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USAirways gets an "F" for recycling

This is the last of our problems at this place.
I think the meals they serve in Envoy may be recycled.
At one time "old" US had a recycling program for trash collected on the airplane. As I recall, cans and newspapers were collected in different colored trash bags. Don't know if it extended to ground ops, but for whatever reason it went by the wayside. Resource planning/dispatch/scheduling in PIT had a bin for recycling paper last time I was there.

LOL! :lol: This is a funny thread. We can't even pry flight attendants out of the back galley for a beverage service.

Let's start with something simple such as wearing our uniforms correctly before we attempt something that requires the use of more than one brain cell.

I see very few uniform infractions , in fact I can honestly say I haven't seen any among the flight attendants in some time with the exception of missing serving garments. You seem to have a special contempt for the f/a group. Perhaps if they had not been assigned garbage duty while on the ground you might find a little more enthusiasm for the job over all. And it is unlikely that they would be willing to take on the responsibility of some recycling program . It is always easy to assign new duties to other work groups, but does everything (selling products in flight, hawking credit cards etc) have to fall the shoulders of the flight attendants? Any program launched for the purpose of recycling will include bad planning on the part of those who want it implemented. Start paying you crews for cleaning the a/c between flights and then level your contempt at them.
Phoenix recycles and it goes to the Pegasus Fund :up: We should do the same back East. I have many pax saying they'll take their newspapers/cans to get recycled. Gee, I wish more people thought that way instead of stuffing it into the seatbackpocket! :blink: Out of a whole airplane, maybe ONE pax will take their things to get recycled!
This is really an issue? Global warming or climate change, whatever the term of the day is, has been exposed as a fraud. I'm not saying recycling is bad, or being good stewards of the Earth isn't a good idea, but we certainly don't need to be so anal about all of this rubbish.

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