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AA urges workers not to call in sick

Being contracual, I quess that means the sick leave policy was voted in?
Anyone who has worked here knows that mgmt is always on your back for calling in sick....the timing of this announcement to the public, coupled with the 3%..stock give back issue is a PR blitz...and an insult to labor...as if we are doing nothing? you have to drag out the sick call issue..This is an issue that should be taken up one on one with those who are having the problems...not airing our dirty laundry for public/political gain..thats all this is....
If the company truly wants to reduce sick time they should pay the full value of the days upon retirement or severence. For a mechanic, the 150 sick days are worth $42,000 if used or $1200 if saved. $40800 could buy a lot of dinners and buy a lot of positive space airline tickets.Its a no brainer. What is the sick time like in PR? They get paid for unused sick time.
What about "Work Ethic"? Would your Grandfather or Father ever consider staying home "sick" cause they wanted to go fishing? It is jokers like you that have misconstrued the purpose of "sick leave" to where it is now a real burden on many companies that offer it. When used properly, it is one the best benefits any company has ever offered - or for
that matter, any union has ever negotiated. If "balance" were to be paid on separation or retirement, many "money grabbers" would be reporting for work when perhaps they should be in a hospital.
On 1/9/2003 7:16:13 PM Bob Owens wrote:

If the company truly wants to reduce sick time they should pay the full value of the days upon retirement or severence. For a mechanic, the 150 sick days are worth $42,000 if used or $1200 if saved. $40800 could buy a lot of dinners and buy a lot of positive space airline tickets.Its a no brainer. What is the sick time like in PR? They get paid for unused sick time.

I agree that $25.00/day is a JOKE! If DC was serious about sick leave he would repay full price for unused sick time.This is the REAL incentive needed as money talks and BS walks.Sick time is no good if the management is going to harrass the employees for using it.
I see more people abusing the family leave policy than sick time, or so it seems. I don't know how much FML costs AA, but im sure it's a fair amount.
There is very sad joke in Tulsa that FMLA does not stand for Family Medical Leave Act but instead means Friday Means Leave of Absence.

I would suggest that we all quit begging for more pay for not using sick time right now and focus on avoiding Chapter 11 or 7.

Now is the time to feel lucky if we keep what we have.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/9/2003 8:27:12 PM RV4 wrote:
[P]There is very sad joke in Tulsa that FMLA does not stand for Family Medical Leave Act but instead means Friday Means Leave of Absence.[BR][BR]I would suggest that we all quit begging for more pay for not using sick time right now and focus on avoiding Chapter 11 or 7.[BR][BR]Now is the time to feel lucky if we keep what we have.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]RV4 - usually I don't agree with you, but I feel you hit the nail on the head here. IMHO, the company is asking folks who might want to abuse sick leave to reconsider, given that their actions can really hurt the company. If folks still feel "entitled" to their sick leave, and feel they are getting "screwed" by only getting $25 a day for unused sick leave, well, the company is ASKING you today. If abuse continues and losses don't end soon, they might begin DEMANDING it tomorrow.
On 1/9/2003 10:25:45 AM Bob Owens wrote:

On 1/9/2003 9:13:18 AM JBLU007 wrote:


Calling in sick is not a problem at JBLU. They dont have sick days. JBLU combines vacation, holiday, and sick days, all in one bank called PTO, payed time off. You can use them anytime and anyway you want. Makes more sense. That way you dont have people calling in sick for, "mental health days." If people need a day off they just take no questions asked.

ALOHA, 007

No questions? What happens when everyone wants the same day? How many days a year do you get? Can you accumulate time? We can bank up to 150 days of sick time and get up to 7 weeks of vacation plus 10 Holidays. If we get ill we could be out with full pay for up to 185 days (provided we have the accrued time and years of service). What are you contractually entitled to? Nothing, the company could change thier policy at any time.


JBLUE007 - That is exactly how my old employer, AOL Time Warner, and my current company that I run personally handle sick time. Everyone can take 40 hours over with them at the end of the year - the rest is cashed out or lost, depending on what the worker wants to do with it.

Very rarely do problems arise with too many people using this time...because it is at a premium to them. They don't get sick & vacation time...you just get PTO and that's it. It is also required that the PTO is filed 48 hours in advance or else it is considered EMVC (Emergency Vacation). After several occurances of EMVC...the person is issued a written warning - 3 and out. The 48 hour window allows for the shift to be posted for others to pick up as OT or regular pay.

Other little notes to this. Holidays are paid as double time and a half (2.5 times pay) for up to 8 hours worked that day. They are limited to real holidays like Christmas, T-Giving, etc. If a person uses EMVC during their scheduled day before or after that holiday, they forfit holiday pay. So if you are off Monday & Tuesday and Wednesday is a holiday but you took EMVC on Sunday - you don't get your holiday pay.

Everything eventually works itself out and people only take the days they need off.
I thought that the "sick time announcement also included "ID" (Injury on duty)

should EASILY create a "15" page thread, if/when we get around to it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talk about bad timing.
AA goes on this tangent about sick time, at the very same time that the "Norwalk virus"(the cruise ship virus), is running rampant here in the NE.
(I've saved the FRONT pages, of my local and state newspapers, to prove it) ( Not that I think that you would doubt what I am saying, is true) !

AA pilots and AA flight attendants have no reason to even speak in this thread. I am a scheduler and over the holidays for every on trip position that opened it took 3-4 reserves to fill it. The Holiday flu I guess. It is funny when you look at a pilot or flight attendants sick record and year after year they get sick right before the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays.

Coincidence....I dont think so. It is just an ugly flight attendant and Pilot pattern. There are many of us rampers..fleet service..schedulers and otheres who work real hard over the holidays. And them there are the others that abuse sick time and family leave.

I commend the employees that have to work on the holidays, we do so to try to make this company succesfull. I am ashamed to call the abusers of sick time and family leave a co worker. I work for the company they work against it. I really wish the Managers of their department had some ba==s and would look at the patern and fire them. But they are UNION protected and it will never happen. Tust me if I called in sick for every major holiday and called of sick just so I did not have a 0500 sign in or departure or report time. I would be fired
As if anyone cares...Only non management get any type of paid sick time when the retire. Wether i have called in sick or never called in sick Management gets Nothing
On 1/9/2003 7:32:11 PM ual06 wrote:

What about "Work Ethic"? Would your Grandfather or Father ever consider staying home "sick" cause they wanted to go fishing? It is jokers like you that have misconstrued the purpose of "sick leave" to where it is now a real burden on many companies that offer it. When used properly, it is one the best benefits any company has ever offered - or for
that matter, any union has ever negotiated. If "balance" were to be paid on separation or retirement, many "money grabbers" would be reporting for work when perhaps they should be in a hospital.

Probably not.
Well I dont know what you read, I dont recall saying that people should use their sick time to go fishing. The fact is that sick time is a negotiated item. It has a dollar value, one that the company does not hesitate to mention. When they mention the value of the sick time I doubt they use the $25 payout but rather the full value if used. The company is implying that they know that sometimes people use sick time when its not absolutely neccisary, and have asked people to curtail such use. Obviously, for these people the "work ethic" angle is ineffective. My post was a suggestion to provide a more effective motivation to prevent such usage.

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