Election 2012


Oct 29, 2002

Gallup released their annual state-by-state presidential approval numbers yesterday, and the results should have 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue very worried. If President Obama carries only those states where he had a net positive approval rating in 2011 (e.g. Michigan where he is up 48 percent to 44 percent), Obama would lose the 2012 election to the Republican nominee 323 electoral votes to 215.

We had 8 years under Bush and we got the Patriot Act, FISA Courts, Two undeclared wars, Gitmo,TSA and preemptive wars.

NOW, we have Mr Hope & Change and we still have Gitmo, FISA Courts, Patriot Act, TSA AND NDAA, two traditional wars in Libya and Yemen, Iran threatening and a dead bin-Laden!

So what exactly besides rampant Unemployment, High Gas Prices, Commodity Inflation and soaring debt has all this Hope & Change done for you?
You think any of these guys are Reagan?

Unfortunately, you never know for sure until you elect them. Current Occupant being Exhibit A for "Hope and Change". Let's see what "Change we got so far:

Lowered Credit rating
3 Trillion+ in new debt
9% Unemployment, estimated to be as high as 16% when those who gave up looking are factored in.
20 plus percent rise in food cost (Commodity Inflation)
$3.39/Gallon Gas versus $1.83 when he took office.
2 Wars when he took office. Four now and the Propaganda machine going full tilt for War with Iran.
TSA, FISA Courts, Patriot Act & Gitmo prior. Now, The same as before plus the NDAA and the SOPA attempt
4200 more pending regulations that stifle job creation.

Gosh all of this Hope & Change, how did we do without him? Well under Reagan, Bush 1 & Clinton we did pretty damn well and frankly this guy doesn't make a pimple on a Presidents Arse. He makes me think fondly of Nixon and Carter.
Unfortunately, you never know for sure until you elect them. Current Occupant being Exhibit A for "Hope and Change". Let's see what "Change we got so far:

Lowered Credit rating
3 Trillion+ in new debt
9% Unemployment, estimated to be as high as 16% when those who gave up looking are factored in.
20 plus percent rise in food cost (Commodity Inflation)
$3.39/Gallon Gas versus $1.83 when he took office.
2 Wars when he took office. Four now and the Propaganda machine going full tilt for War with Iran.
TSA, FISA Courts, Patriot Act & Gitmo prior. Now, The same as before plus the NDAA and the SOPA attempt
4200 more pending regulations that stifle job creation.

Gosh all of this Hope & Change, how did we do without him? Well under Reagan, Bush 1 & Clinton we did pretty damn well and frankly this guy doesn't make a pimple on a Presidents Arse. He makes me think fondly of Nixon and Carter.

Sparrow, Hmmm.

Numbers released today stated that 225,000/250,000 NEW jobs were created in(I believe) 1/2012.
U-R @ 8.3 %.
Gettin' close to being UNDER the magic 8% aye Sparrow ?

By Nov. 2012, Even with this Brutal economy, things will be looking fairly decent.

I forgot. Doesn't something significant happen in 11/2012 ??

Hmmm. :D
Sparrow, Hmmm.

Numbers released today stated that 225,000/250,000 NEW jobs were created in(I believe) 1/2012.
U-R @ 8.3 %.
Gettin' close to being UNDER the magic 8% aye Sparrow ?

By Nov. 2012, Even with this Brutal economy, things will be looking fairly decent.

I forgot. Doesn't something significant happen in 11/2012 ??

Hmmm. :D

8.3% is abysmal! The economy sucks. Their is no :Magic" 8% when it's been at 6% and below most of my lifetime. Also, when 1.5 Million people give up even looking for a job it skews the rate downward.

Reagan who got handed the abortion Jimmy Carter created had unemployment numbers that were mid 7% at this point in his first term. Reagan at the same point in his term had a GDP growing at a rate of 7.5% annually versus the 2.4% now. Reagan LOWERED tax rates and raised revenue! Debt to GDP was in the acceptable 50% range not the 100.3% it is today.

225K in new jobs is nice. Problem is that in order to get back just to where we were at the beginning of the recession we need to create nearly 400K new jobs per month.

As Pitchman Ron Popeil says, "But Wait, there's more"

Whole Article HERE

Selected snippets below.

As Piegza and others have pointed out, the 243,000 jobs that were reported aren’t enough to keep up with the number of people joining the labor force, yet alone, those who have lost their jobs.

“People should take it with a grain of salt,” Scott Brown, an economist with Raymond James and Associates of Saint Petersburg, FL, also told Reuters “since they are January figures and subject to revisions. We also had some unusually mild weather.”
Instead of the historic rate of 65.8 percent participation in the workforce, we are now at 63.7 percent. That means that we are literally years away from replacing jobs that we’ve lost since Obama became president.

the 243,000 jobs that were reported aren’t enough to keep up with the number of people joining the labor force, yet alone, those who have lost their jobs.

By any measure Barack Obama is an epic FAILURE. To call him a Putz would be an insult to putz's everywhere.
Ron Paul keeps up his string of never ever winning a primary over 3 elections.

Why does anyone pay attention to this consistent loser? :lol: