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A Voice Of Reason


You've got the idea.....

Subtract weather, high passenger loads, and extra sick calls from last Thursday's operation and what do you have - over 100 cancellations and somewhere in the vicinity of 2800 passengers arriving at their destination without their baggage.

Add in the weather. Cancellations go up and more passengers arrive without their bags (weight restrictions). Somewhere lost in all the blame game it was reported on Thursday that we ran out of deicing fluid (and we weren't the only airline) at some of the Ohio valley airports. There's just one reason the cancellations went up and higher sick calls had nothing to do with it.

Now throw in high passenger bookings. Less (to no) ability to protect those from cancelled flights/misconnects on later flights (they're full or nearly so already). Less ability to put the "left behind" baggage on later flights (they're already weight restricted in some cases and can't carry all the bags for the people on board or if mainline don't have the extra room).

What happened was inevitable - the sick calls didn't create an atrocious situation, they just helped make an already abomnable situition atrocious.

Hi, Jim, and thank you for the kind words - Happy New Year, sir.

In this and other threads, you have described the situation well.

I'd like to add a thought to it.

Employees are finally realizing that U, depite their best efforts, may not make it. And that if it DOES make it, into what the Palace has in mind, then U will no longer be worthy of their best efforts.

U has many over-achievers in the ranks. They are so demoralized, they merely achieve, now.

Ultimately, that will be the difference in survival and extinction.

The Palace thinks they can finesse this, but as events are proving, they cannot.

God help us all.

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