WorldTraveler said:6. False. Most of DL's cash is NOT restricted. read the financial statements before you make assertions like that. Your credibility goes to pieces when you spout inaccuracies.
You are always interesting to read and usually put together good arguments. However, you are missing the big issue for DL at the moment and that is cash. DL may have $1.7Bn unrestricted but they need to maintain $1.0Bn unrestricted to satisfy GE and Amex. They actually burned cash in the 2nd qtr (about $150M if I recall) -- a quarter when other carriers usually generate cash (I expect even UA will be cash flow +ve). They have a stack of obligations coming up in the rest of the year (see the Q1 10Q) and also have the minor thing of requiring a new credit card agreement. The cc processor could require a greatly increased holdback, hitting both cash on hand and the amount of cash that becomes restricted.
Basically, DL needs to pull something out of the hat in terms of either a) a major asset sale (I don't see people lining up to pay money for regional carriers with 50 seat RJs) B) renegotiating again the GE Amex deal or c) getting a new liquidity generating deal from someone else, though just what it would be secured on I don't know as all their assets are now leveraged.
Mgt were very cagey on the results call on any question asked about liquidity. I agree DL is making great strides on cost and efficiency, slower progress on revenue and network, but cash is the critical issue at the moment. The fact that they burned cash in Q2 is not good.