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ABE the next victim......

Mike W

Dec 9, 2002
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My condolences.I don''t know if you''re Fleet or Customer Service but ask a lot of questions.We just went through what you are facing and even now things are still being worked out between the company and the unions in regard to Mainline Express.
Well just got word ABE is going mainline/express in sept...agents were notified today.....very sad.....anybody hear of any other cities announced today??
Mike I work out of AVP...we met our fate back in FEB....I serve on the board for PHILA local which ABE and AVP our part of...Im just passing on the news about ABE...I do have many friends there and the next few months are going to be very trying for those agents....Im cust svc.....
On 5/28/2003 2:53:06 PM Mike W wrote:

My condolences.I don''t know if you''re Fleet or Customer Service but ask a lot of questions.We just went through what you are facing and even now things are still being worked out between the company and the unions in regard to Mainline Express.


Mike, if you don''t mind elaborating, what is exactly "still being worked out?"

Tim Nelson, Former Local Chairman ORD
At the time the dog and pony show came to CLE to give us our options,some details still had not been worked out.Such as,could Fleet Service Agents in other stations bid these Mainline Express jobs.They can.... I just inquired the other day about zeroing out the overtime hours because of the large number of new hires that will be coming in.I was told that is the most likely scenario but it wasn''t etched in stone yet.This is new territory and it seemed as if some of it was being made up as we went along. I''d get one answer from the station manager,one from a VP and another from the union.It''s very important to try to nail someone down if you have a question. As confusing as it sometimes was for Fleet Service,it was doubly bad for the CSA''s.They took a major porking on how their transfers were handled.My guess is after the company gets a few more stations under this classification,they''ll figure it out.This is an ugly situation and it will only get worse as time goes on.
Mike is right. I can only hope the displacements are handled better in ABE than they were in CLE. The sad thing is the CWA was of little or no help. It was they''re disgusting decision that any agent who stays and works mainline express become re-classified and loses ALL transfer rights to other cities except for their recall city. Seems to me they''re helping Dave along in his plan to throw as many of us out the door as possible. And by the way, don''t be shocked if no one at the CWA returns your calls or emails. Sad but true..
Well, it''s true ABE is going Mainline Express.

More employees shafted..
More families lives a mess.

What will are options be stay and work for
$12.45 per hour thanks to the 5% WAR money
Or get in your car and drive to PHL.

We gave are effort.
We gave of ourselves.
We did what it took to make ABE a great place to work.


ALSO, A NOTE.......beware USAIRWAYS...


Southwest has LOOKED AT ABE before.
Now the door is open.....

Also,the passengers that fly on the rj''s out of ABE...SAY....THEY DON''T LIKE THE RJ''S......


Maybe this is a sign to go get another job.

God bless and be safe........


THIS B-I-T-E-S........
Perhaps Sen.John McCain and other members of Congress need to know how U is spending the $900,000,000 loan provided to them. This money was
intended to save jobs. Instead it''s being used to buy FOREIGN made jets. Let''s not forget that Dave
was given a $1.45mil bonus, where did that funding come from?
On 5/29/2003 8:55:47 PM Hello Newman wrote:

Perhaps Sen.John McCain and other members of Congress need to know how U is spending the $900,000,000 loan provided to them. This money was
intended to save jobs. Instead it''s being used to buy FOREIGN made jets.

Jesus Christ. You''re not that much of an isolationist are you? Can you name me a single U.S. based regional jet manufacturer?
On 5/30/2003 8:11:40 AM ITRADE wrote:

On 5/29/2003 8:55:47 PM Hello Newman wrote:

Perhaps Sen.John McCain and other members of Congress need to know how U is spending the $900,000,000 loan provided to them. This money was
intended to save jobs. Instead it''s being used to buy FOREIGN made jets.

Jesus Christ.  You''re not that much of an isolationist are you?  Can you name me a single U.S. based regional jet manufacturer?


At least the Bombardiers are made by our neighbors!

Seriously, I''d much rather see us buying Boeings rather than the Airbii''s. More durable, reliable parts pipeline, etc. I''ll concede the Airbus, due to a bigger fuse, is more comfortable than the B737-300/400''s.

But as Airbus is the U reality, I hope to the gods we consider 318''s as opposed to ANYTHING Embraer makes - an aircraft that makes the F100''s look good.

As for the isolationist angle on Airbus vs. Boeing, I still haven''t forgiven the French for making us circumnavigate, rather than overfly them when we raided Qadafi.
Another bright move. Look for Southwest and Airtran to invade soon. Not only will they take up all of the local traffic, but they will drain traffic away from PHL like a Shop-Vac in no time. But have no fear we will combat them with RJ''s packed to the gills. This company still has failed to realize that cutting good revenue flights to save money is not a sound business plan. Why pull a flight to CLT that takes 100+ per day, and replace it with a 50 seat A/C...where do you think the leftovers are going to go....right to the competion over at DL. Oh well, we don''t need that extra business anyway. Our new business plan, cut your own throat to cut costs....
I remember that well diogenes. Our planes could not enter French airspace enroute to Lybia, I haven''t
forgotten that either. But one of those missiles did "accidentally" stray off course and hit the compound of the French Embassy in Tripoli.
On 5/30/2003 4:11:44 PM wings396 wrote:

Why pull a flight to CLT that takes 100+ per day, and replace it with a 50 seat A/C...where do you think the leftovers are going to go....right to the competion over at DL. Oh well, we don''t need that extra business anyway. Our new business plan, cut your own throat to cut costs....


I remember when they announced converting BHM to RJ the news release said we would increase frequency. Has that happened, NO!!!! It seems i recall those empty promises on several other converted cities as well. Has anyone tried to non rev to BHM lately, impossible. I spoke w/a BHM commuter who said getting in and out of BHM is a nightmare.

I cant imagine how much business we are losing to DL. I saw where DL stock spiked lately. Im sure we are helping their bottom line. Perhaps Mullin and Mugsy have an agreement.

DL is, and will continue to kick our butts all over the place as we cut back our service. The company has cut PIT to nothing, handing most of that traffic to DL in CVG. Now we continue to underserve CLT letting DL take the traffic thru ATL to the Southeast. If management thinks that PHL is going to carry the entire system, they are wrong. Most FF that I know try to AVOID PHL at any cost. Airtran will be in ABE with ATL service very soon, and Southwest will set up shop there soon afterwards. It will be the ideal station for Southwest allowing them to draw from EWR & PHL at the same time. Years from now the company will look back and wonder what the hell happened. We handed ISP over to Southwest along with BWI already. OH yea and we don''t want to waste time with any of the Florida markets either. Marketing Stupidity is running rampid.

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