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2011 Executive Bonusses

Pardon the continuation of thread drift:

<_< ------- And they closed MCI that did over 50% of the 767 interior mods! ------- Good show guys! You sure showed us now didn't you!!!? 😉

This post jogged my memory and I found the following posts by others about MCI CIP mods. I wouldn’t be too boastful about the MCI OH base work. There is a lot of revenue being lost as a result of no power and the makeshift IFE in the 767 fleet.

763 #365 had its CIP at MCI. When the p/ports were disabled, the new B/class seats STOPPED working!! An internal audit/ investigation has found several "misplaced" wires on the WRONG circuit breaker, the wrong side of the correct breaker (UNprotected) or terminal post. The B/class & Forward T/class p/port wiring was inspected and found "serviceable". The main cabin p/ports were a different story!!! Avionics guys, still at AA, from MCI, check your maint. records for the p/port T/class installation, get your ASAP reports ready!!!!
I would say within the next month, this will be a bump in the road in the rearview mirror, UNLESS you were involved at MCI!!

I had 381 here in LAX on Tuesday. Same thing. Miss-wired completly. Business class seats wired to the load side of the system 2 CB instead of the power side, the 3 power wire jumpers connected to the load side of the CB's instead of the power side. The wires connected to the wrong CB are to short to reach the correct CB and will require new wires spliced in. We've been told 351 may be screwed up too and is being routed to LAX, now that we know what to look for, to check it out.

About 2-3 years ago as these 767's were coming out of MCI after the C.I.P. mod we had a slew of airplanes OTS here due to problems with cabin lighting issues. Of the 4 or 5 airplanes that I was personally involved in we found mistakes in the wiring hookups that were done during the C.I.P. mod. Usually something different with each airplane. We had to access the ECO for each airplane and go step by step through it to figure out what was done wrong. Some of these planes sat here OTS for 2-3 days partlly due to manning issues here in LAX but none the less they sat here OTS due to mistakes at MCI. No idea how these aircraft were getting past any kind of an ops check after the compleation of the mod. They sure cranked these mods out quick though.
Oh well, I guess if you can't find it, it doesn't exist as you are incapable of error.

I forgot that the thread is about me, after all. 🙄

No, Jim, I am capable of error, and like most of the posters on this website, I've actually acknowleged my errors when I've erred. More than I can say about most people here.

Rock Salomon (whom I assume was the source of this info since it was on his site weeks ago) cited only "SEC Filings" but he did not mention which SEC forms filed by AA or AMR or the date of said filings to back up these numbers.

If someone (maybe even the Rock Salomon) wants to mention which specific SEC filings contain these fabricated numbers, I'm all ears. But my assumption is that if they were in specific filings, Rock Salomon would have cited to them specifically instead of saying just "SEC Filings."
Cost neutral contract? Easy. There's no cash outlay for these stock awards to the execs.

How about APA/APFA/TWU'ers take a chunk of their paycheck in stock instead of cash. Would that work for you?
Cost neutral contract? Easy. There's no cash outlay for these stock awards to the execs.

How about APA/APFA/TWU'ers take a chunk of their paycheck in stock instead of cash. Would that work for you?

Oh, do you mean like the 449 shares I received optioned at $5 in exchange for a $20,000 a year pay cut since 2003?
Would've worked out ok for me at the stock hit $300 a share.

No thanks, I'll take mt restoration of pay and benefits, thank you very much.
Guys remember this is equity compensation but I respect the sensitivity of this matter for employees who are working under concessionary contracts to help AA stave off bankruptcy in 2003. At the same time, their contracts were set by a compensation committee and are expected to be fulfilled to them as negotiated. This is no different than your contract. It would be like AA decided their financial performance didn't live upto analyst expectations and decided to sidestep APA scope clause or reduce APFA negotiated FA staffing levels on aircraft. Would you want AA to evade your CBA and cherry pick pay and benefits as they desire?
Thats pretty much what they did in 2003. Under the treat of BK, in the middle of the contract they said "break it and give us what we want or we will file BK and take it all". They cherry picked the contract then and now they are looking to cut it down to a stump.

I feel we should have called their bluff and taken it to the streets, but unfortunatley the leaders of the labor movement are only willing to fight when the Union itself is put at risk. They determined that it was less risky for the unions to sacifice the living standards of the workers in 2002-2005 than to take a stand with workers who earned reletively high wages. I feel we should have had our General Strike in 2002 when they went after USAIR but, like the Priests in Ireland during the Famine who told their members not to drink the Protestant soup, none of them starved, none of these guys took pay cuts, not only that they continued getting raises. Now we see corporations not only going after State workers, who now have it better than airline workers, but their unions as well. Concessions are no longer enough, they want to do away with the unions completely. What did they expect?

The bonuses are nothing more than a display of arrogance. Concessions and hardships only apply to the little people. We are here to pay the price of their failures. Hopefully the example of Wisconsin is sinking in with our leaders. They think that corporate leaders are "teammates" and "friends". Well now that their "freinds" have revealed their true intentions and turned against them they are turning to us. Corporate America, having stripped most of the workforce of a decent living no longer needs to maintain the charade, they consider our leaders to be "little people" as well and the doors that once were open are now closed. We have no choice, we are defending Unionism, not those who have steered us onto the rocks. Even though we have to do it through the same people who stood by and did nothing while we suffered we cant let corporate America legislate our right to organize and act in our best interest away. We at least have to maintain the right to rebuild.
MCI, AA had a master plan since the purchase of TWA. They never intended to keep MCIE open as they expanded DFW and TULE. And now there are "plans" for TULE. So however you fell you were treated by AA, TULE will soon know a similar feeling.
That's funny because I heard the same thing (RUMORS) about several line stations and AFW.
That's funny because I heard the same thing (RUMORS) about several line stations and AFW.

Yep....those rumors still have some bite regarding AFW.....But it now the seems the center of the universe will soon be DFW with overflow work a short hop over to AFW.

And who sits on this compensation committee?
Other fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other.

And people like you blame unions for a company or government's failure to be profitable and fail to mention the greediest union of them all...IT'S THE GOOD OL' BOYS CLUB OF CEO'S AND BODs...WHOSE MOTTO IS "I'LL WASH YOUR BACK AND YOU WASH MINE."..

Other fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other.
Other fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other.

The good ole boyz...

Gupta stepped down from Goldman's board in May 2010. He is also a former worldwide managing director at McKinsey & Co, an elite consulting firm, and until recently sat on the boards of AMR Corp and Procter & Gamble. Gupta has not been criminally charged
The good ole boyz...

Gupta stepped down from Goldman's board in May 2010. He is also a former worldwide managing director at McKinsey & Co, an elite consulting firm, and until recently sat on the boards of AMR Corp and Procter & Gamble. Gupta has not been criminally charged

Gupta served on the Audit Committee of the AMR board, not the Compensation Committee.
Gupta served on the Audit Committee of the AMR board, not the Compensation Committee.

Like it makes a difference. Sit on the Audit board today then on to the compensation board tomorrow
Give me a break

Procter & Gamble
Goldman Sacks

Jump from one Board to the next
Like it makes a difference. Sit on the Audit board today then on to the compensation board tomorrow
Give me a break

Procter & Gamble
Goldman Sacks

Jump from one Board to the next
Greedy scum bag crooks! Gee, I wonder who's board Arpey sits on?
S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc.

Horton serves on the board of Qualcomm, Inc.

Isn't it just grand that the Good Ol Boys Union sit on one another's Board of Directors and take care of each other?
Isn't it precious they way they defend their own union while criticizing ours?

Other fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other.
Other fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other.

Other fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other.
Other fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other corporations who have their compensation determined by another compensation committee which is comprised of more fatcat executives from other.
I think your right, after reading the entire post, their is a pattern here :lol: