JetBlue Mechanic's and Related AMFA card drive


Apr 26, 2005
Since the NMB ruled that the MC's and Mechanics are in the same Class and Craft @ JB the drive continues to collect cards for AMFA representation.
Now that Spirit is in an election vote by their membership for AMFA representation, as shown by the NMB site and provided below, hopefully you guys can get things together soon for your own vote for a Mechanics Class and Craft union to represent Mechanics & Related needs prior to any kind of merger, as you guys do not want to go into seniority integration nego's without being represented. Also going with AMFA, as Spirit will soon, would entail a much, much smoother integration of seniority list. AMFA will be able to better represent your group as that is all they represent like most Pilots and F/A's unions that focus on their class and Craft not 7-14 other larger groups who always gets the focus with the industrial unions out there.
Also note how the recently new represented SC Mechanics are getting ready for their first contract. As noted on the AMFA National web site note how AMFA sends out notices and surveys to collect everything that the "MEMBERS" want to address in their new contract. And also be aware that AMFA does these surveys every single time contracts come up for renego's to be sure to get in what the MEMBERSHIP wants not what some top leaders of the international or airline divisions want. This way all the focus is on the Mechanics & Related and what they want covered in their contracts with no outside influence whatsoever.
Good luck to you guys in the possible upcoming merger with Spirit, I say possible, but it is now leaning much more favorable in JB's way for the shareholders to vote for JB/Spirit hookup. When Spirit collected right at 80% cards that speaks volumes on who they will have represent them for this upcoming merger.
Look forward to hearing when you guys have enough cards collected...

AMFA-SCA Negotiations Update and Timeline
July 7, 2022 -- AMFA will soon be starting the process of collecting contract proposal ideas from the AMFA represented Sun Country Airlines (SCA) employees in July. AMFA plans to serve a Section 6 notice to commence collective bargaining negotiations in late July and set dates to meet in the late summer/fall of 2022.
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Now it's even more prominent now. You Mechanics may want to get it in gear with the card drive now. Spirit is voting now as we speak, it would be very advantageous to get a Class and Craft representation prior to any seniority integration moves that are coming with and merger/purchase agreement in the near future. Get those signed AMFA cards in so you guys are also well represented for the merging of the Mechanics ranks. It is ALWAYS much, much more beneficial to be represented going into merger's than NOT being represented, just look back at the history's past where all non-represented employees went to the bottom of seniority list within merging into a union shop.
I've heard a little bit of info that at JB there are a bunch of x-Delta Mechanics that will hold out for non-union but trust me guys, it will not go as well as if you were union going into another represented group as history has shown and proven and this is why I as well as others encourage you all to get a vote prior to hooking up with Spirit. Think of it as the two Mechanic's groups are very large coop co's merging, both sides are very, very well represented and there are reasons for it, think about it guys. Be smart and Lawyer up with a Class and Craft Union to represent the Mechanics going into theis tie up with Spirit.

Now it's even more prominent now. You Mechanics may want to get it in gear with the card drive now. Spirit is voting now as we speak, it would be very advantageous to get a Class and Craft representation prior to any seniority integration moves that are coming with and merger/purchase agreement in the near future. Get those signed AMFA cards in so you guys are also well represented for the merging of the Mechanics ranks. It is ALWAYS much, much more beneficial to be represented going into merger's than NOT being represented, just look back at the history's past where all non-represented employees went to the bottom of seniority list within merging into a union shop.
I've heard a little bit of info that at JB there are a bunch of x-Delta Mechanics that will hold out for non-union but trust me guys, it will not go as well as if you were union going into another represented group as history has shown and proven and this is why I as well as others encourage you all to get a vote prior to hooking up with Spirit. Think of it as the two Mechanic's groups are very large coop co's merging, both sides are very, very well represented and there are reasons for it, think about it guys. Be smart and Lawyer up with a Class and Craft Union to represent the Mechanics going into theis tie up with Spirit.

Now it's even more prominent now. You Mechanics may want to get it in gear with the card drive now. Spirit is voting now as we speak, it would be very advantageous to get a Class and Craft representation prior to any seniority integration moves that are coming with and merger/purchase agreement in the near future. Get those signed AMFA cards in so you guys are also well represented for the merging of the Mechanics ranks. It is ALWAYS much, much more beneficial to be represented going into merger's than NOT being represented, just look back at the history's past where all non-represented employees went to the bottom of seniority list within merging into a union shop.
I've heard a little bit of info that at JB there are a bunch of x-Delta Mechanics that will hold out for non-union but trust me guys, it will not go as well as if you were union going into another represented group as history has shown and proven and this is why I as well as others encourage you all to get a vote prior to hooking up with Spirit. Think of it as the two Mechanic's groups are very large coop co's merging, both sides are very, very well represented and there are reasons for it, think about it guys. Be smart and Lawyer up with a Class and Craft Union to represent the Mechanics going into theis tie up with Spirit.

Guess you haven’t heard of McCaskill-Bond law?
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With 80% cards collected at Spirit, and another overwhelming card collection at JB for MC's, they really only need a small amount of more cards from the Mechanics group. JB's CEO is willing to give concessions to get this purchase done in any way shape or form so not to pay that "breakup fee" and simply walk away from it all. It very well could and can be a done deal.
Mechanics and Related at JB get those cards in before time sneaks up on you all. Be prepared for the seniority integration by being represented by a Mechanics Class and Craft Union that will much better represent your industry than a union with multiple (12-14) groups in the union, too many to focus on such important issues as the Mechanics groups carries.
Good luck to all of you on a smooth and fair merging with Spirit Airlines.
With 80% cards collected at Spirit, and another overwhelming card collection at JB for MC's, they really only need a small amount of more cards from the Mechanics group. JB's CEO is willing to give concessions to get this purchase done in any way shape or form so not to pay that "breakup fee" and simply walk away from it all. It very well could and can be a done deal.
Mechanics and Related at JB get those cards in before time sneaks up on you all. Be prepared for the seniority integration by being represented by a Mechanics Class and Craft Union that will much better represent your industry than a union with multiple (12-14) groups in the union, too many to focus on such important issues as the Mechanics groups carries.
Good luck to all of you on a smooth and fair merging with Spirit Airlines.

Sometimes I have to wonder if AMFA developed a BOT program for this group page.

Are you a BOT?

Interesting to read Brett's justification for screwing up the MCT filing at Jetblue when he knew damn well the IAM lost a similar case a few years back for the same reason. And to think that 28 MCT cards and only a "small" amount of AMT cards (there is about 650 of them) will put AMFA over the top is quite hilarious. I wonder if SWAMECH ever took math in school. Anyways, Brett's email to the MCO leads is indicative of how unprofessional AMFA is. Take responsibility for the fact that you knew the NMB was going to reject the MCT filing!
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Well, it's official, Spirit Airlines Mechanics and related have overwhelmingly voted the most Class and Craft Union, AMFA, to represent their needs and members.
Mechanic and related @ JetBlue may want to get organized prior to this upcoming merger/purchase with Spirit Airlines. It doesn't have to be the same union, but it would go much, much smoother and way faster if the same union represents both groups and different airlines when merging/combining.
Now, yes you JB Mechanics will get a vote, no doubt, when the time comes if/when this merger is complete, however, it will not happen until long after the merger and integration of seniority list. So it would be very wise to get organized prior to the integration so that both sides are represented for their needs.
Good luck to all involved, and now would be the time to reach out to AMFA National with any questions you guys may have over the upcoming merger now that Spirit is going in represented.

Also note that the MC's also voted to bring in AMFA so both groups are represented.

Press Release: AMFA Welcomes Spirit Maintenance Technician and Controller Employees
August 26, 2022 -- CENTENNIAL, CO – The National Mediation Board (NMB) officially announced today that Spirit Airlines Aircraft Maintenance Technicians and Maintenance Controllers voted overwhelmingly to elect the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) as their collective bargaining agent.
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Well, it's official, Spirit Airlines Mechanics and related have overwhelmingly voted the most Class and Craft Union, AMFA, to represent their needs and members.
Mechanic and related @ JetBlue may want to get organized prior to this upcoming merger/purchase with Spirit Airlines. It doesn't have to be the same union, but it would go much, much smoother and way faster if the same union represents both groups and different airlines when merging/combining.
Now, yes you JB Mechanics will get a vote, no doubt, when the time comes if/when this merger is complete, however, it will not happen until long after the merger and integration of seniority list. So it would be very wise to get organized prior to the integration so that both sides are represented for their needs.
Good luck to all involved, and now would be the time to reach out to AMFA National with any questions you guys may have over the upcoming merger now that Spirit is going in represented.

Also note that the MC's also voted to bring in AMFA so both groups are represented.

Press Release: AMFA Welcomes Spirit Maintenance Technician and Controller Employees
August 26, 2022 -- CENTENNIAL, CO – The National Mediation Board (NMB) officially announced today that Spirit Airlines Aircraft Maintenance Technicians and Maintenance Controllers voted overwhelmingly to elect the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) as their collective bargaining agent.
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Well, it's official, Spirit Airlines Mechanics and related have overwhelmingly voted the most Class and Craft Union, AMFA, to represent their needs and members.
Mechanic and related @ JetBlue may want to get organized prior to this upcoming merger/purchase with Spirit Airlines. It doesn't have to be the same union, but it would go much, much smoother and way faster if the same union represents both groups and different airlines when merging/combining.
Now, yes you JB Mechanics will get a vote, no doubt, when the time comes if/when this merger is complete, however, it will not happen until long after the merger and integration of seniority list. So it would be very wise to get organized prior to the integration so that both sides are represented for their needs.
Good luck to all involved, and now would be the time to reach out to AMFA National with any questions you guys may have over the upcoming merger now that Spirit is going in represented.

Also note that the MC's also voted to bring in AMFA so both groups are represented.

Press Release: AMFA Welcomes Spirit Maintenance Technician and Controller Employees
August 26, 2022 -- CENTENNIAL, CO – The National Mediation Board (NMB) officially announced today that Spirit Airlines Aircraft Maintenance Technicians and Maintenance Controllers voted overwhelmingly to elect the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) as their collective bargaining agent.
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Do you stand on Street corners talking to yourself as well. Koo Koo Cocoon.
Has any SCAMFA organizer explained this provision of their constitution to the Spirit or Jetblue mechanics?

"All initiation fees are hereby waived for all newly organized non-probationary employees certified for representation by AMFA, provided they become dues paying members within sixty days of AMFA’s certification as their bargaining agent."

Basically pay up before you get a contract!
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Some may think that this is no big deal since this LOA is only dealing with uniforms, however, let's look at the overall "BIG" picture of the power that comes from the membership with LOA's. LOA's in an AMFA membership is Letter of Agreements that are "VOTED" on by the entire membership to be added to the contract book. With AMFA "ANY" change in words, language, intent and of course pay and or work rules, or ANY change what-so-ever in the contract (and yes, even punctuation) has to be Accepted, approved and even voted on by the entire membership by a vote. UNLIKE the industrial unions who can and have taken LOA's and simply agreed with the co and added it to the contracts without a membership vote (TWU/IAM and the teamsters are all known for doing this in the past)
Just think, something as simple as a uniform change in language and or rules takes a full membership approval and vote to be cleared to enter the contract book. As does anything and everything else in your contact book, where other industrial unions have too much power to do as they wish with your contracts.
One reason why AMFA is growing at so many airlines right now...

AMFA-QX Uniform LOA Referendum Results
September 27, 2022 -- The votes for the AMFA – Horizon Air (QX) Uniform Letter of Agreement (LOA) Referendum were tallied on September 27, 2022. Votes for this referendum were counted and certified by ElectionBuddy, and the results are as follows:
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Some may think that this is no big deal since this LOA is only dealing with uniforms, however, let's look at the overall "BIG" picture of the power that comes from the membership with LOA's. LOA's in an AMFA membership is Letter of Agreements that are "VOTED" on by the entire membership to be added to the contract book. With AMFA "ANY" change in words, language, intent and of course pay and or work rules, or ANY change what-so-ever in the contract (and yes, even punctuation) has to be Accepted, approved and even voted on by the entire membership by a vote. UNLIKE the industrial unions who can and have taken LOA's and simply agreed with the co and added it to the contracts without a membership vote (TWU/IAM and the teamsters are all known for doing this in the past)
Just think, something as simple as a uniform change in language and or rules takes a full membership approval and vote to be cleared to enter the contract book. As does anything and everything else in your contact book, where other industrial unions have too much power to do as they wish with your contracts.
One reason why AMFA is growing at so many airlines right now...

AMFA-QX Uniform LOA Referendum Results
September 27, 2022 -- The votes for the AMFA – Horizon Air (QX) Uniform Letter of Agreement (LOA) Referendum were tallied on September 27, 2022. Votes for this referendum were counted and certified by ElectionBuddy, and the results are as follows:
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How many threads are you going to post the s we garbage?

it only belongs in the regional thread. Not everywhere.