Sun Country Mechanics working towards first new contract with AMFA


Apr 26, 2005
A little odd on the LOA. One article at a time @ SCA I guess since the co. refused to agree to the LOA for status quo. A bit odd indeed but not earth crushing by any means. All other airlines have agreed to LOA's in time being until getting the entire CBA done and complete. Good luck to you all in getting that CBA done @ SCA...

A little odd on the LOA. One article at a time @ SCA I guess since the co. refused to agree to the LOA for status quo. A bit odd indeed but not earth crushing by any means. All other airlines have agreed to LOA's in time being until getting the entire CBA done and complete. Good luck to you all in getting that CBA done @ SCA...

Cause your dumbass union screwed EVERY newly organized group by losing the following lawsuit.

No status quo protection for a newly organized group without at a CBA.

SCAMFA’s shyster Seaham screwed everyone

Cause your dumbass union screwed EVERY newly organized group by losing the following lawsuit.

No status quo protection for a newly organized group without at a CBA.

SCAMFA’s shyster Seaham screwed everyone

Facts matter...unless you're SCAMFA. Everyone now knows that status quo is a myth prior to a first time contract. Everyone but SWAMECH and all the other yo-yo's claiming their blind allegiance to the Seeham check distribution association.
Cause your dumbass union screwed EVERY newly organized group by losing the following lawsuit.

No status quo protection for a newly organized group without at a CBA.

SCAMFA’s shyster Seaham screwed everyone

And AMFA every time they organize some little group try to tout up that they have “status quo” protection. This “F’n” update should prove once and for all that there is no damn status quo.

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Pulled up the weekly update from NMB and saw where the representational snowball affect is in works at Sun Country Airlines. Their Mechanics very quickly brought in AMFA to represent their Mechanics and Related and then the Fleet Service Employees thought they should get representation as well. They are under an election vote as we speak to have the ibt as their representation. Not the best choice, as they will find out, but at least they are represented, maybe, huh??

Pulled up the weekly update from NMB and saw where the representational snowball affect is in works at Sun Country Airlines. Their Mechanics very quickly brought in AMFA to represent their Mechanics and Related and then the Fleet Service Employees thought they should get representation as well. They are under an election vote as we speak to have the ibt as their representation. Not the best choice, as they will find out, but at least they are represented, maybe, huh??

Look who’s talking. You’re represented by AMFA.
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AMFA and Sun Country Mechanics T/A on 3 more articles which brings them to a total of 8 T/A articles in their new contract. Progress continues to their first contract.

Ather airlines looking to get AMFA Representation also note from contract nego's below that AMFA is the only union out there that allow contract nego's observers at the table while negotiating. One of the biggest positives of getting AMFA Representation. None of the industrial unions allow this as they don't want the membership to see what they really do at the nego table with the company.

AMFA and Sun Country Mechanics T/A on 3 more articles which brings them to a total of 8 T/A articles in their new contract. Progress continues to their first contract.

Ather airlines looking to get AMFA Representation also note from contract nego's below that AMFA is the only union out there that allow contract nego's observers at the table while negotiating. One of the biggest positives of getting AMFA Representation. None of the industrial unions allow this as they don't want the membership to see what they really do at the nego table with the company.

This is a lie. When the talks began getting serious at SWA the “observers” were shut out from those talks. Besides the fact that most negotiations are a matter of sitting around waiting for a response on the many proposals that are passed back and forth.

The Company receives a proposal and goes off to another room to waste time pretending to mull it over (Lawyers just billing hours)
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SCA fleet was certified by NMB. Not in the know if it was overwhelming or not. Quickly following the SCA Mechanics getting unionized with AMFA.