Repercusions for the GOP if Obama wins re-election ?

You just do not seemto get it. Look at who voted for who. Look at the 18-45 yr olds and who they voted for. Look at who over 55% of the women voted for.

Yes, there are quite a few decent republicans in office right now. People like Rubio, Christie and a few others. Unfortunately their viewes do not align with the conservative base who seems to be running the republican party. The tea party would never go for them. The conservative nut jobs who seem to be running the RNC would not accept a moderate republican.

Until such time that the RNC starts to changeit's archaic views on abortion and womens rights, fewer and fewer people will join the party. Perhaps they will form a third party but that would take quite a long time to happen.

Look at who you just ran. The people who you say are waiting in the wings are there for a reason. They were there for 2012 but instead of bringing in someone who was moderate and had a chance of wonning you went with Romney. You people used this same lame excuse in 2008. Out of all the possibilities that were available you ran McCain/Palin and Romney/Ryan. And you wonder why you lost?

Try asking your self why the people who were waiting in the wings were not invited to the table.

As for the DJI, try looking at somethig other than one day that fits your narative. What was the DJI value on Nov 4th 2008? What was it today?

And you wonder why your party gets stomped? Look in the mirror. You are part of the problem. Your ignorance is bottomless.
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Not really concerned about how the GOP looks today, they have a lot young talent, waiting in the wings and once Barrack has accomplished his agenda in the next 4 years and people realize the mistake they've made, 2016 will be a slam dunk for the GOP.

What "DOES" concern me is $16 trillion in debt, which I'm positive, given the entitlement regime, residing in DC, for the next 4 years is that job growth will not fall below 7% and we will be at least $20 trillion in debt, in 4 years !

Oh and this is bothersome also :

Markets Plummet After Obama Victory Puts ‘Fiscal Cliff’ in Focus!

Reap what you sow !

You'll never BELIEVE this is coming from ME to YOU, But I wish for you GOOD Luck in your life going forward. Embrace change as much as you possibly can. Try to be Pro-active, and not like I do a lot of times by being re-active !

Boehner already signaled he's going to work with B O. If McConnell plays hard ball, there WILL be "4" NEW Senators in 2014 !

As you probably know, The greater Atlanta area is changing rapidly, just as the Orlando I-4 corrider has changed Florida. The MIA Cuban/republicans have been neutralized.

southwind, I honestly believe that you and I will be surprised at how much will get done by BOTH sides in the next 4 years.
Only time will tell, but I remain hopeful .
And I will end by saying , I do not want to hear, for the next 4 years, the words, "It's Bush's fault" uttered !

Barrack inherited the current mess from "Himself" and can no longer place blame on others ! He is the President and he and him alone, are responsible for the next 4 years !

We shall see !
The GOP doesn't need to become more liberal -- it just needs to find a way of connecting with minorities. There is a message that is slowly getting out, and will continue to do so, but that's not going to happen as long as you have white candidates who can't connect with the local communities.

In 2004, Bush got 11% of blacks, 42% of Hispanics, and 47% of women. That was against another white candidate, though.

In 2008, McCain got 4% of blacks, 33% Hispanics, and 37% Asians.

Yesterday, it appears Romney got 7% of the black vote, 29% of the Hispanic vote, and 27% of the Asian vote. He also got 45% of the female vote.

That contradicts what Bears and others have been saying ("The GOP has nothing to offer blacks & hispanics"), and gives me some home that there are people who don't think with their lady parts or make electoral decisions based entirely on skin color....

For all the criticism of Bush 43, he actually connected with Hispanics, and that's how he beat both Gore and Kerry. Obama was able to play that same card against McCain and Romney. So was Clinton in 1992 and 1996.

I have no doubt that there are conservative candidates who are able to make that connection. They will have to hammer on economics & foreign policy, especially when liberals try to pivot the discussion back over to immigration, abortion, and gay marriage (because they can't argue economics or foreign policy).

Romney got painted into a box for six months before he started responding with enough force for people to see him as something other than a plutocrat. It was too little too late.

Doing so will mean looking beyond establishment candidates (I'm already hearing people say it's Jeb Bush's turn....), and finding individuals who have the passion that blacks, Hispanics and Asians can connect with, and who in turn can also relate to them. Obama and Clinton know how to work a room.

The GOP needs to start tending to those fields today, and not wait during the 2016 primaries like they seem to have done yet again. Focusing on the economic message isn't becoming liberal. There are some hard-cores who will try to keep to the strict social agenda in addition to economics and foreign policy... If the GOP sticks with what we're good at, they can find support in the minority communities.
Hey, I'm not the one preaching that there's a secret handshake. That's Archie Black Bears's point of view.

There are conservatives who are black, Hispanic and Asian. They're conservatives first.

My point is that there are conservatives who don't know that they're conservatives. Romney got twice the black vote that Obama did. Many of those folks realized that the Democrats didn't really represent what they stood for.

Increasing those numbers requires getting the message out in a way that they can connect with, and breaks thru the stereotypes that have been spun by the Democratic Party for decades. That means a boots-on-the-ground operation as much as it does having headline candidates who are believable across the spectrum.
Jeb Bush would have defeated Obama handily but would never have won the nomination because he is too moderate. He also has a Latina wife and speaks fluent Spanish and is from Florida.

Too bad he saw the GOP for what it is; the party of exclusion. He and others like him (Colin Powell) will not come back until the platform is freed from the extremist element (tea party).
There are conservatives who are black, Hispanic and Asian. They're conservatives first.
My point is that there are conservatives who don't know that they're conservatives. Romney got twice the black vote that Obama did.

You didn't learn much from last night did you?

Good points Eric, plus GOP has to get out of the old school mentality. Too many old fogies with 40 yr old think.

DNC GOTV looks like it worked pretty good too.
Jeb Bush would have defeated Obama handily but would never have won the nomination because he is too moderate. He also has a Latina wife and speaks fluent Spanish and is from Florida.

Too bad he saw the GOP for what it is; the party of exclusion. He and others like him (Colin Powell) will not come back until the platform is freed from the extremist element (tea party).

Where do you get this platform BS?
Tea Party isn't invited, not wanted, see ya around.
Markets Plummet After Obama Victory Puts ‘Fiscal Cliff’ in Focus!

Reap what you sow !


Amount the Dow Jones industrial average has gained through Friday, since Barack Obama’s inauguration — his first 1,368 days in office. “That’s an extremely strong performance — the fifth best for an equivalent period among all American presidents since 1900,” according to the New York Times.
Wall St. May Not Cheer, but Obama’s Been Good for Stocks


Published: October 20, 2012
Hey, I'm not the one preaching that there's a secret handshake. That's Archie Black Bears's point of view.

There are conservatives who are black, Hispanic and Asian. They're conservatives first.

My point is that there are conservatives who don't know that they're conservatives. Romney got twice the black vote that Obama did. Many of those folks realized that the Democrats didn't really represent what they stood for.

Increasing those numbers requires getting the message out in a way that they can connect with, and breaks thru the stereotypes that have been spun by the Democratic Party for decades. That means a boots-on-the-ground operation as much as it does having headline candidates who are believable across the spectrum.
Hey E- Do you have a link to that data?
All I can find is this:

B) xUT