Disgruntled ALPA members i hear that the pilots are forming a union called USApa, to rid themselves of alpa.
I would like to know who I could contact who is trying to form this union , would like to disguss with them
that the customer service group is fed up with the cwa, and would to know if we would be able to become a part
of the New USAPA union, I feel with customer service and the pilots would be a great combinatin
to fight this stupid company and not pay off the unions to get there way. so your help would be greatly apprecited
and I think the 2 groups would form a strong union and partnership..
I would like to know who I could contact who is trying to form this union , would like to disguss with them
that the customer service group is fed up with the cwa, and would to know if we would be able to become a part
of the New USAPA union, I feel with customer service and the pilots would be a great combinatin
to fight this stupid company and not pay off the unions to get there way. so your help would be greatly apprecited
and I think the 2 groups would form a strong union and partnership..