are serious about missile defense would be hamstrung by this treaty, which would be in effect for 10 years.

Obama played his trump card already. Disarm unilaterally, starting with destroying 50% of our arsenal. First he was no on ABM, now he is yes. After he threw the Ukraine and Poland under the bus, now he wants to extend a hand?

If we don't cut missile defense how do you purpose we pay for it? There are going to be some heafty cuts coming down the pipeline and the decision is going to have to be made on what stays and what goes. Any idea's?
Again this reinforced the OP

WikiLeaks cables: Poland wants missile shield to protect against Russia

Under the Bush administration, Poland agreed to host 10 missile interceptors for a proposed anti-ballistic missile defence system, a project that triggered a crisis in US-Russian relations. Barack Obama abandoned the scheme in September last year, under his policy of "resetting" relations with Russia.

The Poles, who have repeatedly told the Americans that they feel unthreatened by Iran but are regularly alarmed about Russia, asked "a series of hypothetical questions on the adaptive nature of the system vis-a-vis the changing threat".

A series of cables going back over the past two years highlights the Polish eagerness to try to draw the US military, Nato assets, and possibly military bases into Poland, and a clear US ambivalence and wariness, sparking furious rows and mutual exasperation.

"How long will it take you to realise that nothing will change with Iran and Russia?" a Polish presidential aide asks a trio of visiting US senators in May last year.

Missle test fails
A test of the United States' only long-range missile defense system failed Wednesday -- the second failure this year in two tries.

One hundred billion dollars and they don't have jack to show for it. Let's sink another hundred billion, may be it will hit something. Fifty percent success rate on carefully planned tests. They know where the missile will be and what time it will be there. I could be wring but I am pretty sure that who ever launches a ICBM will not give us a heads up.
Missle test fails

One hundred billion dollars and they don't have jack to show for it. Let's sink another hundred billion, may be it will hit something. Fifty percent success rate on carefully planned tests. They know where the missile will be and what time it will be there. I could be wring but I am pretty sure that who ever launches a ICBM will not give us a heads up.

I know right?

I remember at the time of Obama appeasing Russia and pulling out of Poland, the argument was that there was no need for mid-short range missiles due to the effectiveness of our long range missiles. That article only doesn't inspire much confidence on that original premise.
Hitting a fixed target (city) with a ICBM is not the same as hitting a small target (ICBM) or a warhead (small sofa) moving at super sonic speed with at most 1/2 hour between launch and "OH crap, too late". It is exponentially more difficult to hit the latter as opposed the former. Just look at the targeting performance of the cruise missiles used during the gulf war for proof. With the GPS and targeting ability they were able to place one through the window and you could choose which one and what floor.
Hitting a fixed target (city) with a ICBM is not the same as hitting a small target (ICBM) or a warhead (small sofa) moving at super sonic speed with at most 1/2 hour between launch and "OH crap, too late". It is exponentially more difficult to hit the latter as opposed the former. Just look at the targeting performance of the cruise missiles used during the gulf war for proof. With the GPS and targeting ability they were able to place one through the window and you could choose which one and what floor.

Ok, err thanks for the lesson i guess, but it still means we are more vulnerable today as a result of the START ONSP aka Obama Nuclear Surrender Program


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