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A Non Interventionist Foreign Policy! WHY?

ChockJockey said:
Let's take a look at the ISIS rap sheet:
  • mass executions of military prisoners
  • mass executions of religious minorities
  • mass executions of ethnic minorities
  • sponsorship of suicide bombings
  • forced conversions often featuring torture and mutilation
  • child abduction, child torture, use of children as human shields
  • impressment of children into combat
  • enslavement
  • mass rape
  • sexual slavery
  • publicized executions of journalists and aid workers
  • destruction of places of worship and sites of cultural heritage
  • theft of cultural and historical artifacts sold on the black market
  • the banning of the enjoyment of music, art, or dancing
Of course, ISIS has no reverence for things like national sovereignty, international law, just war, or individual liberty; they don't recognize any rules of engagement or even, apparently, any degree of human decency.  They are theocratic fascists who wield violence as a holy weapon against any and all who do not share their very strict, very narrow interpretation of Islam, and their explicit aim is to spread their power and territory as far and deeply as possible.
I for one have no problem with direct assaults on ISIS by American forces or the arming of those who are willing to fight it in their own backyards.  In my thinking, claiming the lofty ideal of 'just war' as an excuse not to confront abject evil of this magnitude is moral absurdity bordering on the grotesque.
That's a very nice list. Where did you get it from? Any verification from a third party not owned by the six media companies that control 80% of the media outlets in the USA?
If every word above is true then all Obama need do is bring the information before the Congress, get a formal Declaration of War, then go kick some ISIS buttocks. Meanwhile keep the treads on the tanks greased.
southwind said:
So I take your not receiving any handouts and pissed about it!
 Naw,..................What's to be pissed about.
2 guaranteed-for-life..UNION PENSIONS, with a THIRD coming very soon,....................and,...............MORONS like you to go out every day to WORK, to do 2 things.
1. Break your Back WORKING
2. P A Y.....those  SS...TAXES every week, 'cause I don't want ANY interuptions or Excuses on the 4th wednesday of the month !
STAY HEALTHY, cause you'll need to get to  " 70 or possibly 75 " before your sorry asss sees any  $$$$.
I gotta' see a guy tomorrow, about getting paid  'CA$H'  for a 'soft touch'  gig.
(Like BRANDO said,............."Make him an offer he can't refuse" )
SparrowHawk said:
That's why they make Ford's and Chevy's.
That comment makes no logical sense.
SparrowHawk said:
It is however interesting that in 2012, Ron Paul raised more money from the active military then all other candidates COMBINED, including the Liar in Chief.
Your man crush has nothing to do with this and is completely irrelevant.
SparrowHawk said:
 Many, like me are asking questions regarding them being placed in harms way 
You did not ask that question in that other post.  You called US servicemen murderers in one post and god bless them in another.  I think most rational people would not do that.
Maybe you should have captioned that video "Murderer greets his child".
SparrowHawk said:
That's a very nice list. Where did you get it from? Any verification from a third party not owned by the six media companies that control 80% of the media outlets in the USA?
The url was in my post.  Anyway:
Reuters - Video shows Islamic State executes scores of Syrian soldiers
Russia Today - ISIL Militants Killed More Than 1000 Civilians In Recent Onslaught In Iraq: UN
United Nations News Centre - Iraq violence: UN confirms more than 2,000 killed, injured since early June
Today's Zaman (Turkey) - UN warns of war crimes as ISIL allegedly executes 1,700
[PDF] United Nations Commission on Human Rights - Rule of Terror: Living under ISIS in Syria
Breitbart News - Iraqi Doctors on Unspeakable Abuse of Yazidi Women: 'It is a Public, Collective Act of Rape'
Daily Mail - Full horror of the Yazidis who didn’t escape Mount Sinjar: UN confirms 5,000 men were executed and 7,000 women are now kept as sex slaves
AP via Huffington Post - ISIS Tortured Kurdish Children Captured In Kobani: Group
Al Jazeera - Islamic State group 'executes 700' in Syria
The Guardian - Religious leaders say Isis persecution of Iraqi Christians has become genocide
New York Times - Life in a Jihadist Capital: Order With a Darker Side
Human Rights Watch - Syria: ISIS Summarily Killed Civilianshttp://www.hrw.org/news/2014/06/14/syria-isis-summarily-killed-civilians
The Atlantic - ISIS Is Now Bragging About Enslaving Women and Children
The Christian Science Monitor - Islamic State seeking to 'delete' entire cultures, UNESCO chief warns in Iraq
BBC News - Syria conflict: Amnesty says ISIS killed seven children in north
Al Arabiya - NGO: ISIS kills 102-year-old man, family in Syria
International Business Times - ISIS Medieval School Curriculum: No Music, Art and Literature for Mosul Kids
Business Insider - ISIS Is Actively Recruiting Female Fighters To Brutalize Other Women
The Clarion Project - Armed Children as Young as 9 Patrolling Streets of Mosul
Reuters - Islamic State committing 'staggering' crimes in Iraq: U.N. report
Inter Press Service - OP-ED: Surging Violence Against Women in Iraq
CNN - 'Treated like cattle': Yazidi women sold, raped, enslaved by ISIS
Newsweek - ISIS Ransoming James Foley's Remains for $1m
Time - ISIS Mass Beheading Video Took 6 Hours to Film and Multiple Takes
Would you like more?  Are you satisfied with the variety of sources?
SparrowHawk said:
If every word above is true then all Obama need do is bring the information before the Congress, get a formal Declaration of War, then go kick some ISIS buttocks. Meanwhile keep the treads on the tanks greased.
I don't see why the U.S. owes these thugs a declaration of war any more than it does Mexican drug cartels or Somali pirates.  They don't play by the rules of nationhood, so why legitimize them with a formal declaration?
The New York Times - Senate Panel Approves Limited Fight Against ISIS, Reopening War Powers Debate
WASHINGTON — The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted Thursday to authorize the military campaign against the Islamic State, a party-line decision that raises difficult questions for Republicans and intensifies a debate over war powers that has split President Obama from many in his own party.
So there you have it.  That's sufficient for the moment.  If Congress can pull its collective head from its ass come January we just might see some debate on this.
ChockJockey said:
The url was in my post.  Anyway:
Reuters - Video shows Islamic State executes scores of Syrian soldiers
Russia Today - ISIL Militants Killed More Than 1000 Civilians In Recent Onslaught In Iraq: UN
United Nations News Centre - Iraq violence: UN confirms more than 2,000 killed, injured since early June
Today's Zaman (Turkey) - UN warns of war crimes as ISIL allegedly executes 1,700
[PDF] United Nations Commission on Human Rights - Rule of Terror: Living under ISIS in Syria
Breitbart News - Iraqi Doctors on Unspeakable Abuse of Yazidi Women: 'It is a Public, Collective Act of Rape'
Daily Mail - Full horror of the Yazidis who didn’t escape Mount Sinjar: UN confirms 5,000 men were executed and 7,000 women are now kept as sex slaves
AP via Huffington Post - ISIS Tortured Kurdish Children Captured In Kobani: Group
Al Jazeera - Islamic State group 'executes 700' in Syria
The Guardian - Religious leaders say Isis persecution of Iraqi Christians has become genocide
New York Times - Life in a Jihadist Capital: Order With a Darker Side
Human Rights Watch - Syria: ISIS Summarily Killed Civilians
The Atlantic - ISIS Is Now Bragging About Enslaving Women and Children
The Christian Science Monitor - Islamic State seeking to 'delete' entire cultures, UNESCO chief warns in Iraq
BBC News - Syria conflict: Amnesty says ISIS killed seven children in north
Al Arabiya - NGO: ISIS kills 102-year-old man, family in Syria
International Business Times - ISIS Medieval School Curriculum: No Music, Art and Literature for Mosul Kids
Business Insider - ISIS Is Actively Recruiting Female Fighters To Brutalize Other Women
The Clarion Project - Armed Children as Young as 9 Patrolling Streets of Mosul
Reuters - Islamic State committing 'staggering' crimes in Iraq: U.N. report
Inter Press Service - OP-ED: Surging Violence Against Women in Iraq
CNN - 'Treated like cattle': Yazidi women sold, raped, enslaved by ISIS
Newsweek - ISIS Ransoming James Foley's Remains for $1m
Time - ISIS Mass Beheading Video Took 6 Hours to Film and Multiple Takes
Would you like more?  Are you satisfied with the variety of sources?
I don't see why the U.S. owes these thugs a declaration of war any more than it does Mexican drug cartels or Somali pirates.  They don't play by the rules of nationhood, so why legitimize them with a formal declaration?
The New York Times - Senate Panel Approves Limited Fight Against ISIS, Reopening War Powers Debate
WASHINGTON — The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted Thursday to authorize the military campaign against the Islamic State, a party-line decision that raises difficult questions for Republicans and intensifies a debate over war powers that has split President Obama from many in his own party.
So there you have it.  That's sufficient for the moment.  If Congress can pull its collective head from its ass come January we just might see some debate on this.
A formal Declaration or War sends a message. Actually a few. 
1. We The People through our elected Representatives APPROVE and Authorize the Commander in Chief to zealously defend our Liberty.
2. Shows that the US feels it has exhausted all diplomatic means to resolve the conflict.
3. Formal Declaration as defined in the COTUS shows we are a nation of laws and not of men.
What is interesting to me is your comment regarding ISIS. NO! They do not deserve the above courtesies. We DO! Along with the rest of the civilized world.
I've no issue with declaring war with/on ISIS. I want it done the right way so there can be no doubt of US objectives or motives. I think it's perfectly appropriate after a period of failed diplomacy that we declare war, kill as many as we can, force a surrender and go home.
BTW, thanks for not just spewing the Politburo controlled media in your point/argument, refreshing to say the least.
777 fixer said:
You did not ask that question in that other post.  You called US servicemen murderers in one post and god bless them in another.  I think most rational people would not do that.
Maybe you should have captioned that video "Murderer greets his child".
To me, Killi
777 fixer said:
You did not ask that question in that other post.  You called US servicemen murderers in one post and god bless them in another.  I think most rational people would not do that.
Maybe you should have captioned that video "Murderer greets his child".
ng another without a formal declaration of War is murder by definition. Now ask "Who put our soldiers in that position"? It wasn't you or I now was it? Banksters, Crony Capitalism, Neo-Con business interests put them in harms way. NOT the preservation of our Liberty.
Ron Paul's campaign contributions non relevant? Let's see now, the ONLY candidate favoring a non interventionist foreign policy gets more money from active military then all other candidates combined? You must be saying that those in harms way are irrelevant as well. Which would make you the second dumbest poster. Not to mention betraying your brothers in arms.
Ever stop to think I have a great deal of respect for those who serve and that maybe what pisses me off more than anything is how they are used by our Government?
SparrowHawk said:
That's a very nice list. Where did you get it from? Any verification from a third party not owned by the six media companies that control 80% of the media outlets in the USA?
If every word above is true then all Obama need do is bring the information before the Congress, get a formal Declaration of War, then go kick some ISIS buttocks. Meanwhile keep the treads on the tanks greased.
Do you have some legit inside info that refutes that "list"!

Or do you believe the beheadings were staged events conducted in Hollywood?
SparrowHawk said:
To me, Killi
You called them murderers, case closed.
SparrowHawk said:
Ron Paul's campaign contributions non relevant? Let's see now, the ONLY candidate favoring a non interventionist foreign policy gets more money from active military then all other candidates combined? 
It's irrelevant to the conversation.  Ron Paul did not call people murderers.  You did.  Although I'm sure if the conversation were about a manned mission to Mars you would find away to include him in the conversation.
SparrowHawk said:
 You must be saying that those in harms way are irrelevant as well. Which would make you the second dumbest poster. Not to mention betraying your brothers in arms.
That has to be one of the more bizarre things you have said.  It has nothing to do with what you said.  Any sane person can see that.  All you're trying to do is deflect from the fact you contradicted yourself. 
SparrowHawk said:
Ever stop to think I have a great deal of respect for those who serve and that maybe what pisses me off more than anything is how they are used by our Government?
 Calling someone a murderer is not a sign of respect.

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