US Pilots Labor Discussion

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How do I answer a non-answer? You had nothing in your reply, except for the usual you....., are a bad man! I think there are some insightful west posters here, even when they don't agree with me. You are not one of them.

BTW, I don't care about the spelling. Did you do the search? Some really funny things popped up on my yahoo search.
Allow me to steer you back to the discussion of USAPA's duty to represent all US Airways pilots fairly. And to honor the inherited agreements from the previous cba. Including the arbitrated seniority award. Rather than wasting everyones time in seeking out ways to avoid the inevitable, and use any and all excuses to justify that path; Rationalization, why doesnt your group do the right thing and live by thier agreements. Appeal is NOT part of Binding Arbitration, it's done, the answer is held in the Nicolau Award. Like it or not.

I dont have a fragile ego and therefore my heart isnt broken by not being included on your "favorites" list. As far as a search is concerned, I'd like to recommend you and your East pals do some searching of your own in the mirror. After the initial laughter, you may just see the cause of this problem. Look closely, your integrity has to be somewhere in your reflection.

USAPA = What will they rationalize next?
Did anonymous user Nosum stick his head out of his hole long enough to spew some more bs?

Nosum posting

Hey anonymous user Nosum, have you located that proof yet?


I expect an e28 magnitude melt-down in the the near future from Nosum.

Never got your PROOF yet, Jim?

How long have you been waiting from the BS Meister? ;)
I suggest you take a moment to rethink the wisdom about your above analogy to my comments, it does not increase your standings in credibility on this board, IMHO.
But it is so representative of the "proof" you claim to offer to back up your claims, not even counting your claims themselves...

Where's that proof, anonymous user Nosum?

Two west pilots starting to ask for money from the hopefuls.


army of leonidas

reform usapa, new west pilots asking for a hand out.

awappa, RICO charges, closed down.

army of leonidas, stolen east pilots data, closed down soon.

reform usapa, keep giving us money west, just change the benefactor.

I don't know your Gloominess. It sounds to me someone's on the right track for a change. No way USAPA can deliver DOH, so maybe McCaskill-Bond might deliver a compromise solution. I might send a few shekels their way. Their ideas have some traction.

Wag the dog

We get it! There has been an alleged data breach by US Airways management. To this date, there has been no evidence that any of the breached data has been used for nefarious reasons. We do agree that identity theft is a huge issue and one can never be too vigilant. Recovering from a stolen identity is a time consuming and arduous task that often times takes years to rectify. But again, there has been no evidence to suggest that even one US Airways pilot has been victimized by the Company’s alleged breach.

Why then is USAPA so singularly focused on this one issue?

Easy answer!

With its third anniversary quickly approaching, Mr. Cleary cannot name one single positive accomplishment of USAPA. Our Union is a model of failure that has done more harm to the collective US Airways pilots than any other single entity.

It is abundantly clear that Mr. Cleary is using the alleged data breach as a distraction. The letter penned by US Airways Executive VP Steve Johnson gave Mr. Cleary and the BPR the perfect vehicle to divert the attention of a tired and hungry membership. We have talked to a USAPA insider and have confirmed that the Cleary strategy is to milk every last ounce he can from this issue. The problem for Mr. Cleary and the BPR is that they have run out of time.

The third anniversary of this failed experiment is a fast approaching juggernaut that cannot be ignored. USAPA’s new role as the identity theft police of the US Airways pilots does nothing to move our group forward.

The patience of our pilot group has run its course. We must now question USAPA’s future on our property.

When we voted to leave ALPA three years ago, it seemed plausible that we could break the seniority impasse and bring economic gains to all US Airways pilots. Mr. Seham and Mr. Bradford made it sound so easy and logical that casting a vote for USAPA was a no-brainer. Little could we predict that three years later an all out war with our west brothers and sisters would be raging out of control and progress at the negotiating table would be non-existent.

Looking back, voting out ALPA was an emotional knee jerk reaction to a seniority list that most of us perceived to be grossly unfair. It was the straw that broke the proverbial “camels back” after years of out of control concessions.

It was a decision many of us most definitely regret.

TheEye believes that we will all need to make a choice regarding our representational structure in the very near future. Do we return to the worlds largest pilot union, a truckers union with an airline division or stay the course with a failed USAPA?

Unless we take control of our destiny, it appears that Mr. Cleary and the BPR will merge USAPA with the Teamsters. Except for admitting once and for all that USAPA is a total failure, this may not be the best direction for our pilots. Many regard ALPA as the only solution to our situation. There is also a minority of staunch USAPA supporters who have the singular goal of keeping the Nicolau Award on the shelf regardless of cost. TheEye believes that it is no longer possible to reform USAPA from within. The Constitution and By Laws were explicitly written to suppress the minority and provide unlimited powers to those at the top. No one, and we mean no one, is safe from the USAPA hammer. Did you know that the CLT representatives recently called for charges against founders Steve Bradford and Mark King for publicly criticizing the current leadership?

If USAPA seems out of control, it is.

We the pilots have the power to take back control of our destiny. A signed card and an NMB vote may just be the solution we’ve all been looking for.
There is also a minority of staunch USAPA supporters who have the singular goal of keeping the Nicolau Award on the shelf regardless of cost.

Just what I've been saying for a few months now - there is a growing sense that USAPA can't fulfill any of the promised goals. That's what happens when a union is founded on the basis of getting one side what it wants at the expense of hurting the other side.

Usapa equals pain. We're all reduced to arguing who has the least 'pain' and trying to bullshit everyone else that that is a 'win.'. God help us all.
Usapa equals pain. We're all reduced to arguing who has the least 'pain' and trying to bullshit everyone else that that is a 'win.'. God help us all.
Very true. In the meantime, USAPA apologists with continue to justify the actions of their corrupt entity while the East and West watch thousands of dollars in salary and contract improvements pass us by. The 'majority' back East continue to support their own destruction.

USAPA = Disintegrating
Two west pilots starting to ask for money from the hopefuls.


army of leonidas

reform usapa, new west pilots asking for a hand out.

awappa, RICO charges, closed down.

army of leonidas, stolen east pilots data, closed down soon.

reform usapa, keep giving us money west, just change the benefactor.
Not only are you a liar & a're not even that bright tonight. That's OK, your participation is not rrquired. Why don't you go somewhere else and make up stories.

Judge Silver has to refer to the 9th published opinions;

The Judge will rule that the union is allowed to negotiate all sections of the contract with the company and is responsible legally for the outcome. Same as Judge Wake ruled the company is not a party to any legal actions due to the operation of the union.

American Airlines and East will combine. west will combine with Frontier in PHX, but end up handled like the Midwest Airline Pilots.

You may DFR. It will take years, if you find a Law Firm that takes on a case that is questionable, from a group of west pilots that owe their current law firm over a million dollars and is mired in a identity theft scandal.

Book Mark this pal,


The messenger that brought you the bad news.

Issue preclusion, Collateral estoppel, whatever you call it? The same reason AOL filed the cross claim against usapa in the company DJ.

Silver is going to tell the company to pound sand. She is going to tell ole "johnny come lately", you had your chance to be found guilty with usapa, but you did the smart thing and got dismssed from the case. Too late, your out, figure it out yourself what an "unquestionably ripe hybrid DFR" claim means the next time you get sued by the West, who BTW every federal judge who has commented (we are up to 5 now), including the majority at the 9th, feels is being harmed. Oh, one more thing, you know what judges loathe more than interveneing in union negotiations? Helping scab unions renege on BINDING ARBITRATION.

Yeah, you're going to American alright. Right below the TWA furloughs and the Eagle flowthroughs. Enjoy your furlough, we all know it ain't the first time.

Bookmark this pal,

You are not the messenger, you are just an [edited] see your last few hundred posts as PROOF!!!
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