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1 Billion In Financing For Merger

700UW said:
Moderators, I thought you don't let posters copy and paste a whole article?

WHO CARES ! This is great news for the remaining employees in the so-called lifeboat of the group whom remain and WANT TO REMAIN! Do you even still work for UAIR or for the IAM vendor ?
LGA/037..I thought the same thing ...in light of some great news, all 700 could come up with is some lame thing about posting the whole article! Sad....this just eats at him...some good news! I'm with you...who cares, post the whole damn thing if it's good news!!!!!
The WSJ does not allow access to their articles without paying a subscription rate. I obtained the article from another source and the only way I could provide the news was to post the whole column.

I believed the information was important enough to do so and 700UW knew I could not post the hyperlink before he made his comment.


Rules are rules, even you have to abide by them, just ask the moderators.

Ever hear of copyright laws and protection?
"GE, the largest creditor to America West and US Airways, is finalizing its own financing deal with the two, said people with knowledge of the matter. The arrangement would reduce GE's exposure by $1 billion by cutting off most regional-jet financing and taking back about 25 more leased airplanes than the 35 it has said it will retrieve from US Airways."

We have the original 25 (10 AB + 15 737's) Then the next 11 in May and the 10 in August for a total of 46. 14 more??? Are these the ones they are speaking of?

I hope that these aircraft will be replaced by the Airbus's that Airbus is renegotiating the prices and delivery dates for.

- Anybody?
I wonder if the outstanding A320 family orders for both companies could be renegotiated so they can be delivered with common engines.
a320av8r said:
We have the original 25 (10 AB + 15 737's) Then the next 11 in May and the 10 in August for a total of 46. 14 more??? Are these the ones they are speaking of?

Obviously, the 25 that are included in the GE deal reached late last year count. The 10 announced for May appear not to be GE planes, according to BK filings. The 10 for August are anybodies guess at this point.

BoeingBoy is correct. I understand the 10 aircraft in Augsut are B737s, but it's unclear who owns the aircraft.

There shold be a new pilot permanent bid posted this week, which should provide more information on the fleet count.

In addition, I have been told by a reliable source that aircraft will leave both companies. It's unclear how the fleet rationalization will occur and it may still be unfolding.


HP only flies A319, A320, 737-300 and B757.
I think the question everybody wants to know is how are the everyday workers going to be affected are there going to be more jobs lost, or are they going to be adding jobs and hopefully after totally screwing up the 2 previous mergers with PSA and Piedmont they get this one right!!
700UW said:
Rules are rules, even you have to abide by them, just ask the moderators.

Ever hear of copyright laws and protection?
wah wah wah. USAirways has some good news for once and u dont wanna hear it because you and your union got the shortend for being a bunch of thickheaded bullies.
Dude, stop acting like a child. You are beyond annoying.
How is it good news?

No one knows the details, no one knows how many layoffs there will be, and there WILL be layoffs.

Don't like what I have to say, use the ignore feature.
I haven't read all the articles - have I left out anyone?


Yes, do not forget to subtract the $50M for managements "exit" rewards! 🙂 Greeter
the fleet count.

In addition, I have been told by a reliable source that aircraft will leave both companies. It's unclear how the fleet rationalization will occur and it may still be unfolding.

Looks like I better get that Airbus type. Greeter.
Walmartgreeter said:
Looks like I better get that Airbus type. Greeter.

Gonna go learn how to "fiddle with your joystick", greeter?
:shock: :lol: :up:
