USA Today on airline meals and nutrition

Aug 20, 2002

US Airways received the lowest score — 1¾ stars. The airline offers "poor overall food choices" and not much variety, Platkin says. US Airways' breakfast box — which includes cinnamon French toast, fruit salad, smoked turkey breast and other items — is very high in calories (705) and "offers little in terms of nutrition," he says.

US Airways received the lowest score — 1¾ stars. The airline offers "poor overall food choices" and not much variety, Platkin says. US Airways' breakfast box — which includes cinnamon French toast, fruit salad, smoked turkey breast and other items — is very high in calories (705) and "offers little in terms of nutrition," he says.

This is by their admission an airline that strives to be "Good Enough"
I understand that an airplane is an airplane and travel is travel but what is offered onboard is now borderline ridiculous. The new 'improved' fruit/cheese plate is a joke for $8.00. I would LOVE to know why everything is "sweet and savory"? Besides the trail mix or the few fruit/cheese plates what does US sell in coach that is healthy? It's all junk.
This guy is just looking at the caloric intake to determine what's healthy. Most yogurts and granola bars contain high fructose corn syrup. Potato chips are never really healthy no matter if they are baked or whatever!

It is obvious that this guy has too much time on his hands, because it isn't as if one has airline food on a daily basis. Whoever heard of an Airline Drive-Thru or Takeout?! Someone better tell Mr. Healthy that even healthy people can afford to eat crap once in awhile :D