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A sitdown with Doug Parker and Cranky Flier.

AA-MRO.COM said:
read the article yet failed to see if he regretted his decision....
The mechanic that voiced his opinion was not led to do so he did it on his own no one backed him up because when he turned around he was the only one standing in front of the camera not a great idea.
Just read a letter from Peterson how the company is once again violating the CBA as it intends to use ramp service to ride brakes in places such as LGA BOS MCO etc...
Like I said they crap on our CBA and the unions only response is to grieve it. A year later maybe it will get rectified....
Great job
What else can you do other than grieve it? The company believes it is in their right to do it. They will go ahead and eventually an arbitrator will decide the case.
You don't expect the fleet service locals to fight putting their own members in the cockpit, do you?
WeAAsles said:
Just to expand on this a little. When Local 100 was fined Millions of Dollars for their actions did the membership draw arms and shut the city down again and say "To HELL you're fineing our Union"
When that mechanic spoke up and vented the frustration that we all felt, did anyone walk off the job as a showing of support after he was fired?
As a matter of fact he came on here asking his Brothers to support him and he was mocked and laughed at.
So where's the Union strength really lacking?
That mechanic was or at least appeared anibriated. Impossible to garner support in the face of such lunacy. Bad example weasle, your attempt to put the unions failings on the membership is consistent.

The failings of this association lay squarely on its leadership. Sito, Lombardo, Trumka, they are all in it for the money. They dont want to rock the money train, and labor suffers as a result.
DallasConehead said:
That mechanic was or at least appeared anibriated. Impossible to garner support in the face of such lunacy. Bad example weasle, your attempt to put the unions failings on the membership is consistent.
The failings of this association lay squarely on its leadership. Sito, Lombardo, Trumka, they are all in it for the money. They dont want to rock the money train, and labor suffers as a result.

And your just another one of the high majority of people in life today that won't ever look in the mirror and take even an ounce of responsibility for your own actions. Leadership of course deserves blame for many things in many different circumstances. But you guys act a little too much like your clothes are pure whiite with no mud for my tastes.

And say what you want about that mechanic since he's gone now. But again not a single one of you stood up for the guy when again you loved EVERY word out of his mouth. And BTW you know he's also blackballed from the industry too if you didn't know. He may have lost his cool but at least he had BALLS. More than any of you.

Sometimes (not always) people need to look in the mirror once in awhile.
WeAAsles said:
And your just another one of the high majority of people in life today that won't ever look in the mirror and take even an ounce of responsibility for your own actions. Leadership of course deserves blame for many things in many different circumstances. But you guys act a little too much like your clothes are pure whiite with no mud for my tastes.

And say what you want about that mechanic since he's gone now. But again not a single one of you stood up for the guy when again you loved EVERY word out of his mouth. And BTW you know he's also blackballed from the industry too if you didn't know. He may have lost his cool but at least he had BALLS. More than any of you.

Sometimes (not always) people need to look in the mirror once in awhile.
I did not "love" what he said, I thought it was unprofessional. Pull your head out. Your admiration for the man and his outburst, whatever it was, then it gives me more insight as to what kind of person you are. Unprofessional.
DallasConehead said:
I did not "love" what he said, I thought it was unprofessional. Pull your head out. Your admiration for the man and his outburst, whatever it was, then it gives me more insight as to what kind of person you are. Unprofessional.
No. I thought he was a moron for doing it. But a moron who had BALLS and just couldn't take it anymore. NO WAY should he have lost his job and been blackballed. Career over. Anger management counseling absolutely. Serious EAP monitoring.

No admiration. Just pointing out the facts that loony or not, he took a stand. All I ever hear out of you guys (same names) are complaints from behind a keyboard. I got a complaint I go to my meeting and call them out, or get on the phone, or hell even waste my time at two Roadshows essentially telling the CEO that I think he's trying to steal our money.

Were you even part of the march we did on HQ all those years ago now? Well?
WeAAsles said:
Having strong leaders is great but if the army they lead are all cowering weaklings, then that leader is an idiot to try and go to war.
There is the problem we have no strong leaders. Dallas Conehead hits the nail on the head
The failings of this association lay squarely on its leadership. Sito, Lombardo, Trumka, they are all in it for the money. They dont want to rock the money train, and labor suffers as a result
I have been paying dues for a long time I get a pocket calender which I don't use and a t shirt every once in a while. If the union gets fined for stepping up to the plate I think I can survive without the calender and the t shirt
MetalMover said:
What else can you do other than grieve it? The company believes it is in their right to do it. They will go ahead and eventually an arbitrator will decide the case.
You don't expect the fleet service locals to fight putting their own members in the cockpit, do you?
Actually, as a bystander in this arena, it appears to me that the company doesn't care whether or not it is their right to do or not do something because they know there will be no instantaneous laying down of tools by the membership when presented with a CBA violation (and, I realize that under the RLA a work stoppage is illegal).  AND, more importantly the company knows that your union "leadership" will do nothing until it is blatantly obvious that they are shirking DFR responsibilities.  That being said, I think the same is true to some extent with all our AA unions.
It's hard for me to understand some of these shenanigans because I grew up in Birmingham, AL in the coal, iron, and steel days, and if the company threatened arrests for illegal work stoppages, the response would be "OK, but you've got to arrest all 10,000 of us because there will be no work done until this violation is corrected."  Furthermore, NO ONE crossed a picket line--not even the Coke delivery guy--except for such things as fire trucks and ambulances.
The companies tended to honor the contracts.  Just sayin.
jimntx said:
Actually, as a bystander in this arena, it appears to me that the company doesn't care whether or not it is their right to do or not do something because they know there will be no instantaneous laying down of tools by the membership when presented with a CBA violation (and, I realize that under the RLA a work stoppage is illegal).  AND, more importantly the company knows that your union "leadership" will do nothing until it is blatantly obvious that they are shirking DFR responsibilities.  That being said, I think the same is true to some extent with all our AA unions.
It's hard for me to understand some of these shenanigans because I grew up in Birmingham, AL in the coal, iron, and steel days, and if the company threatened arrests for illegal work stoppages, the response would be "OK, but you've got to arrest all 10,000 of us because there will be no work done until this violation is corrected."  Furthermore, NO ONE crossed a picket line--not even the Coke delivery guy--except for such things as fire trucks and ambulances.
The companies tended to honor the contracts.  Just sayin.
Spot on Jim. Their saying is "Grieve it".
WeAAsles said:
No. I thought he was a moron for doing it. But a moron who had BALLS and just couldn't take it anymore. NO WAY should he have lost his job and been blackballed. Career over. Anger management counseling absolutely. Serious EAP monitoring.

No admiration. Just pointing out the facts that loony or not, he took a stand. All I ever hear out of you guys (same names) are complaints from behind a keyboard. I got a complaint I go to my meeting and call them out, or get on the phone, or hell even waste my time at two Roadshows essentially telling the CEO that I think he's trying to steal our money.

Were you even part of the march we did on HQ all those years ago now? Well?
Listen here boy, I've marched, I've picketed, been knee deep in job actions. Marching and picketing, while good for mob mentality, the,  us vs them morale booster, get your pitch forks, shovels and torches, then get a leader out there with a bull horn. The media loves it, the public thinks we're cry baby spoiled unionistas. The company couldn't care less.
Now, a good strong slow down/job action, opens their eyes and takes money out of their pockets, gets media attention and the public has no plane to get on, or in fleets case, their bags would end up on the other side of the country..  Those work.  But the last time we (airline mechanics) did that, we got and injunction put on us and we ended up in court for 2 years fighting a lawsuit. Expensive for the international in legal fees, court costs and lost time. We got what we wanted and then some, but, as a result, we have no leadership that will say such a thing any more.
Besides, other then the "HERO's" (and you know who you are) and the "get er done" stations, (you know who you are) out there, every one works by the book anyway.  DFW does it, and they pulled all the B and I checks out. Even though some say, that's not how it works, I disagree, Ive seen it, that's what they do, they take it somewhere, get a bunch or weekend day off day shift slots and it rolls baby..
Meanwhile, our leadership sits back, watches it all, blames it all on someone else or some other entity, and does nothing, well, they file a grievance, (which sits on a docket for 2+ years) while the membership suffers and get steam rolled by the company. The AFL with all their wizard of oz BS power, they don't do anything either or they don't have the political will to use a chip on it.
Now, you sit there with your rah rah shish coom bah crap, blaming me? Your the one that needs to look in the mirror boy.
WeAAsles said:
No. I thought he was a moron for doing it. But a moron who had BALLS and just couldn't take it anymore. NO WAY should he have lost his job and been blackballed. Career over. Anger management counseling absolutely. Serious EAP monitoring.

No admiration. Just pointing out the facts that loony or not, he took a stand. All I ever hear out of you guys (same names) are complaints from behind a keyboard. I got a complaint I go to my meeting and call them out, or get on the phone, or hell even waste my time at two Roadshows essentially telling the CEO that I think he's trying to steal our money.

Were you even part of the march we did on HQ all those years ago now? Well?
That moron's courage/balls you speak of, came right out of a bottle.  Foster Brooks couldn't have done a better job himself.  BTW, this same individual; in an effort to save his own job, attempted to throw the rest of his crew under the bus.  Probably not the best example to bring up.  The moron remains fired.
jimntx said:
Actually, as a bystander in this arena, it appears to me that the company doesn't care whether or not it is their right to do or not do something because they know there will be no instantaneous laying down of tools by the membership when presented with a CBA violation (and, I realize that under the RLA a work stoppage is illegal).  AND, more importantly the company knows that your union "leadership" will do nothing until it is blatantly obvious that they are shirking DFR responsibilities.  That being said, I think the same is true to some extent with all our AA unions.
It's hard for me to understand some of these shenanigans because I grew up in Birmingham, AL in the coal, iron, and steel days, and if the company threatened arrests for illegal work stoppages, the response would be "OK, but you've got to arrest all 10,000 of us because there will be no work done until this violation is corrected."  Furthermore, NO ONE crossed a picket line--not even the Coke delivery guy--except for such things as fire trucks and ambulances.
The companies tended to honor the contracts.  Just sayin.
You're right.  The RLA is heavily slanted in favor of the airlines.  We don't even have all of the RLA protections that railroad workers have.
Given how the company ignores our contracts with impunity now, can you imagine what will happen once the Supremes make "right to work" the law of the land?
Vortilon said:
That moron's courage/balls you speak of, came right out of a bottle.  Foster Brooks couldn't have done a better job himself.  BTW, this same individual; in an effort to save his own job, attempted to throw the rest of his crew under the bus.  Probably not the best example to bring up.  The moron remains fired.
Can you expand on this? What did he try to do?
DallasConehead said:
Listen here boy, I've marched, I've picketed, been knee deep in job actions. Marching and picketing, while good for mob mentality, the,  us vs them morale booster, get your pitch forks, shovels and torches, then get a leader out there with a bull horn. The media loves it, the public thinks we're cry baby spoiled unionistas. The company couldn't care less.
Now, a good strong slow down/job action, opens their eyes and takes money out of their pockets, gets media attention and the public has no plane to get on, or in fleets case, their bags would end up on the other side of the country..  Those work.  But the last time we (airline mechanics) did that, we got and injunction put on us and we ended up in court for 2 years fighting a lawsuit. Expensive for the international in legal fees, court costs and lost time. We got what we wanted and then some, but, as a result, we have no leadership that will say such a thing any more.
Besides, other then the "HERO's" (and you know who you are) and the "get er done" stations, (you know who you are) out there, every one works by the book anyway.  DFW does it, and they pulled all the B and I checks out. Even though some say, that's not how it works, I disagree, Ive seen it, that's what they do, they take it somewhere, get a bunch or weekend day off day shift slots and it rolls baby..
Meanwhile, our leadership sits back, watches it all, blames it all on someone else or some other entity, and does nothing, well, they file a grievance, (which sits on a docket for 2+ years) while the membership suffers and get steam rolled by the company. The AFL with all their wizard of oz BS power, they don't do anything either or they don't have the political will to use a chip on it.
Now, you sit there with your rah rah shish coom bah crap, blaming me? Your the one that needs to look in the mirror boy.
The boy comment made me laugh. I wish it were true but to go back in time would mean I'm further away from retirement then I'd like to be.

Dallas you said that the public doesn't have any sympathy. You're right. C'mon you have to think about it especially where you live. You make what? About $38.00 per hour in good old cheap as hell to live DFW. And don't misconstrue that I'm saying you don't deserve that and more. But what does the average person make there? Very hard to gain any public support anywhere if financially you're blowing them out of the water. 

Sorry man but I'm just saying how I know people are going to look at it.
WeAAsles said:
The boy comment made me laugh. I wish it were true but to go back in time would mean I'm further away from retirement then I'd like to be.

Dallas you said that the public doesn't have any sympathy. You're right. C'mon you have to think about it especially where you live. You make what? About $38.00 per hour in good old cheap as hell to live DFW. And don't misconstrue that I'm saying you don't deserve that and more. But what does the average person make there? Very hard to gain any public support anywhere if financially you're blowing them out of the water. 

Sorry man but I'm just saying how I know people are going to look at it.
And then you have the ones sucking up all the o/t they can and still b****h all the way to the bank!
Rogallo said:
And then you have the ones sucking up all the o/t they can and still b****h all the way to the bank!
People live and die on that OT gravy. I give it a year max after we get our JCBA that they'll be dependent on the OT again.

I saw it back in 01. The second people got those raises they were all buying new cars and boats back in DFW. Quite a few went bankrupt after 03.