tadjr said:
Maybe someone can answer this question today then. Did we plan well enough to get thru the first storm of the season or is it going to be a long winter?
From what I know, US Airways was prepared.
Did PHL have ATC/Weather related problems this morning? Yes. Was it compounded by the de-icing event? Yes?
I am no apologist for some of the decisions made by CCY. You, though, want to blame them for every hiccup encountered during the operational day.
With this response from Lindy to another poster "For a person who appears to have the inside scoop on a lot of information, I am surprised you did not mention the following regarding PHL:
1. US Airways does not own the de-icing booms in PHL. The City does. As such, the City is responsible for maintenance. It is my understanding the City did little or no preventative maintenance over the summer.
2. In the late summer/early fall, US Airways approached PHL regarding the de-icing contract. PHL said they were going to put it out for bid. We bid a premium price for the contract because it was in our best interests.
3. It was not until the past week that the City allowed US Airways to take possession of the pads and the ice-house. The PHL Maint De-Ice team put in long hours insuring the equipment was functional. As of late Wednesday, problems were encountered with several booms.
If we had problem with PHL today due to equipment, blame the city for not performing routine maintenance. "
So there is a mixed message here. We were ready, but we werent. Which is it? I didnt know if it was a CCY thing, a PHL thing or an IAM thing, that is what I was trying to find out. If we are going to have PHL as our premiere hub, then it is up to CCY to be sure that everything is in working order. Was it or wasnt it today? Are you in a position to make sure things run smoothly? I know I'm not, that is why we have someone in charge, who just happens to be in CCY, so yes if things such as this go wrong I do blame CCY if it was something that they should have done something about and didnt. If it was a city or airport thing, then CCY needs to make sure it gets corrected so it doesnt happen again (much like the security fiasco in Terminal A). Isnt that what we're paying them for? To make sure the operation runs as smoothly as possible? I am not going to blame CCY for every hiccup in the operational day, as you stated, but something as major as deicing at our premiere hub better be something that they are concerned about. Do you know how many flights were cancelled or delayed today because of the extreme delays taken this morning? This is the difference between a good airline and one thats just getting by. Unfortunately, I dont think that we have the luxury of just getting by right now so yes I will hold CCY accountable when something like this happens until they can show me that is wasnt within their control. Winter wasnt unexpected and I'm just tired of the same old excuses for poor planning each year be it summer thunderstorms, hurricanes or snow. Enough of the excuses. Time to start being proactive in making sure that US can operate when things happen and in my opinion that didnt happen today in PHL. The employees on the front line are busting their butts to keep things running smoothly and if we dont have the support (or foresight) by management to make sure things run as smoothly as possible, then they need to be called on it just like the front liners are called on the things they are responsible for.
PS-Congrats on the rest of the system for being prepared.