I hate to be the negative Nancy, but my god that is an awful paint scheme- even the elegant looking A330 looks cheap in it.
- The swoosh... what is it? Wind hitting the side of the plane? It just comes out of nowhere and lays there. And they don't meet up with...
-The stripes on the tail. The most bizarre of all... the logo is basically horizontal lines so you put diagonal lines through it? Very amateur and an eyesore with a bunch of non-matching lines...
-Like everything at US there is no consistency. Some aircraft have a red ring around the engine cowlings, some don't. Some have the old cheatline on the winglets (E190, CRJs) some have an clumsy stamp of the logo (757, A330, A320 etc). Some withthe logo have a sred stripe at the top of the winglet. This one doesn't.
-White. Blech. Not even a clean white, bit a flat, dirty loooking white. The way the stripe and blue underbelly swoop down looks really 70s.
It looks like either USA 3000 or this:
Leisure Air
We all have our opinions, I hope some people like it. I hoped it would grow on me but its just so uninspired and amateur looking to me. My high school art teacher would give me an F on this.
Saddest of all its a hokey "re-do" using elements of a brilliant livery designed by professional re-branders that cost a fortune, but LOOKED like a million dollars when maintained correctly!
I know, its hot in Phoenix, one of several hubs, and apparently no other airline flies there, or has crew bases in PHX or LAS! We have to have a crappo gumball paint job and SKORTS for uniforms because its hot in Phoenix.