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2nd daily MIA-LHR will resume


Aug 22, 2002
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Not huge news, but nice to know that American Airlines will resume the second daily Miami-Heathrow service on 26 October 2003. Looks like it was a hit after all. Will be a 777-200, of course. Also, EGE flights were loaded. So far just DFW, ORD, and MIA. More are destined to be loaded later.
On 4/13/2003 9:02:00 PM FA Mikey wrote:

Nice to know, but Miami is going to take a big hit in May.


Only eight less flights a day on average. Not big a hit at all, IMO. And no domestic capacity loss with the excpetion on one SJU flight.
I wouldn't count on this. JFK-Barcelona, LAX-Tokyo, ORD-Rome...they're announced; they're inaugurated; they're postponed; they're cancelled. AA doesn't have a plan or a clue and the economic landscape is so uncertain nobody knows when traveling will pick up again. We're definitely living in interesting times...and tomorrow is D-day.
On 4/14/2003 7:11:56 PM ArtTang wrote:

I wouldn't count on this.

I definitley would. In fact, this time around the flight is being scheduled to leave MIA earlier than even AA 56. We are talking about six months from now. Anything can happen, but I definitley think air travel will be back up, at least to this past winter's levels. And anyone who knows MIA knows that Miami-Europe flights have been largely unaffected even since September 11th. May's MIA-CDG reduction (won't operate TuWe; no doubt due to decreased tourism with less American traveling to Europe; France is the only major European market that has more people originating from America than to) is the first trans-Atlantic reduction from AA at MIA in years.

i am confused, IOR flew FCO (Rome) last summer, and we are again flying it this summer. I don''t understand what you are saying in regards to ORD/FCO. Rome started April 6th. As far as I know the loads are good also.
I should have been clearer. ORD started FCO as a year round route, then it was announced it would be seasonal. We lost MXP. I used to fly those routes and I was so sad that we lost Milan and that Rome is seasonal. Sorry about my vague post. I was in a big hurry (always am nowadays).
Take care all,