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2 More Vps "resign"

Don't remember much about Tracas, but I believe he was a Wolf/Gangwal management member. Since UAIR is moving away from "sales" to travel agents and going more and more on the WEB. No need to have large sales forces and a highly paid VP to oversee it. Years back, when a customer bought a ticket on U, by the time the PAX had the ticket in their hands, it cost U @ 30 bucks in "overhead". MJ, with internet booking and paperless travel was supposed to cut that 75%.

I know Scheeringa was a Wolf/Gangwalite. IMO, he never earned a dime of the money he made here. He was very young, very inexperienced, and given total control of Metrojet, which was according to management at the time, the savior of the company. The opportunity was totally squandered and incidentally, with JBLU getting LGA slots, where do you think they are going to fly? I'll bet all old MJ routes.

Scheeringa was supposed to be a whiz kid. If he was truly in charge of MJ, he really never got the utilization up to where it needed to be, and just spent his time replacing mainline flying with MJ flying. He never INCREASED the revenue of the company one iota. When MJ folded up the tent, Scheeringa got farmed out to express. Ashby is supposed to be running express, and from the looks of it, there won't be any express to run in the very near future.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ashby loses his job soon.

Maybe instead of rats jumping off the ship, it is managers who see the writing on the wall that they are just "flab" that needs to be trimmed off the steak.

I herd from an inside sorce Dave told them what plan "C" was and they fell down laughing.
So they were forced to resign. LOL
Don't remember much about Tracas, but I believe he was a Wolf/Gangwal management member. Since UAIR is moving away from "sales" to travel agents and going more and more on the WEB. No need to have large sales forces and a highly paid VP to oversee it. Years back, when a customer bought a ticket on U, by the time the PAX had the ticket in their hands, it cost U @ 30 bucks in "overhead". MJ, with internet booking and paperless travel was supposed to cut that 75%.

Have to disagree here. While the average customer is moving more to a web-oriented purchase experience, there is certainly a need for customer/sales contacts with reference to corporate accounts and special accounts - i.e. conventions, meetings, groups, etc. So, you certainly need a sales force.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ashby loses his job soon.

Given that part of the Express operation is the real thing making money, I'd probably disagree with you there.
Since they're dismantling and selling Express, there is no need for a VP of Express. Since they obviously want to try to survive by chopping the employees pay and benefits, not sales, no need for a VP of sales. Maybe they need a VP of FUD?
flyin2low said:
Since they're dismantling and selling Express, there is no need for a VP of Express. Since they obviously want to try to survive by chopping the employees pay and benefits, not sales, no need for a VP of sales. Maybe they need a VP of FUD?
Express encompasses all operations and involves some of the interaction with both W/Os and affiliates.
Mike was also on the Business Select deal.

That fell threw as we all know.

Sure would be nice to see the whole gang of thieves go...TO JAIL.

But, saw today where they are still trying to sell us off piece by piece.

Maybe they know something we don't and thus they are bailing out.

Or in this case JUMPING SHIP.
MarkMyWords said:
Awe, and I was hoping Uncle Al would make the short list. 🙁
can i get an amen, brothers and sisters?

MMW, you got 'nads!

Any rumors that the In-flight VP will resign? Or the In-flight Director? :up:
Having met both of these gentlemen who are leaving, I can only say that one makes sense while one does not...entirely. Decorum prohibits me from saying which one makes sense, but I can say I agree with the general tone of this thread.

I am beginning to fear that these guys saw the handwriting on the wall, and found the ship doesn't have enough room in the lifeboats.

As sad as it is, I fear the fat lady is finally approaching the stage....

I for one will stay to the end--I can't express my appreciation to you all at U more than that....

My best to you all.
Ashby will stay for a while. He's the SVP of ALLIANCES & Express, with emphasis on ALLIANCES.

Not to mention he's a link to the UA merger days.

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