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AA Mechanics: Wouldn''t it be Nice?

On 2/7/2003 1:14:53 AM j7915 wrote:

So far AMFA has had a poor track record in organizing free standing overhaul operations.

Is that AMFA's fault, or evidence of dumbed down sheep stupidity?

Using your analysis, It is only the Carriers with AFL-CIO Industrial Union represented large maintenance bases that are already in or threatening Bankruptcy Protection.

Why is that OH GREAT ONE?

BTW, Can you provide us the Farmout Percentage at AA and the penalty imposed if that LIMIT is exceeded. Or are you still just relying on a verbal claim of a percentage limit with NO TEETH to back it?

What exactly do you mean in your reference to Line-Mechanics and their support for AMFA? Are you trusting in something the sheep herders have told you again?

Do all Communication Officers of the TWU have to resort to an alias to get their points across?
RV4 writes:

Wouldn't it be nice if we were a seperate group in our own union so that we could identify our needed contribution to financial recovery?

I am sick of being considered:

"Mechanics and Ground Workers"

"TWU Represented Employees"

How does it make you feel?

You know what Carty thinks would be nice? He would like to outsource all heavy maintenance to save 50% like WN does. It's no secret that trained monkeys could do many of those shop jobs now being done by AMT's and OSM's. If that happens, I hope all 1,400 mechanics left go over to AMFA and become the highest paid wrench turners in the industry.
Wouldn't that be nice?
They don't have to go to some third world nation to get their maintenance done for half price. WN doesn't.
No I don't think FSC's are exempt from outsourcing, no one is. They want machines to handle all the agents work. They would like to outsorce all of Fleet Service. They would like to shut down TULE, AFW, and MCIE, and save big $$$ on overhaul.
It seems none of you guys are concerned about TWA. When they send more and more work to MCIE, and/or shut down AFW, many AAer's will then realize that their 1983 seniority that got them a good job at AA means nothing compared to the 30-50 year T-dubber at MCIE.
No problem, bags! It's the industry trend to contract out all the heavy maintenance! You think you bagsmashers and pillow fluffers are worth your weight in gold? Feel comfortable that AA can send the heavy checks to some third world nation to have its work done. With minimum or no FAA oversight. How about this, Bags: Some third world nation does AA's heavy maintenance. They unknowingly hire a couple of terrorists to work on these aircraft. They now have full access to every nook and cranny of the aircraft to do whatever they wish. Does that make you feel good, bags? And don't give me this crap about how fleet service has faced more layoffs than maintenance. How many jobs do you think maintenance has lost since the 83 contract taking work away from mechanics and giving them to fleet service? Pushbacks-long gone! Deicing- Long gone! "Monkey" staffed shops- Long Gone!
We are all gonna get hosed with this. But don't think the days of the $25.00/hr BAGGAGE EXPEDITION TECHNICIAN are exempt! We may be "monkeys" as you say, Bags! But do you think you can rig a VSV?
I can lift a Samsonite with the best of them!
Bags, there's not much we can do now about the TWAers at MCI. I look at this situation differently. They are a more senior workforce, with more vacation but no protections. I think AA's game plan is to close AFW and MCI and contract out most of the heavy work. AA wants to permanently change the way they do business. Contacting out more and more work is how the JetBlue's and Southwests have remained profitable. It is a huge expense operating these facilitites.
And when this massive shutdown of base maintenance occurs? I for one will have no option except to bump the next guy down the line.