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3 Legacy Airlines, 3 Strong Investment Rationales

Well put, but I still think you give Doug a lot more credit than he deserves.

I have dealt with him directly, as well as with his team, and unless attitudes change, things will get more difficult--especially in attracting and retaining higher yield customers.

Thanks again and I do have the pleasure of meeting you out in the field one day, but I am more often than not on UA or DL.

Fly safe!
Well put, but I still think you give Doug a lot more credit than he deserves.

I have dealt with him directly, as well as with his team, and unless attitudes change, things will get more difficult--especially in attracting and retaining higher yield customers.

Thanks again and I do have the pleasure of meeting you out in the field one day, but I am more often than not on UA or DL.

Fly safe!

Customers, employees, and stockholders all look fondly now at the grand days of Wolf. I don't begrudge Doug any credit for that. 😀
Customers, employees, and stockholders all look fondly now at the grand days of Wolf. I don't begrudge Doug any credit for that. 😀


The days of Wolf have nothing to do with it. We are looking at US' direct competition, UA, DL, WN, etc. all of whom have better corporate attitudes toward customers and customer service...something I am qualified to speak on. With regard to labor and shareholders, I have evidence it is similar, but I can't speak to it personally.

No one thinks the old days are coming back--but Doug needs to start paying attention to what his competitors are doing--maybe even more than he is today, if I give him the benefit of the doubt....

Here's a direct comparison. As advocates we get requests to help get customers refunds, even AFTER US has agreed to process them--months go by and no refunds. By the time it escalates to the point we're involved, the issues are more or less resolved in a matter of days...and this is somewhat NORMAL.

In my personal experience, a promised refund was issued within 36 hours of the offer to do so by a competing carrier...with an APOLOGY for it taking so long.....

Again, I refer back to Gordo's book From Worst to First...it's lessons are still very valid today...
Customers, employees, and stockholders all look fondly now at the grand days of Wolf. I don't begrudge Doug any credit for that. 😀

I would disagree....Its true to some now because he longer says things that some didnt want to hear... He warned and unions would not listen!
I don't follow AA, but from everything I have read, they really seem to cater to the premium customer. One could argue that US caters to the other end of the spectrum.

US has made numerous improvements lately, but they still lag very far behind the other legacies technologically speaking, and with respect to higher-end amenities. Labor issues aside, one can only wonder how a US-AA marriage would weather the technological and premium customer expectation gap.

The days of Wolf have nothing to do with it. We are looking at US' direct competition, UA, DL, WN, etc. all of whom have better corporate attitudes toward customers and customer service...something I am qualified to speak on. With regard to labor and shareholders, I have evidence it is similar, but I can't speak to it personally.

No one thinks the old days are coming back--but Doug needs to start paying attention to what his competitors are doing--maybe even more than he is today, if I give him the benefit of the doubt....

Here's a direct comparison. As advocates we get requests to help get customers refunds, even AFTER US has agreed to process them--months go by and no refunds. By the time it escalates to the point we're involved, the issues are more or less resolved in a matter of days...and this is somewhat NORMAL.

In my personal experience, a promised refund was issued within 36 hours of the offer to do so by a competing carrier...with an APOLOGY for it taking so long.....

Again, I refer back to Gordo's book From Worst to First...it's lessons are still very valid today...

The persona of Wolf was merely a reference to the fact that Wolf spent money to make the airline operate well, to look polished, and to treat business travelers as professionals (at least in comparison to the frat boy atmosphere we now have). Plenty of folks complained about Wolf at the time but the fact is he ran a professional airline. I praised Wolf as an oblique reference to the current wondrous operation, consummate customer service, and generous employee relations that just seem to click along like a well oiled Swiss watch!😀
The persona of Wolf was merely a reference to the fact that Wolf spent money to make the airline operate well, to look polished, and to treat business travelers as professionals (at least in comparison to the frat boy atmosphere we now have). Plenty of folks complained about Wolf at the time but the fact is he ran a professional airline. I praised Wolf as an oblique reference to the current wondrous operation, consummate customer service, and generous employee relations that just seem to click along like a well oiled Swiss watch!😀

I want to hone in on strictly the customer service/experience part of all of this.

As someone who has directly interacted with US as a customer advocate with FFOCUS, I want to state for the record that the cases I brought to their attention were handled promptly, professionally and on several occasions with great compassion. The individual I worked with is a stand up person.

Where, IMO US Airways gets into "Trouble" is with their attitude and approach to customers. In ANY organization the tone and tenor of that organization is set by the person at the top, in this case Doug Parker. His attitude sets the tome fro Scott Kirby down to the last guy hired on the ramp in PHL. Think about it, Go back to Bethune and CO. Company stunk on ice by any measure imaginable and with good reason given their leadership prior. When Gordon Bethune took over what REALLY changed? The people who worked there? The planes, airports? NO! The attitude of the boss changed and in a few short years CO was making money and making people happy. Employees & Customers alike.

Good, bad or indifferent the posts here from employees are a direct result of the leadership of the enterprise. The rancor and venom spewed in virtually all directions is Exhibit A that the boss doesn't give a rat's rear end about employees, BUT I bet you he can tell you the unit cost to launder the blankets in Envoy.

You start to take a look at the difference between airlines that score well in customer satisfaction surveys and in the DOT stats whey you see is that the differential from worst to first is often measured in 10th of a percent increments. IMO Stellar Customer service doesn't mean giving away the store with amenities and compensation. it boils down to attitude. If you encourage the right attitude, you'll get the right result and you'll pay the same $$ out of pocket, build what loyalty there is in Aviation and over time the numbers will rise and the perception of the enterprise will change.

Any company can make you happy when things are running well. The mark of a great company is how they treat you when things go wrong and under Wolf they were pretty damn good in that regard. Truth is in this day and age is that the only way to pick up a few dollars per ticket is to create the perception that you'll be treated "Better" by airline X (whatever better means LOL)

US Airways didn't just get my business, they earned it and I can tell you exactly the trip where I made the decision to give US Airways ALL of the business I could. I was scheduled to meet the Japanese entourage for a customer visit in Baton Rouge, LA. Leaving on a Sunday for a Monday AM meeting. Flying ACY-BWI-CLT-BTR and I get to BWI early and to be polite the poop is on the propellers, snow, ice, rain and all manner of wet stuff in CLT. Delays out the assets. So I wander in to the Club and state my concerns and problem. Lady informs me "On one can get you there this evening". I said "OK, let's try plan B, look at other cities nearby". She does and looks up and says
I can get you to MSY via PIT but it's going to be late" I said "DO it". I made the calls and changed the rental car around and let the hotel know I'd be late. Got to BTR at 3.30AM, Made the meeting and wowed my Japanese guests and ended up getting a raise.

I know nice story right? Thing is for me is that now i have no confidence that under the current management that the above success story would have happened. I no longer have that level of trust and once again that comes from the top of US Airways. Doug has shown me what he values and I take him at his words and supporting actions.

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