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1st Mda A/c

I really would hope all individuals that are furloughed and thinking of working at MDA would carefully reconsider by NOT working for MDA.

I find it strangely coincidental that enough employees from all departments have been furloughed TO INSURE AN IMMEDIATE WORKFORCE WAS AVAILABLE FOR THE STAFFING OF MDA???? :huh:

It is also strange how the IAM obtained the rights to mis-represent MDA WITH OUT SO MUCH AS A VOTE????? This stinks of PAYOLA folks :down: :down:

The wages that are proposed for employees of MDA ARE COMPLETELY UN-ACCEPTABLE :down: :down: !!!!!!!! I feel the company INTENTIONALLY SET IT UP THIS WAY......knowing darn well people will have been unemployed for quite some time when MDA began to operate.

I am not telling you what to do but I am attempting to appeal to your better judgement. If nobody accepts the wages at MDA and refuse to work there then DAVE will have to sweeten the deal in order to operate the company. His ARROGANCE AND EXTORTIONARY TACTICS MUST BE MET WITH RESISTANCE ALREADY!!!! If not then expect the SAME CRAP FOR THE REST OF YOUR WORKING LIVES!!!

All I can say is that if I lose my job as a mech after 15 1/2 years then I AM THRU WITH AVIATION and U-S AIRWAYS AND ALL OF THEIR PIRACY AND MIS-MANAGEMENT CAN GO TO HELL........NON-STOP :angry: :angry:


I assure you that US Airways will have no problem, especially for flight attendants, filling positions at MidAtlantic if no one took positions. They will go straight to the street and hire easily. As Mesa and the other fast food paying contract carriers have proven, there is no shortage of suckers that will work for nothing. Look at all the employees Express is able to get to work on props and tiny jets, they'll attract plenty to work on the EMB.
I assure you that US Airways will have no problem, especially for flight attendants, filling positions at MidAtlantic if no one took positions. They will go straight to the street and hire easily. As Mesa and the other fast food paying contract carriers have proven, there is no shortage of suckers that will work for nothing. Look at all the employees Express is able to get to work on props and tiny jets, they'll attract plenty to work on the EMB.
There is truth in the fact that MDA/MAA (?) will have no problem attracting inexperienced people enamored with the "glamour" of this industry. After the expense of training, relocating etc you end up with a disgruntled workforce that realizes they have been duped. :angry:
However, there are many thousands of furloughees out there looking for ANY lifeline to connect them to possible recall to mainline even if it means collecting food stamps while employed.
Please remember though that there are others of us out there at the wholly owned express carriers working away on the "props" for the last 18 months or so that have no flow through to mainline (flight attendants). We've made the best of a tough situation and squeaking by with other jobs to supplement our income. I may pass MDA/MAA(?) because I am making more money at my company. :huh:
There seems to be no relief for those of us who have attempted to make a career in commercial aviation. I've been a f/a on and off since 1979. My original carrier is now defunct. The only thing I can say is the Daves have done an exceptional job demoralizing an outstanding work group. :down: This is fixable but right now there is no concrete information from U about MDA for us to formulate our own strategy. I don't want to be a lamb led to slaughter. 🙁
This airplane was in JFK for the jetBlue folks to look at on September 2nd and 3rd. Looks pretty nice, I only saw it from a distance.

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