700UW said:It says AWA Stock will be converted to US Airways Stock.
However, it does not say that AWA stock will be converted to currentUS Airways stock. That would constitute securities fraud. AWA Class B stock closed today at $5.46/shr. To convert it to 0.4082 shares of uairq.ob which closed at 0.88/shr today would be "not kosher."

My guess is that they are going to get the BK court to declare the current stock null and void--as has been done in many bankruptcies--and then re-issue brand new stock to the new owners and investors. Anyone holding the current stock--including RSA or the UAIR employee pension groups--gets nothing, zip, nada.
For all practical purposes, two different companies with the same name. Almost like when a restaurant in an older "redeveloped" section of a city takes a name like Houston Buggy Whip Company after the business that occupied the same building a century ago. Only the name is the same.