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Where Is The Advertising?


Aug 19, 2002
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So upon exiting Bankrupcy, Mr. Bronner promised all this advertising for USAirways. Can anyone tell me if they have seen anything, because I have seen nothing. Maybe we all can think of a theme for a Media Blitz if the Powers to be ever live up to the promises they made (I know it's a dream and will never happen) to us upon exiting bankrupcy. Lets try to keep it positive. I know there is a lot negative things such as poor on-time,poor customer service due to the lack of employees,down right flithy aircraft,end of month cancelations due to crew shortage and so forth....but lets try not to dwell on the negative. So any ideas?
Hope777 said:
So upon exiting Bankrupcy, Mr. Bronner promised all this advertising for USAirways. Can anyone tell me if they have seen anything, because I have seen nothing. Maybe we all can think of a theme for a Media Blitz if the Powers to be ever live up to the promises they made (I know it's a dream and will never happen) to us upon exiting bankrupcy. Lets try to keep it positive. I know there is a lot negative things such as poor on-time,poor customer service due to the lack of employees,down right flithy aircraft,end of month cancelations due to crew shortage and so forth....but lets try not to dwell on the negative. So any ideas?
Why would U advertise when all the flights are practially full. Besides, U can't handle all the business they already have.
willyloman said:
Why would U advertise when all the flights are practially full. Besides, U can't handle all the business they already have.
They're all over the internet.
Advertising...huuuum. Wouldn't that require a marketing department?
Well, it's probably for the best since we honestly can't handle the passengers we have now. Every flight is at capacity and every gate screen seems to read "VOLUNTEERS NEEDED."
What would we be advertising?...I mean honestly.
They ARE all over the internet with advertising. But isn't that interesting. That isn't so much brand advertising for US Airways. As a way to get folks to go to USAirways.com.

USAirways.com will, presumably, hook you up with whatever 'brand' emerges into the indefinite future.

Interestied in the Carribean... go to USAirways.com.

Interested in Ireland..... go to USAirways.com


See how you can take anything and use it to support your hypothesis.

(Mine is that CCY has no intention of continuing the US Airways brand.)

Oh, my other explanation to why nothing seems to be happening, is that all the staff quit or were fired. (Notice the administrative/staff vacancies on USAirways.com)
Please note that these postions are not the ones where the decisions are made.
So the VP's have an excuse to do nothing. Nobody to delegate there work to.
Or nobody left to fire because VP made a bad decison. <_< )
I haven't seen any serious attempts at good marketing campain since 1988, and that was with PI. This outfit thrives on bad press, and wishes to air it's dirty laundry about it's overpaid workforce...this is all the press they know how to fetch. We got tons of it while we were in CH-11. Now nothing. When we had our MCO flights, not a word was advertised. :shock:
About a year and a half ago, I sent Dave an email about an advertising idea I had. Since we were going to majorly branch out in the Caribbean I thought a Jimmy Buffett type theme complete with steel drums in the background would go over great. We could have a Usairways caribbean punch that would appeal to children and go great with rum for adults thus increasing liquor sales. I even offered the slogan, "USAirways Caribbean service, it is not just a destination, it is a way of life." About six or so months later there was a commercial on the radio about the Caribbean service with the steel drums playing in the background. Never heard a word from Dave. I emailed him about the idea I had sent and he sent an email back saying he 'would forward it to marketing'. Thanks Dave. Not to say that it was my idea used but the timing sure was fishy.
Carib punch....hope they would use the same mix as Piedmont Punch. It was the best to mix with Rum.

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