War and Genocide


May 17, 2008
Obama is much like Clinton on war and Genocide

Obama: "Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday the United States cannot use its military to solve humanitarian problems and that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn’t a good enough reason to keep U.S. forces there."

Clinton: "As the terror in Rwanda had unfolded, Clinton had shown virtually no interest in stopping the genocide, and his Administration had stood by as the death toll rose into the hundreds of thousands.

Using firearms, machetes, and a variety of garden implements, Hutu militiamen, soldiers, and ordinary citizens murdered some 800,000 Tutsi and politically moderate Hutu. It was the fastest, most efficient killing spree of the twentieth century."

Any guess to what possible upcoming event will be Obama's legacy?
:bleh: :bleh:
Things changed, and btw, the rest of the world and the UN thought the same to. Its called balls, something this current administration is lacking.


Ever notice.. how "things CHANGE", when it suits the GOP ??

NOW..THAT(there) I'll Agree, takes a large Sack,.........trying to peddle that HORSE Shet !!

But Dems really do have a lot to worry about with the Gop.

I mean they have the ever effective MICHAEL STEELE firmly on Solid Ground :bleh:

They have a POWERHOUSE leader like Rush Bimbo...leading the way for them :bleh:

Their Favorable numbers are at an All Time HIGH :bleh:

There is Harmony with-in their ranks that resemble the BATTLE of Gettysberg :bleh:

And Finally, they're Poised to pick-up an Enormous amout of congressional power in the 2010 elections :bleh:

(He-He-He) :up:
Obama is much like Clinton on war and Genocide

Obama: "Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday the United States cannot use its military to solve humanitarian problems and that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn’t a good enough reason to keep U.S. forces there."

Clinton: "As the terror in Rwanda had unfolded, Clinton had shown virtually no interest in stopping the genocide, and his Administration had stood by as the death toll rose into the hundreds of thousands.

Using firearms, machetes, and a variety of garden implements, Hutu militiamen, soldiers, and ordinary citizens murdered some 800,000 Tutsi and politically moderate Hutu. It was the fastest, most efficient killing spree of the twentieth century."

Any guess to what possible upcoming event will be Obama's legacy?

Is this a joke? Ever hear of Darfur? How many people have died there? It's been going on since 2003, why didn’t the Bush Administration do something about it?
Things changed, and btw, the rest of the world and the UN thought the same to. Its called balls, something this current administration is lacking.

Well, apparently nothing changed all that much since Cheney predicted exactly what would happen ... and go figure .. what he predicted would happen is pretty much exactly what did happen.

It's not called balls, it's ignorance, arrogance, and lying.

It is incredibly dishonest to try and go after Clinton for Rwanda or a President who has been in office less than two months. If you were the least bit honest with yourself you would have to go after every president for past sixty years. Because here's a news flash, ethnic cleansing, genocide, injustice etc has been going on for a long time all over the world.

For the USA to even attempt to try and stop it you would have to have a military the size of what we had during WWII. The nation’s economy would have to be on a permanent war footing. And here's the simple fact, we can't stop it. But if you are that gung-ho I suggest you go to your local recruiter’s office and sign up. Maybe you will get lucky and they'll send you someplace and you will get your chance to stop some genocide.
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It is incredibly dishonest to try and go after Clinton for Rwanda or a President who has been in office less than two months. If you were the least bit honest with yourself you would have to go after every president for past sixty years. Because here's a news flash, ethnic cleansing, genocide, injustice etc has been going on for a long time all over the world.

For the USA to even attempt to try and stop it you would have to have a military the size of what we had during WWII. The nation’s economy would have to be on a permanent war footing. And here's the simple fact, we can't stop it. But if you are that gung-ho I suggest you go to your local recruiter’s office and sign up. Maybe you will get lucky and they'll send you someplace and you will get your chance to stop some genocide.

So then answer the question:
Any guess to what possible upcoming event will be Obama's legacy?
So then answer the question:
Any guess to what possible upcoming event will be Obama's legacy?

It's obvious that you have drunk so much anti-Obama Kool-Aid that you are totally incapable of being honest.

You want me to answer questions when you totally ignore the question I asked about the Bush administration and Dafur. Not to mention the fact that your only response to my second post was some non-sense about Any guess to what possible upcoming event will be Obama's legacy?

Maybe I need to be a little clearer with my questions.

1)Why didn't the Bush Administration intervene in Darfur?
2)Why didn't every President for the past sixty years intervene in all the various world conflicts?
3)When are you going to sign up?

Source for photo