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We Remember

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Aug 19, 2002
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[BR][FONT size=1]I didn't know you, but you were part of the family, and that's all that matters.[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT size=1]Take a moment to remember them and all who had their lives stolen from them one year ago today.[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT size=1][/FONT][BR][BR][BR][BR]
[H1]American Airlines Crew [/H1][BR][BR]
[H4]Flight 11 [/H4][BR][BR][BR]
[H4]Flight Attendants [BR][BR]Karen Martin[BR]Kathy Nicosia[BR]Betty Ong[BR]Dianne Snyder[BR]Bobbie Arestegui[BR]Jeff Collman[BR]Sara Low[BR]Jean Roger[BR]Amy Sweeney[BR][/H4][BR][BR]
[H4][BR]Cockpit Crew [BR]Captain[BR]John Ogonowski [BR]First Officer[BR]Thomas McGuinness [BR][BR][BR][/H4][BR][BR]
[H4]Flight 77 [/H4][BR][BR][BR]
[H4]Flight Attendants [BR]Renee May[BR]Michele Heidenberger[BR]Jennifer Lewis[BR]Ken Lewis[/H4][BR][BR][BR][BR]
[H4]Cockpit Crew[/H4][BR][BR]
[H4][BR]Captain[BR]Chick Burlingame [BR]First Officer[BR]Dave Charlebois [BR][BR][BR][/H4][BR][BR]
[H1]United Airlines Crew[BR][/H1][BR][BR]
[H3]Flight 93[BR][BR]Flight Attendants [BR]Lorraine G. Bay [BR]Sandra W. Bradshaw [BR]Wanda A. Green [BR]Ceecee Lyles [BR]Deborah A. Welsh [BR][BR][BR][BR]Cockpit Crew [BR]Captain -Jason Dahl[BR]First Officer - Leroy Homer [BR][BR][BR][/H3][BR][BR]
[H3]Flight 175[BR]Flight Attendants [BR]Robert J. Fangman [BR]Amy N. Jarrett [BR]Amy R. King [BR]Kathryn L. Laborie [BR]Alfred G. Marchand [BR]Michael C. Tarrou [BR]Alicia N. Titus [BR][BR]Cockpit Crew [BR]Captain - Victor Saracini [BR]First Officer - Michael Horrocks [BR][BR][!=====================================GALLERY================
============][BR][BR][BR][IMG style=WIDTH: 152px; HEIGHT: 220px height=220 src=https://image.jetnet.aa.com/imageserver45/AA/9_11_feature_ribbon.jpg width=476 border=0][BR]
[P]This link is a very moving tribute. Be aware that it involves a 7MB download, so high speed internet is pretty much a requirement.[BR][/P]
[P][A href=http://home.attbi.com/~sept11/]http://home.attbi.com/~sept11/[/A][BR][BR][BR]I give up on trying to make the hyperlink work. Just cut and paste it into your browser[/P]
That was impressive. I've seen a lot of tribute sites on the net and I'm always in awe at the obvious time and sacrifice that someone puts into their creation.

Especially touching are all the tributes that are popping up in remembrance of all of the GLBT employees of every airline, as well as those who lost their lives in the fall of the twins.

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