
phlgreaser said:
Are you kidding me?
Who picked this tail number?
Post your thoughts.
Me................... WOW!
also posted on usairways forum
eh I think it might be for the best that AA changed it but I also don't think it is that big of a deal. At some point we have to draw a line. AA should never use Flight 11 or Flight 77 again. they also shouldn't use the ship and tail numbers of the two airplanes (same thing goes for United)....but I think that the line gets draw there. 
Glenn Quagmire said:
NWA had N666US... A 747-400. It may still be flying under the Delta logo.
They do. Delta also has a ship 911 that is an MD88. 
eolesen said:
I think I would have skipped that registry number. LAA purposely didn't re-use flight numbers or N numbers that were involved in crashes
which I think is the right thing to do. 
I am not sure that a N number with 911 is in the same ball park though. 
Kev3188 said:
I can't remember for certain if it is or not. Also fairly sure there's a '57 with a 666 no. as well?

Have to check out the fleet list when I get back to work...
I don't think we had a ship 666. I think they skipped it but I could be wrong. 
dawg is a DL mechanic and Kev to whom he responds works at DL as well, thus the "we" means DL - but yes AA has used strange numbers just as have other airlines.
eolesen said:
According to a well placed source, once senior management found out about it, they responded pretty quickly and had the registry changed.
If this is true then close the thread, remove the photo and let this be gone.
Mistakes happen, and posting this is just another mistake and improper why to handle the objection to it. In my opinion.
The issue isn't a matter of superstition wrt 13 or 666. It's about putting as much distance as possible between the airline and the events of 9/11. AA and UA didn't ask to be part of that day.

Constantly reminding everyone once a year on the anniversary is hard enough. Putting a daily reminder out there is just too much.
Rogallo said:
:angry2:  :angry2:
right to hell! 
eolesen said:
The issue isn't a matter of superstition wrt 13 or 666. It's about putting as much distance as possible between the airline and the events of 9/11. AA and UA didn't ask to be part of that day.

Constantly reminding everyone once a year on the anniversary is hard enough. Putting a daily reminder out there is just too much.
I don't disagree

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