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20 Active Involuntary Furloughs To Be Recinded


You are most correct, except that the enhanced furlough with THIS new management was VF2 and those where made in accordance with the summer concessions. In other words the most we could get from Dave is 120 day medical and that is because the AFAPIT President wnet to him herself to get more than 90 days. ONLY GANGWAL GAVE THE 24 MONTH MEDICAL FOR VF1. I take back all I ever said negative about the previous management...all of it!

The VF6 is what is being challenged with regard to the displacement expense issue.

I have spoken to many f/as in PIT/PIW they will NOT do vacation fly back. You guys need to work on PHL/PHW, and CLT/CLW and LGA, BOS DCA.
Seems someone in CCY had a change of heart, but then again I still don't think they have a heart. Anyway, there will be NO displacements for October 2003. These are JR people that are going to be furloughed ANYWAY in December. So they were going to displace them with no moving expenses for 2 months and then turn around that furlough them for Christmas. Someone was reading right out of the Grinch handbook there.
Second, they extended the VF Extension deadline a week so that people can see what they got awarded for the Global Bid next year. But what was funny is the last line of the CBS memo stated "While we are expecting a large number of F/A's to return from leave in December we will not be offering any further Voluntary Furloughs."
Yeah....lets just see what the arbitrator has to say k? Don't count your eggs just yet.

Did I not tell you yesterday the AFA PIT President sent a letter to ALL of management with regard to not displacing but using TDY instead? She wrote to Siegel himself.

If you can demonstrate with this mangement how displacements hurts them and may prove to be more costly to the overall operation VS TDY, they most times opt to comply. Now we have to work on the voluntary furlough.
Yes you did and please thank her for all the JR F/A's 😉
Your totally right.....now lets turn to the VF8 and hope we can work something out. If we could just get them to offer some more medical coverage it seems everyone I talked with would be interested and maybe we could prevent a lot of the furloughs in DEC. Let hope the Holiday Spirit hits CCY.

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