US Airways Reports Record May Load Factor

These spreadsheet-loving desert fratworm amateurs at the Rio Dorito Sandcastle are going to put this airline in its grave yet I'll tell you what.
And what would say, a 52% load factor tell you? That US is on the road to record profits?
US Pre Merger had record load factors too and lost money faster than a sailor on shore leave.

Repeat after me: Record load factors by themselves doth not a profit make!

Record load factors often are a sign of trouble as airlines sell seats far below costs in order to maintain cash flow. I'd prefer to wait for the 2Q financials before I make any judgements..
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. Passenger load factor was a record 82.9 percent for the month of May, up 0.1 points versus May 2009.
US Pre Merger had record load factors too and lost money faster than a sailor on shore leave.

Repeat after me: Record load factors by themselves doth not a profit make!

Record load factors often are a sign of trouble as airlines sell seats far below costs in order to maintain cash flow. I'd prefer to wait for the 2Q financials before I make any judgements..

You're right to caution about drawing financial conclusions from load factors, but in this case, there is much cause for celebration, as the revenue picture is matching the traffic increases. Unit revenue is soaring at US during the second quarter. From the May traffic press release:

US Airways President Scott Kirby said, "Our May consolidated (mainline and Express) passenger revenue per available seat mile (PRASM) increased approximately 18 percent versus the same period last year while total revenue per available seat mile increased approximately 19 percent on a year-over-year basis. As we head into the busy summer travel period, we continue to be optimistic as the revenue environment remains robust with continued strength in close-in bookings and overall yields."

From April's traffic report press release:

US Airways President Scott Kirby said, "Our April consolidated (mainline and Express) passenger revenue per available seat mile (PRASM) increased approximately 13 percent versus the same period last year while total revenue per available seat mile increased approximately 14 percent on a year-over-year basis. The revenue environment continues to improve with strengthening corporate demand and overall booked yields.

Those are some huge percentage gains in unit revenue. The other day, Kirby said that it looked like US might take in a couple billion more this year than last year.
You're right to caution about drawing financial conclusions from load factors, but in this case, there is much cause for celebration, as the revenue picture is matching the traffic increases. Unit revenue is soaring at US during the second quarter. From the May traffic press release:

From April's traffic report press release:

Those are some huge percentage gains in unit revenue. The other day, Kirby said that it looked like US might take in a couple billion more this year than last year.

Any other airline President and I'd agree! However the man has ZERO credibility with me. So you'll pardon me if I wait and see what's reported to the SEC. If that man told me the sky was blue, I'd look up to be certain.
I dont trust any of them as far as I can throw them.