Who Is "pencil-whip Jim"?


Sep 7, 2002
Who is this "Pencil-whip Jim" that I read about in another thread? (Apparently a rep in Alabama, signing stuff off.)

Let's get his real name out here in the open and report him directly to the FAA hotline if he's really signing non-airworthy work off. He should be strung up by his nuts - he's breaking the law and my family flies on these airplanes!!

Currently there is nobody named "Jim" acting as a company rep in MOB (Mario, Gary, Lou, Steve, John). As far as "pencil whipping" goes, there is no "signing off" of work done by USAIRWAYS representatives at the HMV operation. Approval of manhours on non routines written up by inspection is the main responsibility of a production representative. Company inspection personnel are tasked with correct completion of paperwork and random sampling of jobs completed and quality assurance facilities audits and the like. If you are speaking of Mr. Smith, are you sure you are not confused about crossword puzzles and signing off work? I'm sure you may be confused with Mr's Beitzel and Newlin who push off routine/non-routine tasks like they do not exist (in house). Far more of that sort of thing goes on in house (Main reason north dock planes go out like they do) than out. Believe me, I cringe when I see any production type come at me (in house) with a mountain of write-ups to "clear" than when I see a vendor come up to me with a question regarding any write-up. Give it a rest and check your info before launching bogus accusations. Just like the false info posted regarding 674 falling off of the jacks while weighing by one supposedly "fact" based poster. Pure BS. I was there, NFW did that occur. The only damage done was by some smack who dented the sh"t out of it in SJU (hope they have good insurance). Whomever had the cajones to speak ill of Mr. Jim, I feel for you, there are much worse than he out and about as we speak. Propdoc out.
Funny if it did not happen the why did the company notify the IAM Flight Safety Committee and why did Airbus engineers from Toulose be flown in after the incident did not happen?
700UW said:
Funny if it did not happen the why did the company notify the IAM Flight Safety Committee and why did Airbus engineers from Toulose be flown in after the incident did not happen?

Provide proof that it did happen. You are so full of facts, let's see them. Were you there? I was. Refute the "facts" if you can.
How many licensed A&P's do you have at the facility vs non A&P's And since we are on the subject how many persons does a A&P have working under him?(How many persons is he responsible for signing off work for) And one thing we do agree on is the job of Production Supervisor which is moving metal...anyway they can whether it be in house or third party.
AP Tech said:
How many licensed A&P's do you have at the facility vs non A&P's And since we are on the subject how many persons does a A&P have working under him?(How many persons is he responsible for signing off work for) And one thing we do agree on is the job of Production Supervisor which is moving metal...anyway they can whether it be in house or third party.
No solid number for you, but, the majority of mechs working the A/C whether it be general mechanics, structural mechanics, avionics, or inspection are A/P's. the interiors group are mostly repairmen. The typical ratio is about a dozen per lead. The production super job in house is completely different from the job at the vendor, so sorry, there are differences. Propdoc out.
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propdoc said:
If you are speaking of Mr. Smith, are you sure you are not confused about crossword puzzles and signing off work? I'm sure you may be confused with Mr's Beitzel and Newlin who push off routine/non-routine tasks like they do not exist (in house). Far more of that sort of thing goes on in house (Main reason north dock planes go out like they do) than out. Believe me, I cringe when I see any production type come at me (in house) with a mountain of write-ups to "clear" than when I see a vendor come up to me with a question regarding any write-up. Give it a rest and check your info before launching bogus accusations.


First off, I don't have any idea what you're ranting about in the quote above.

I did not launch any bogus accusations. I simply asked a question about a guy named "Pencil whip Jim" mentioned in another thread. So get off your high horse.

I will take your word on the explanation of the Mobile facility. I have no doubt that there is respectable work going on in facilities like that. But rest assured, I will personally seek justice if I ever come upon facts regarding people doing illegal maintenance on aircraft.

Your defensive posture bothers me Propdoc. You seem to have an agenda which is not conducive to a positive working relationship with employees at US Airways. That may very well be the reason this company fails. I hope you "adjust" your attitude so that you may have a better chance at success.
Thanks, I was just curious. Recently met a current employee while interviewing for a position and he did not have many good things to say about Mobile. I just wanted to clarify a few things.
AP Tech said:
Thanks, I was just curious. Recently met a current employee while interviewing for a position and he did not have many good things to say about Mobile. I just wanted to clarify a few things.
If ALABAMA is anything like Timco, I bet he didn't have much GOOD to say!!! :down:
Singapore Technologies Mobile Aerospace
Airport ID: BFM
Physical Location:
MOBILE , AL 36615

Certificated Mechanics: 532 (licensed)
Repairmen: 74 (Not an AMT)
Non-Certificated Mechanics: 1173 (unlicensed)

Total Employees: 1776

Gee such a professional place, why is there a greater then a two to one margin of unlicensed to licensed?

This issue with 674 just will not go away...700 says it happened and you say it didn't. You want him to prove it did happen ..Well, you prove
it didn't.

One thing for sure....SOMETHING HAPPENED TO 674 and no one wants to talk about it. You say a dent, I've seen dents and other real bad things and mgt. didn't call Flight Safety.

propdoc said:
Provide proof that it did happen. You are so full of facts, let's see them. Were you there? I was. Refute the "facts" if you can.
so tellme ,when jacking the aircraft in question,one of your brainiacs forgot to spin down the backup collar while jacking and the jack bled down and stressed the airframe??
propdoc said:
I was there, NFW did that occur.  Propdoc out.

Were you there when they misrigged the flaps on a/c 700 and 703?

Were you there when they removed the girt bar latches from A/C 709 MED and covered the holes over with PRC?

You are obviously a company suck. Your ignorance of the real world 3rd party business is staggering.

Recently, A coworker of mine left UAIR in CLT for TIMCO in GSO since he lived over there and was expecting to be furloughed in the near future.

This individual is an excellent sheet metal mech. After "one week" at TIMCO he was back in CLT??? There must have been a good reason to begin that 90 mile one way commute once again.

He told me that all sorts of money can be made if you play by TIMCO's rules. He continued to tell me how he finisheded a repair and was asked by his lead to signoff additional work in a related area that he had no knowledge of. Being a man of integrity he said "NO." Well the lead became irate and stormed off into the sup's office. Shortly afterwards the attitude towards him soured. That very day, he packed up his tools and QUIT!!

That is the real world of third party that you fools are oblivious to <_< .

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