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400 M & E Layoffs In Kansas City

777 fixer said:
In 1998 Boeing laid off a bunch of workers at thier Long Beach facility just before Christmas. Using your logic that must have been Bill Clintons fault.

I must have missed Bill Clinton's invasion of a foreign nation during 1998 and the precipitous runup in oil prices as a result of such action? Also, did Al Gore chair the board of a company that was involved in no compete contracts in war zones? Best have a war to support said company.

Of course "we know where the WMD are. They are all around Baghdad, north, south, east and west"....D. Rumsfield.

You can lay the problems with this country squarley on the shoulders of the Texas Turrorist-GWB. Over the past 8 years I have flown almost exclusively international flights. After 9/11 we had the sympathy of the world at our beck and call. Unfortunately this administration has taken our reputation to a level on the world scale that is embarassing. Last week the travel reporter/write Rick Steve had an excellent article on the oped page of the USA Today. To sum it up he believes our problem in this country is that we do not see the world we only see our selves. Seeing other countries goverments and other lifestyles would definitely impact the "gun toting, give me my assault rifle so I can defend myself" mentality that permeates this nation.

If you can not see how this administration is duping this country then I would suggest using your pass benes. and see the world first hand and not through the evening news.

Last week the US govt conned Great Britain into giving the US control of some of their troops that are down in southern IRAQ and sending them into Baghdad. This is huge news in the UK, with numerous protest (who could blame them) and demonstrations.

In the article in USA Today, Rick Steve said there are signs in Switzerland for Beware of the Dog with GWB's picture on them.

Coalition of the willing?UFB
HEY!! You forgot POLAND!!

+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++

The Real way to make America safe . . . Plant a Shrub in Crawford TX!!
I tire of workers arguements about Republicans and Democrats.

The truth is all Politicians in BOTH parties are wealthy back stabbers or at least funded by the rich since the Supreme Court ruled that "money" and/or "cash contributions" in campaigns ARE free speech.

If you folks want to make any gains as working people, then quit placing reliance on worthless politicians and organize a Nationwide work stoppage that will demand respect and that they give us a voice again.

Organized Labor's current leadership (AFL-CIO) living in the Taj-Mahal in D.C. and consorting with the rich politicians while making $200,000.00 plus salaries is not going to help you get anywhere.

You must be willing to take back your union and your country from the rich, or simply quit complaining and accept what they offer you.
Decision 2004 said:
I tire of workers arguements about Republicans and Democrats.

The truth is all Politicians in BOTH parties are wealthy back stabbers or at least funded by the rich since the Supreme Court ruled that "money" and/or "cash contributions" in campaigns ARE free speech.

If you folks want to make any gains as working people, then quit placing reliance on worthless politicians and organize a Nationwide work stoppage that will demand respect and that they give us a voice again.

Organized Labor's current leadership (AFL-CIO) living in the Taj-Mahal in D.C. and consorting with the rich politicians while making $200,000.00 plus salaries is not going to help you get anywhere.

You must be willing to take back your union and your country from the rich, or simply quit complaining and accept what they offer you.


Nowhere in my post did I suggest any link between Bush and the airlines. I feel the airlines are part of the overall economy and Bush has turned his back on domestic issues and the real terrorist (NOT IRAQ).

I am not asking my union to help me. I am asking my President to put this back to a foundation that we as Americans can be proud of. At present I am not proud of my President or my country. We spend more time in this country worried about JLO, Brittney and whether or not Scott Peterson will be convicted. Meanwhile the world around us is facing REAL problems and REAL issues that will effect us in the long run if we do not recognize them. We should try on the role of diplomat versus thug.
magsau said:
I must have missed Bill Clinton's invasion of a foreign nation during 1998 and the precipitous runup in oil prices as a result of such action? Also, did Al Gore chair the board of a company that was involved in no compete contracts in war zones? Best have a war to support said company.

Of course "we know where the WMD are. They are all around Baghdad, north, south, east and west"....D. Rumsfield.

You can lay the problems with this country squarley on the shoulders of the Texas Turrorist-GWB. Over the past 8 years I have flown almost exclusively international flights. After 9/11 we had the sympathy of the world at our beck and call. Unfortunately this administration has taken our reputation to a level on the world scale that is embarassing. Last week the travel reporter/write Rick Steve had an excellent article on the oped page of the USA Today. To sum it up he believes our problem in this country is that we do not see the world we only see our selves. Seeing other countries goverments and other lifestyles would definitely impact the "gun toting, give me my assault rifle so I can defend myself" mentality that permeates this nation.

If you can not see how this administration is duping this country then I would suggest using your pass benes. and see the world first hand and not through the evening news.

Last week the US govt conned Great Britain into giving the US control of some of their troops that are down in southern IRAQ and sending them into Baghdad. This is huge news in the UK, with numerous protest (who could blame them) and demonstrations.

In the article in USA Today, Rick Steve said there are signs in Switzerland for Beware of the Dog with GWB's picture on them.

Coalition of the willing?UFB

Wow!! I think you're taking being Naive to a whole new level! I'm really sick of fellow Americans who sit around trying to appease these forigners by bashing our country or our President! Frankly I don't give a DAMN what some elitist scumbag eurotrash (or any other foreigner) thinks about us or our government! If they don't like us, TOUGH! Then I dont' like them! Why in the world should the US be going around kissing the rears of governments that hate us. If a Foreign Country wants to have polite cordial relations then great, lets be friends. But countries that spew hatred and venom are NOT our friends and most certainlyare NOT our allies!
How can you say we had the sympathy of the world after 9/11? Most Polls taken around the world right after that terrible event showed most people blamed US for 9/11! I think thats some sympathy we can do without, Thank you. And tell me what horrible things did President Clinton do in the 8 years before 9/11 do to make these people so hatefull?
No we don't need to use our Pass bennies or read some travel writers article to "understand the problems in the world around us". How about we worry about our problems and they worry about theirs? Most of the rest of the world needs to MTOB and stop obsessing about whats happening in the USA.
Its pretty scary to think of how encoraged terrorists and other haters of our country will be if we elect a spineless man like Kerry as President. A lot of governments around the world will have a good laugh. Unfortuantly it will be at our expense!
We have to kiss their rear ends, they are financing our $8,000,000,000,000 current account deficit. Both parties are spending our childrens money, and grandchildrens money on what again?
WingNaPrayer said:
I think my point was quite clear, THIS whitehouse is letting the legacy carriers get away with just about anything they want right now. I didn't say if my point was right, or if it was wrong, just that it was my point!

Your point makes no sense. What do you suppose the "government" is supposed to do? We live in a market based economy. Airlines come and go. We already have seen one country where the government controlled the economic sector, it was called the USSR. Didn't work out that well for them.

If you like socialist models (a la France), then you should be happy with 11% unemployment. So seeing people lose their jobs should be good. You should be happy with layoffs since the US employment rate is half those levels.
magsau said:
Last week the US govt conned Great Britain into giving the US control of some of their troops that are down in southern IRAQ and sending them into Baghdad. This is huge news in the UK, with numerous protest (who could blame them) and demonstrations.

In the article in USA Today, Rick Steve said there are signs in Switzerland for Beware of the Dog with GWB's picture on them.

Magsau, give it a rest. I travel to Switzerland frequently and have never seen those signs. I have also never felt intimidated or insulted for being an American. I am sure people with rabid anti-American feelings exists, but they exists in every country (check out Michael Moore).

As for the UK. The story is big news for a whole host of reasons that have nothing to do with the issues relating to the troop deployment. Elections are coming and the Iraq conflict is going to be an issue used by the liberal press and parties (Lib-Dems) to attack Labour. Furthermore, the UK is struggling to determine its role in the EU (so is most of the other nations in the EU for that matter) and the close alignment between the UK and the US makes some pro-EU politicians lather at the mouth. In the end, it may actually work our for the Conservative party.
First, I get a kick out of your screen name.

Second, no one really knows exactly what the unemployment figure is for the USA, especially since we found out that Shrub&Co count, as new jobs created by them, those who's unemployment has run out and are dropped from the unemployment numbers - the Shrubs then count them as people who have found "new jobs" which I find to be fascinating math.

As to government control - the days of regulation need to come back, at least in part. The transportation industry is crucial to a national and global economy. If the big boys fail, the cheap seaters don't fly global, and could not make up for the loss in transportation quick enough to prevent the beginnings of an economic melt down - and yes, your government knows it. That is exactly why they are turning a blind eye to what the legacy carriers are doing to their labor force. At the current rate, and, heaven forbid should the Shrub get planted in DC again rather than Crawford, TX, I fully expect a republican white house to allow airlines to breach, break, and do away with their union contracts . . . as a matter of national security.

I told you so's are painless, so go ahead and disagree. And please, don't quote me any of that antiquated language in the RLA, the Patriot Act will find a way around it, much like the Emergency Presidential Powers Act does.

If you're not into that, how about some Light Entertainment instead? There's plenty of knee-slapping entertainment to be found there for both Left AND Right alike! 😉
Bagbelt said:
We have to kiss their rear ends, they are financing our $8,000,000,000,000 current account deficit. Both parties are spending our childrens money, and grandchildrens money on what again?

True, they do finance our account deficit, but its for their benifit NOT ours. Their goal is to artifically inflate the value of the US dollar to make THEIR exports cheap and OURS expensive. It allows their countries to have good paying manufacturing jobs while we get stuck with the lousy paying service sector. If they were to stop their manipulation the dollar would fall to its natural value. This would make American products VERY price competitive around the world and foreign imports here VERY expensive. It would also reverse the export of our jobs overseas by making it much cheaper to do the work right here in the USA!

Your right about both parties and their spending. Everyone wants the proverbial "Free Lunch"!
WingNaPrayer said:
I guess if that's your mentality on the issue, then there is no sense arguing it, is there.

I think my point was quite clear, THIS whitehouse is letting the legacy carriers get away with just about anything they want right now. I didn't say if my point was right, or if it was wrong, just that it was my point!

Nice try, this 'White House', it was Jimmy Carter ( D) who signed deregulation into being, and it's not going to stop untill deregulations ends. For those who don't believe that it will ever end , start looking for another line of work.

This industry is in a race to the bottom, in airfare prices and employee wages and benefits.

Those who stay and weather the onslaught will be rewarded with minimum wages.
who signed deregulation into being, and it's not going to stop untill deregulations ends.

Don't hold your breath. Out of about 300 million people in this country, I'd guess there are about half a million that want the airline industry to be reregulated. Deregulation has work fantasticly well for the consumer. If anything its the bankruptcy laws that need to be changed. Allowing carriers to sit in bankruptcy for 2 years or go in and out multiple times is really what is killing this industry.
Oneflyer said:
Don't hold your breath. Out of about 300 million people in this country, I'd guess there are about half a million that want the airline industry to be reregulated. Deregulation has work fantasticly well for the consumer. If anything its the bankruptcy laws that need to be changed. Allowing carriers to sit in bankruptcy for 2 years or go in and out multiple times is really what is killing this industry.

I agree
Oneflyer said:
Don't hold your breath. Out of about 300 million people in this country, I'd guess there are about half a million that want the airline industry to be reregulated. Deregulation has work fantasticly well for the consumer. If anything its the bankruptcy laws that need to be changed. Allowing carriers to sit in bankruptcy for 2 years or go in and out multiple times is really what is killing this industry.

I doubt there are 50K who want regulation back....

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