924PS was also a big fan of Munn's badly misnamed "Pilots For Fairness" group. At its peak, there were about 3 members, one of which was Munn.
924PS would have gotten a nice pay raise out of it and an end to his coast to coast commute. Munn would have gotten the raise and a loyal voting bloc in Phoenix for his imaginary future as a union officer. Our F/Os would have gotten a permanent lockout from Group II left seats and Group IV right seats as newbies with up to 17 years less service were stapled in front of them forever.
They mocked Stephen Bradford's noble quest as a "fool's errand." The brilliant Lee Seham set forth a plan that ultimately had them eating their words.
Guys like Ray would have completely locked out east pilots.
Munn was ready to cave to Leonidas. He and 700UW turned out to be totally wrong.
Bradford is a complete genius, and led the way. Big brass ones for sure.