It is part of the program, "We're NOT happy until You're NOT Happy". <Nothing more, nothing less.......all in a days work.>Just noticed on that the 7:30AM PHL-BOS flight (1612) diverted to Laguardia. Anybody know any details on this? Doesn't appear there is weather in Boston.
It is part of the program, "We're NOT happy until You're NOT Happy". <Nothing more, nothing less.......all in a days work.>
what do you mean by crew legalities? i thought they had to have a second set of crew members flying at all times on all international tripsSNN-PHL also diverted to BOS today crew legalities!!
Boeing Boy correct me if I'm wrong...I just a stewardess.
Sorry it an All Coach Flight, Envoy Seats are all Taped Off (Broken)Well then, stop chatting and get us our predeparture drink puleeze.... 😉
Basically correct. The FAA just issued a clarification a few days ago - if the flight plan time is over 8 hours, regardless of what the scheduled block time is, you must have an IRO. So if they flew PHL-SNN legally with a 2-pilot crew but the flight plan said over 8 hours coming back, the choice would be to cancel or plan a stop prior to going over 8 hours where a substitute crew could take over........
Basically correct. The FAA just issued a clarification a few days ago - if the flight plan time is over 8 hours, regardless of what the scheduled block time is, you must have an IRO. So if they flew PHL-SNN legally with a 2-pilot crew but the flight plan said over 8 hours coming back, the choice would be to cancel or plan a stop prior to going over 8 hours where a substitute crew could take over.
But I have no idea if that's what happened in this case.
Actually, the FAA considers 5% "acceptable" - i.e. if a TA flight scheduled for less than 8 hours actually exceeds 8 hours less than 5% of the time, the FAA is content that the flight is scheduled realistically for crewing purposes.The FAA allows a certain percentage to exceed 8+00.
what do you mean by crew legalities? i thought they had to have a second set of crew members flying at all times on all international trips
ha ha ha ha ha ha! ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Second set of crew... ha ha ha ha ha ha!