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What Is The Combined Outsourcing Of Amr Corp.


Aug 20, 2002
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What is the outsourcing percentage of AMR Corp.?
Eagle outsources maintenance in CMI and CLE. They stock parts and do relatively heavy scheduled maintenance tasks. ABI is an AMR subsidiary that does heavy checks but is not TWU. MQT is now Eagle/TWU as is XNA. There is a base in West Virginia that does CRJ work, I believe it is a factory shop. BNA, as an EMB factory shop also does EMB work. I imagine that there are others that I don't know about.

I personally don't sweat out station maintenance that does light checks and stocks the appropriate parts, i.e. lamps, tires, brakes, etc. However, when they start stocking parts that we don't have at the hub station I start to wonder.
Thanks for the information "Fix for Food"

Okay TWU supporters, what is the combined outsourcing of AMR Corp.?
I have no idea what the combined out-source rate is but, this chart show a comparative amount from AA to other airlines. It appears only ATA Airlines has reduced it's amount of outsourcing maintenance. The twu figures the amount differently than the D.O.T. but, at the least, it's a comparison.
I believe while we are gaining work from American Eagle, we are contributing to the outsourcing of fellow TWU members at American Eagle. Therefore the AMR outsourcing either must stay neutral or increase.

CIO, what is the outsoucring percentage at each of these TWU represented airlines?
Whats the matter CIO "Chicken"?
Looks like another thread that the TWU faithful avoid here.

I would also like to see figures that compare the number of A&P mechanics, employed and paid as A&P mechanics TWU represented carriers have per aircraft compared to other carriers.

Many of the layoffs of mechanics over the last few years at other airlines are the result of TWU negotiated concessions that eliminated thousands of jobs that should have been A&P jobs. When we lost R&D A&P jobs were permanently eliminated across the system. When they transferred Deicing we lost overtime. When they created SRPs A&Ps were removed from shop positions. Had all these jobs remained A&P jobs we would have a much more unified workforce. This TWU endorsed decimation of A&P jobs and division of the membership has been going on for twenty years. Other airlines were forced to seek similar ratios as AA as a result of bankrupcty, the result was massive layoffs all at once. Whereas the TWU and AA slowly eliminated those jobs over time other carriers did it all at once. Even if individual employment remained the same, the A&P job was permanently eliminated. The fact is that other unions kept their A&P work for twenty years longer than the TWU. The TWU has been the most destructive force to the profession of A&P mechanics ever. It has been a sneaky backdoor attack, they have worked hand in hand with the company to do their dirty deeds through attrition and deception.

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