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777 F/c Config.

Please, I am not bitter. When I work main cabin and we are all done in the back we just simply offer. If my assistance is not needed ...that's fine. I just go back to main cabin. However, if I walk into f/c and there is an empty glass, tray etc I pick it up on my way. We had our own as well that had blinders on and wouyld never pick up a thing or God forbid ask the customer if they needed a refill.

And if I were working f/c and in the middle of the service and a y f/a came to me for food and they did not offer to assist me......you can bet your arse that I sent them back. Oh and the biggest pet peeve was when a f/a would leave their crew tray on the galley counter and I would have to place the tray back in the cart. I will serve you but I am not cleaning up after any f/a.
AAStew said:
Galley4u2, yes you had it hard on those short flights back then but so did we! Times have changed and services have changed!
I remember those days. ORD-EWR and ORD-LGA on a DC10 with a full meal service in both cabins. With a two hour block time, more often than not, the last trays were being picked up on final approach...

Last I heard, we were not adding Signature seats to the Pacific fleet, even though we're adding the main deck crew rest areas.
or how about dfw-aus on a dc10 full, just a drink service, but I remember throwing mini's at people to make up for only getting halfway thru the cabin! Yeah, yeah I know, I caused the awful financial mess we are in by giving away those mini's!
I also remember STL-ORD-LHR......beverage service on a full 747 with a full liquor service to ORD. You are right we just threw the drinks at them, Block time less than 40 minutes. I hated that legl.
:angry: Galleyguy4u2,

We are really not that different.

You really have to understand what compAAny you are now working for.

I have to laugh, we are not nice people...

We're OK with that. We understand "divide and conquer". Do you?


Coop, where did I say "I have to laugh, we are not nice people..." ??? FYI... I have several AA f/a friends that I have known 20yrs. We all know that we have a few bad apples...every airline does.

You didn't say that, I did. You are right that every airline has it's bad apples.

My belief is that the larger you are, the more impersonal you become to other workgroups. For example, contrast how well work groups in a small station like BOS get along vs. DFW.

I had to play diplomat the other day after our Captain tore a DFW crewchief a new one over something the previous crew had done.

Too often, people chew out other workgroups without bothering to understand why something was done the way it was.

I think the different work groups represent the corporate culture more than we would like to admit.


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