Delta announces 5% raises for April 1.


Oct 20, 2007
Congratulations Kev. If I have this right you’re going up to $35.26. Didn’t read what the increase to your CC stipend was. $35 and change for 2023 seems to be the Industry number. Personally I think we’re being shortchanged but hopefully the IAM at UAL and TWU at SWA can push that number higher?

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Thanks. Just doing back-of-the-envelope math, I'm pretty sure that number is correct.

I’ve been seeing lots of Union contracts both inside and outside the Airlines being signed at around 14% DOS. Inflation has drawn back supposedly to a little less than 8% now but that hasn’t hit the rental market. I feel the recently signed deal for IAM SWA AW Source of support wage rates is where you (Ramp) should be. (Not the scale above that)

5% now sounds great and provides immediate relief for bills due. DL is clearly adjusting to the market, and probably doing this to retain the people they need. Oh, to have such freedom.

Or, you can be like Weasy and hold out hope for 14% that will likely be spread out over 3 years and takes 2-3 years to negotiate... and does nothing to pay the bills today.

With luck, they can spend the retro check as the down-payment on a new dually.
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5% now sounds great and provides immediate relief for bills due. DL is clearly adjusting to the market, and probably doing this to retain the people they need. Oh, to have such freedom.

Or, you can be like Weasy and hold out hope for 14% that will likely be spread out over 3 years and takes 2-3 years to negotiate... and does nothing to pay the bills today.

With luck, they can spend the retro check as the down-payment on a new dually.
Did I say that I wanted (Who wouldn’t though) or would hold out for 14%? 🤔 No I don’t think that’s what I wrote. But (IMO) it should have been 8 to 9% for all wage scales.

And FYI since you seem to be not as clear headed as you once were, any Airline is free to offer raises to Union represented groups just as easily as Delta. Oh and if Delta wants they can also suspend raises for that 3 years you mentioned too.

Don’t mean this (sincerely) as a swipe either but Delta can also knock anyone’s hours back from 40 to 30 for 9 months even if the Government gave them the money not to have to.

Delta can do lots of things both good and bad. They hold all the freedom, liberty and luxury. (Except for with the Pilots)
Far it for me to be a Delta cheerleader, but they have proven time and time again that they show a true duty of care for their employees and have taken care of them in good times and minimized the damage to them in bad times.

Weasy would love it if the company went above and beyond the contract every time it could benefit an employee's wallet, but how often does the union come forward and help the company out when it's needed in bad times?

He wants all the reward with none of the risk... that's not how it works.
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Far it for me to be a Delta cheerleader, but they have proven time and time again that they show a true duty of care for their employees and have taken care of them in good times and minimized the damage to them in bad times.

Weasy would love it if the company went above and beyond the contract every time it could benefit an employee's wallet, but how often does the union come forward and help the company out when it's needed in bad times?

He wants all the reward with none of the risk... that's not how it works.

Seems like I have a secret admirer (stalker) Obsess much Elvis?
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Far it for me to be a Delta cheerleader, but they have proven time and time again that they show a true duty of care for their employees and have taken care of them in good times and minimized the damage to them in bad times.

Weasy would love it if the company went above and beyond the contract every time it could benefit an employee's wallet, but how often does the union come forward and help the company out when it's needed in bad times?

He wants all the reward with none of the risk... that's not how it works.

2003 at AA. $1.8 Billion in concessions outside of Bankruptcy by the Unions on property.

History lesson for E.
5% now sounds great and provides immediate relief for bills due. DL is clearly adjusting to the market, and probably doing this to retain the people they need. Oh, to have such freedom.

Or, you can be like Weasy and hold out hope for 14% that will likely be spread out over 3 years and takes 2-3 years to negotiate... and does nothing to pay the bills today.

With luck, they can spend the retro check as the down-payment on a new dually.
I’m sure this is at least in part to help with retention. Same with the large boost in Lead pay. We don’t have Classification Seniority, so if someone decides they’re done carrying a radio, that’s pretty much it.

The other “specialty positions” (DLs term, not mine) are getting a much smaller bump in override pay. Those spots (Move Crew, Load Desk, etc.) see a lot less turnover relatively speaking.
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I’m sure this is at least in part to help with retention. Same with the large boost in Lead pay. We don’t have Classification Seniority, so if someone decides they’re done carrying a radio, that’s pretty much it.

The other “specialty positions” (DLs term, not mine) are getting a much smaller bump in override pay. Those spots (Move Crew, Load Desk, etc.) see a lot less turnover relatively speaking.

So on April 1 at this moment you become the new bar to reach as far as wages for the Industry Ramp and Airport PS agents. Don’t know what your new lead pay is though?

Maybe for TOS. Companies like to tout that ‘cause they m ow that where all of our eyes go. Real story is in the middle tiers and how long it progression takes.

Lead override is a nice bump. Not sure it’s posted publicly yet. Specialty spot overrides are… fine.
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Maybe for TOS. Companies like to tout that ‘cause they m ow that where all of our eyes go. Real story is in the middle tiers and how long it progression takes.

Lead override is a nice bump. Not sure it’s posted publicly yet. Specialty spot overrides are… fine.

Oh no don’t get me wrong that I’m missing the middle but I have to be honest and notice that Delta (now) is leading the pack there. 10 1/2 years to TOS instead of 12 not ignoring how many years people were stuck on Ready Reserve.

BTW I did some basic math thinking about those old restore and more callers. Not counting medical costs we’ve surpassed restore and more now.

In 2003 at AA we went down to about $19.00 per hour. Now 20 years later we’re reaching $35.00 per hour. That’s around .75 per hour per year. Definitely more than the average 2% raises we were getting. My Pension as I mentioned was a 6.25% multiplier. Now I get 9%. in 401 contributions/match.

So at $35 this is your basics rounded. (Not counting CC stipend) If you go to work every day as scheduled.

$73,000 BASE
$4,000 Holiday
$6,000 401K

So floating in the area of $83,000

A little bit of OT/ Shift Dif and Crew Chief stipend and you should easily be able to tack on another $10,000. Then add (maybe) some Profit Sharing and not too hard to hit $100,000.

That’s not too bad.
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Something I would be curious about though is what is the current FT/PT systemwide ratio now at Delta? I think before with the PT and Ready Reserve program your numbers for FT were only around 35 to 40%?

American this year can only max out at 35% PT. Not to mention that no one is just arbitrarily knocked down to PT in the off Seasons.

No idea what it is on a system level. Assuming only 40-hour lines are considered FT, it's probably 30-35%. Again, that's a total WAG. But there are a lot of 28, 30, 32, and 36-hour lines.

Can't speak for every city, but those lines are popular in at least a few.
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No idea what it is on a system level. Assuming only 40-hour lines are considered FT, it's probably 30-35%. Again, that's a total WAG. But there are a lot of 28, 30, 32, and 36-hour lines.

Can't speak for every city, but those lines are popular in at least a few.

I like the way it’s done in my Station better. Roughly 50 FT (40 hours) and 25 PT (30 hours) If your assigned Flights are done you can VTO. If they back up you stay and finish them. If it’s after your off time they ask you to stay if they need you. Very rare they have to Mando. I definitely find it to be much more civilized than it was working in the Hubs.

I just don’t like under your system that they can reduce hours if the need isn’t there. In my contract I’m guaranteed 40 hours of work/pay so most of the time I don’t leave early. I’ve been FT for 26 of my 28 years.