You're forgiven. I think it's hard to imagine/visualize just how many positions are really at each location. I think(correct me if I'm wrong) you're visualizing managers and their admistrative assistants. This is not the case, at RWE there are 550 people alone, this includes all the departments that make up revenue accounting(I know everybody thinks refunds is the only department at REV ACTG but there are actually 8) and then there is the financial half of the building including payroll and fixed assets(and I have no idea what other departments are over there). CBRO, CNA, CHQ are included in this as well. So, no department/location is safe from layoffs.Happy
Maybe I shouldn't have put that line in there. The thing that amazed me was that there were that many positions in admin and management.
You probably are, you just don't see it. There is social security(941s), state unemployment, state worker's compensation insurance, medical insurance; the list goes on and on. Usually the real cost to employ someone is a little under twice their income.
Autofixer, I know the difference between net and gross pay, and no no matter how you look at it before taxes or after taxes we don't make $2000 a month. $9 an hour times 40 hours a week equals $360 times 4 weeks equals 1440 and if you multiply that by 12 months you get $17280 dollars a year. SO EVEN BEFORE TAXES ITS NOT $2000 A MONTH!