Which Is Right?


Nov 5, 2003
Unless I am missing something, there is a huge discrepency here as to whether the 23% imposed cut would apply to IAM Midatlantic and Mainline Express employees. The letter to Randy Canale of the IAM from J Glass says the reduction excludes Midatlantic and Mainline Express. (see link)


The 1113e filing to the court seems to say the exact opposite! Midatlantic and Mainline Express ARE included! Go to page 27, item 62.


Someone please show me where I am mistaken.
Looks like it applies to Mid Atlantic and Mainline Express to me, at least as per the filing.

Looks like it doesn't apply to Mid Atlantic and Mainline Express to me, at least as per the letter to Randy.

I dont think they legally could for some MDA classified employees. I only know about F/As, but they are already eligible for partial unemployment, and in some cases food stamps.

A full quarter less would be $11,000-12,000 A YEAR!

How little can an employer legally pay a full-time worker in the United States? What is considered actual poverty?


Never mind, I looked it up, actual "Poverty" is considered the following... $9394 if you are single, $12,490 for a family of two, $14,678 for three, $18,815 for a family of four.

So if they cut 23% off of MA F/A wages, every one of them would be below the nation's actual poverty level, unless there is another income. Unless of course they are single with no family, then they are $2000 above the poverty line for a single person. I'm sure 11k goes a long way in places like Philadelphia and Washington. Thats un-f***ing-believable.
as i understand it mainline express and mda are exempt from the 23% paycuts as we have already suffered a 48% pay reductions last september at once. i believ if they go after mainline express and mda there may be a mass exodus of people leaving--gee i wonder why mgmt!
Well, if you read throiugh it, it says excluding Midatlantic (and Mainline Express) for specific workgroups, while it says including Midatlantic and (Mainline Express) for other work groups.

Baasically, If you are IAM or TWU represented, you might want to take a close look at your specific workgroup in this document (look towards the middle) and see where you fall...
I WORK in a EXPRESS station,that was a mainline station.

I have given if tey take 23% from me or my CO-WORKERS,we may
as well go to the welfare office the same day.

I have lost 12,000 dollars year to date since last year.


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The examples I gave are for IAM fleet service employees. The letter from J Glass to the IAM said MidAtlantic and Mainline Express were EXCLUDED from the 23% imposed cut. HOWEVER the filing to the court says that they are INCLUDED.

Which is right?
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Page 25 of the filing to the court says that AFA and CWA MidAtlantic, and CWA Mainline Express are EXCLUDED from the 23% cut. But page 27 says that IAM employees of the same classifiications are INCLUDED.
Was that intentional? And why would the Company tell the IAM the opposite?
There's a footnote in the IAM part of the 1113(e) filing: "An amended interim Section 1113 Proposal to IAM Mechanics and Related Employees was delivered on September 24, 2004."

I took that to refer to the initial IAM proposal only dealing with A330 outsourcing, and this one dealing with all Airbus outsourcing. But it might have to do with the Mainline Express stuff as well apparently.

In any event, looks like the company did tell the IAM their new proposal, whatever it is. It just isn't up on the IAM website.
:down: everyone should be included not just mainline ,mainline express had the right to tranfer in the new cba.
28yrsnojob said:
:down: everyone should be included not just mainline ,mainline express had the right to tranfer in the new cba.

yeah and the cities that were on our list now has gone to mainline express. and lets see here: if i had goine to phlly, (not to mention that i have a speical needs son who gets stat help) for the one year, then say take the pay cut by a judge's order, paying the tolls on the turnpike at a rate of 2.25 one way for say 5 days a week, that comes to roughly 100. a month, then the high fuel prices say about 20.00 a gas every 3 to 4 days and say may be a crash pad, i'd walk home with less amount of pay than staying put. you have no idea what it is like to work in a mainline express city until you actually do. it aint fun because you are struggling to survive. what will you do if your city goes? there is no way in he!! mainline express cities should have to shoulder anything as we have taken a 48% paycut and other reductions and then to put up with all kinds of crap! no i am not bitter just explaining my point of view
28yrsnojob said:
:down: everyone should be included not just mainline ,mainline express had the right to tranfer in the new cba.

Golden Sacks says: No paycuts for Mainline Express!!
Mainline Express should not be subjected to more pay cuts. The company shafted them big time before. It would be even more disguesting if they were ripped off once again by our talented management.
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This discrepency has been brought to the attention of upper U management and the filing to the court was in error in including Midatlantic and Mainline express. It is disconcerting that this mistake got past the company and the legal team that filed it. It is also a problem that the IAM did not catch this mistake.
I "assume" that an admendment to the original filing will be made to correct this.

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