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A Track Record That Speaks for itself!

NO Eric, "NOT" all Bush !
There's enough crap to get pinned on them both !

Bush was the worst Republicam POTUS in recent history. HANDS Down.
Folks can argue who was the worst " D "......Johnson/Carter or BO. So be it !

BUSH, not B O bailed out the likes of JP Morgan Chase. Bush AGREED with JPM-C,.....NO Regulations, well we've just seen how that works with JPM-C. W had EIGHT years..." 8 " years to fuuk things up, B O's had " 3 " !!! Sorry Eric, NO Comparison,.... Not even Close !
One things for sure, after B O gets 4 MORE...THEN and only then will be able to do a fair comparison.

By the way, WHAT Nobel peace prize Did W win, and for what ???
Giving a prestigious prize like Nobel to a buffoon is hardly the Scandinavian way. YOU should KNOW THAT !!!!!!!!!!

Sorry Barry-O ! Nobel prizes are not prestigious and don't mean squat any longer ! Not since it's image was tarnished forever by giving one to Gore "The Climate Change Pimp" !
Your imagination is the only fact running through that post.

Show me which fact is wrong instead of the normal pot shots you take. Almost all of the stats are from Govt Agencies who live and die on reporting numbers in order to justify their existence.
Show me which fact is wrong instead of the normal pot shots you take. Almost all of the stats are from Govt Agencies who live and die on reporting numbers in order to justify their existence.

You are far from the mainstream, on a small island in a landlocked lake.

Opposing Obama does not get you off the island.
Hmmm now let me see if I got this straight:

Bush was a "War Monger" by starting 2 wars (undeclared) in the Middle East. Sorry, No Peace Prize for you cowboy.!

Obama continues the same 2 wars PLUS engages us in Libya and Yemen and continues to rattle the US Saber with Syria & Iran and he gets a Peace Prize?

I'm just a little confused how this works?? Bother way did you know that more US Servicemen and women have died at their own hand from the ravages of PTSD then have been killed by the insurgents or Taliban. We can't even treat our own soldiers in Government run Veterans Health Care how the hell do you expect the government to run it for the entire population?

How does one spell failure? O-B-A-M-A

Sparrow, the VA system was already RAPED/Downsized BEFORE B O came aboard.
SO, who did "shrink" the VA system ?

A. Clinton?
B. El-Chimpo/Dirty DICK?

(Drum roll Plz.).................... " B " !!!!!!!!!!
The topic is the abject failure of Barack Obama, NOT Bush. He's no longer President. To Quote NJ Governor Christie, ""This is a guy who literally is walking around in a dark room trying to find the light switch of leadership."
The topic is the abject failure of Barack Obama, NOT Bush. He's no longer President. To Quote NJ Governor Christie, ""This is a guy who literally is walking around in a dark room trying to find the light switch of leadership."

My reply was to YOU (ol' Sparrow)....Who SAID....."That the US cannot edequately(SP) take care of our wounded vets " etc, etc (or words pretty similiar)
So YOU made a correct observence THAT was created by EL-CHIMPO in the latter years of his ABORTION...err Presidency !
My reply was to YOU (ol' Sparrow)....Who SAID....."That the US cannot edequately(SP) take care of our wounded vets " etc, etc (or words pretty similiar)
So YOU made a correct observence THAT was created by EL-CHIMPO in the latter years of his ABORTION...err Presidency !

I have had plenty to say that was negative about George Bush. He is NOT the sitting President. Ergo I don't want to hear about 4 year old news. Obama has had ample time to demonstrate his skills as a leader. He has Failed as the facts in the original post detail.

It's not my fault he can't organize a one car funeral. Is that Bush's fault too? I mean everything else seems to be so maybe the tinfoil hat crowd secretly duped the Demcrats into picking Obama? They forged his Birth Certificate. Maybe that's why the Republicans picked Ms Palin to run with McCain? All a big Bush led conspiracy so Jeb can be POTUS?

Or more likely Obama is just another over reaching putz incapable of leading a nation anyplace positive.
The topic is the abject failure of Barack Obama, NOT Bush. He's no longer President. To Quote NJ Governor Christie, ""This is a guy who literally is walking around in a dark room trying to find the light switch of leadership."

First thing you must understand is Obama was dealt a bad hand.
Second, in light of this, he's been doing all he can just to keep his head above water.
First thing you must understand is Obama was dealt a bad hand.
Second, in light of this, he's been doing all he can just to keep his head above water.

"It's weird, Obama says he was born in HAWAII, his literary agent says he was born in KENYA, and yet, the LIBERAL media still claim he was born in a MANGER!" -Jodi Miller

Funny thing though Dell. Ron Reagan "Inherited" an arguably bigger mess then Obama did and I DO NOT recall anywhere near the level of rhetoric that it was Carter's fault! The primary difference is RR got down to business and found a way to turn things around. Did we go to War under RR? Yes, we did for all of about 30 days combined between Libya(one day), Grenada(several days) & Panama.

We are now engaged in two wars where our men and women are more likely to commit suicide upon their return due to untreated PTSD then they are being killed in Iraq & Afghanistan. I seem to recall campaign promises that we would be out in 16 months. Old Barack must work on a different calendar or he is a bald faced liar.
That would be like giving the NINCOMPOOP a PEACE prize for KILLING Texas prisoners when your NOT SURE if all were quilty !

You do realize the Texas case that's in the media this week was from two terms *before* W was elected?...

Obama's going to attack Romney's record in business, as Governor, you name it. That's because Romney actually has some qualifications and past experience relevant for the job.

Romney can only attack Obama's record as POTUS, since he has no real accomplishments prior to that.
Just no one is disappointed here is the latest.

Ron Paul, Still Running for President, Wins Minnesota
Brian Doherty | May 21, 2012

To chants of “President Paul,” 2,000 Minnesota convention delegates welcomed the Texas congressman and presidential candidate.

“There are a lot of friends of liberty in this town,” Paul said....
U.S. Senate candidate Kurt Bills endorsed Paul and Paul endorsed Bills. The Senate candidate said he will continue to back Paul until he is out of the race.
Several convention observers said that while Paul was well received, they did not hear probable Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney mentioned during the day-long convention.
Paul, who finished second to Rick Santorum in this year’s precinct caucuses, told the Republicans that it is not just their party that latches onto his ideas.
“It is much, much bigger than this,” he added, saying that independents “and even Democrats” support his ideas.​

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