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AA traffic results: load factor falls, RASM disappoints

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No the pull back in winter shows they are running the playbook US runs every year - which went right past you and shows your lack of understanding how US mgmt ran things
DL is cutting capacity between NRT and several cities but I guess that is OK
And US is cutting a bit more this season soo the widebodies can undergo heavy maintenance and get painted in the new livery.
The self-proclaimed resident expert on everything is pretty good at nitpicking on singular statistics, but as usual, fails when it comes to discussing it in context with other relevant statistics...

Load factors have been at an unsustainable high. You can't operate at 87% without seeing diminishing returns, so from an operational and customer satisfaction perspective, I'd rather see fewer customers paying higher fares. Clearly, that's been the case when you look at the revenue results from the past three or four quarters. Absent RASM data, it's just a typical "focus on what I can criticize" narrowly defined "analysis".

The responsible adults will wait to see what the quarter data shows before passing judgement, thank you.

thats it "off with their heads" " im suing you can't post a picture of me!" (stomp lil bit*h feet here) and my computer is deltoid blue!
thats it "off with their heads" " im suing you can't post a picture of me!" (stomp lil bit*h feet here) and my computer is deltoid blue!
E  now aren't you afraid he may threaten you again...  you know like he did before  just like he threatened 700 and kev???   🙄
I know at US there was a fare hike a few months ago.  The company decided to forgo some load factor for increase in ticket prices.  It has resulted in higher revenue, even with a few more empty seats.  
robbedagain said:
E  now aren't you afraid he may threaten you again...  you know like he did before  just like he threatened 700 and kev???   🙄
Won't be the first time, although if that's really his likeness, he's got much bigger issues to overcome.
Load factors have been at an unsustainable high. You can't operate at 87% without seeing diminishing returns, so from an operational and customer satisfaction perspective, I'd rather see fewer customers paying higher fares. Clearly, that's been the case when you look at the revenue results from the past three or four quarters. Absent RASM data, it's just a typical "focus on what I can criticize" narrowly defined "analysis".
no, just no.

Other carriers not only reported INCREASED load factors that are higher than what AA reported but they also reported higher RASM, both for the month that has closed and estimates for the quarter.

Feel free to dodge and weave all you want to avoid admitting the facts but AA has put too much capacity into the market compared to what they can fill.

That is precisely why they are cutting capacity. Other carriers are able to balance their capacity with demand and maintain larger amounts of RASM growth.

Feel free also to resort to your usual attempts at character assassination to avoid dealing with the facts on the table but the facts are that AA will be pulling back on its capacity - and reductions in staffing will follow.
WorldTraveler said:
Feel free also to resort to your usual attempts at character assassination to avoid dealing with the facts on the table but the facts are that AA will be pulling back on its capacity - and reductions in staffing will follow.
Why should he do that. You have committed character suicide since you joined the forums. By helping you he would really only dilute your efficiency. 
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