- Aug 8, 2017
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OK, All Blather aside. Yes incompetent Airline managers can outsource ANYTHING. Even your Dog knows that. Remember. These people don't care.All they are concerned about is Money and Control. At a Meeting at American Airlines Headquarters not too long ago, the question was asked, Why don't the airlines managers Ride on the Airline when they travel,instead of the Corporate Fleet and save some Money? These Corporate Heads looked at each other and snickered and then Replied "Are You Kidding?,We're not going to Ride with those SMELLY PEOPLE"! The point is well taken.You see, When the 777's started coming back from Communist China after their Outsourced Heavy Maintenance Checks, We Found HUNDREDS of Items of incorrect and unaddressed issues. MAKE THAT HUNDREDS! So, What did the Airline Managers Do? They pulled the "B" Checks out of DFW because We Were Finding TOO MUCH FAULTY WORKMANSHIP! In other words, How dare you do your Jobs and upset our wonderful little Plans to save ourselves Money and get Rid of this notion that We need Licensed and Experienced people to Maintain Our Aircraft, you,you Greasemonkeys! And Stay away from OUR Country Clubs Too! That's why we are buried in Childish Paperwork and micromanagement. Their Idea is that they can get a Monkey to do our jobs,if they can just read the paperwork! Remember the Offset Drive Bearing Failures in the Trent 892's? Turns out that, Oh,Yeah, They had all the right Certifications for those bearings. Only Problem was that they were not even Close to being Micro-finished. Yep the manufacture of those critical parts had been Outsourced to Where? Communist China. NO DIRECT CONTROL OR OVERSIGHT! Looks Great on Paper,Though! I've been in this business for 50 Years, and I NEVER even Imagined that I would see the sheer volume of Criminally Negligent, Ignorant decision-making from these NON-AIRMAN armchair,Beancounter wannabe's. Mr. CR must be Rolling in his Grave! Yes, I knew CR Smith. HE RODE THIS AIRLINE EVERYWHERE! HE Didn't even own a Car! Outsourcing is not just a Bad Idea,from a Control Standpoint,IT'S DANGEROUS! Oh, Yeah. What if one of those Trent Shutdowns was a Double Failure,say over the North Pacific! Those Ivory-Wristed Golf-Warriors would be Wringing their unblemished hands and Shouting" Oh, How could this have possibly happened to Us"? Us,Hell. More like one of the members of your family or Mine! Remember, they don't want to spend 13hrs in a cabin full of "Those Smelly People".