Us Airways Regains Usps Contract


May 18, 2003
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported today US Airways will begin carrying mail again for the U.S. Postal Service on April 9, according to Bloomberg News. The post office suspended its relationship with US Airways in early February after tests showed chronic tardiness with the mail.

See Story


We don't even have enough people to load the bags. & I would also add since mail sort was contracted out the contractors would not even get the mail to the gate in time to load it anyway & that's if they even got it to the right gate.
Were it legal to do so (which I'm sure it's not), I'd actually buy white luggage and stencil "US MAIL" on the side, in the hopes of actually getting my bags (presumably, US has promised the USPS better performance, given the tardy mail that got the contracts yanked in the first place).
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Many of the new hires are entusiastic and do a great job. Their attitude is refreshing and they are making a positive difference.


USA320Pilot said:
Many of the new hires are entusiastic and do a great job. Their attitude is refreshing and they are making a positive difference.



There is no doubt in anyones mind you are nothing but a company rah rah piece of crap!! Pretty blunt I know but the truth sometimes hurts..

Why don't you get your butt out of the cockpit and help load the mail.. Oh thats right its beneath you.. I am sure you tell that to everyone to..

Then again if you get a job with Southwest or JetBlue you will be cleaning the toilet and coming on the forum to tell everyone how much you love it.

Someone making 9 bucks an hour to work crappy shifts in the cold and mon tue off is not someone who is "happy"...

The Moderator should lock you out of the forum for awhile.. Instead they will lock me out..
The reality is that it's a cold world out there, and these 9.00 hour jobs are good jobs to many.

justaumechanic said:
There is no doubt in anyones mind you are nothing but a company rah rah piece of crap!! Pretty blunt I know but the truth sometimes hurts..

Why don't you get your butt out of the cockpit and help load the mail.. Oh thats right its beneath you.. I am sure you tell that to everyone to..

Then again if you get a job with Southwest or JetBlue you will be cleaning the toilet and coming on the forum to tell everyone how much you love it.

Someone making 9 bucks an hour to work crappy shifts in the cold and mon tue off is not someone who is "happy"...

The Moderator should lock you out of the forum for awhile.. Instead they will lock me out..
USA320Pilot said:
Many of the new hires are entusiastic and do a great job. Their attitude is refreshing and they are making a positive difference.



You must be kidding!!!!!!! Maybe 1 out of 50.
Most don't even show up at the gate dressed right to fly and have attitudes. But I will tell you this the C A R's seem to like there jobs can't figure out why but the guys they are hiring on the ramp OMG.....
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With all due respect, your attitude is exactly what is wrong withe company. However, if I am not mistaken you are furloughed and very bitter, which can explain some of your sentiment.

Rico is right in that it's not what happens to you in life, but instead what you do with what happens.

In regard to helping out, I have helped load bags, volunteered to work in PHL over New Year's on mya day off, I pick up trash with the F/A's, I greet the passengers, I do 50% of the walkarounds, I have lead teams that have represented the company and ALPA on Capital Hill as a team leader, I was a member of the Ambassadors Group, I was sked to write the official Ambassador meeting minutes for employees, I have worked with Employee Communications on other projects, and many more activities.

How much was I paid for these activities? Nothing.

I believe life is about contribution and not entitlement, especially in a customer service industry. Maybe you should learn this lesson too.

Best regards,

Ambassador's Group aka Wolf's Flunkies.

And don't forget writing anti-union editorials and being admonished by your own union.
Soon all cargo, mail or otherwise, will be banned from domestic pax airlines.

The USPS returning mail to USAir (if true) will only be temporary. I'm certain there is some clause in the contract which has been remedied.

US never, ever was serious about cargo as a revenue-generating business. Mail/cargo was gravy revenue to most legacy carriers.
USA320Pilot said:
Many of the new hires are entusiastic and do a great job. Their attitude is refreshing and they are making a positive difference.



With the exception of one or two, that is in your mind only at least where I am. I just wish you could've had one of the folks I had last week.
Oh & if the weathere forecast holds up I'm sure some more will walk tonight after being put on mandatory AGAIN !
Even if temporary... the cash won't hurt. Unless there are penalties for poor perfoemance involved...
And the fines WILL ADD UP QUICKLY ! ! !

With the lack of personel to handle the mail, expect this to be short lived. Also our Vendors need to rehire their people to run the mail up to the line. Aslo heard that our Vendor wants an increase in the per pound rate.

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