And to think I've been pointing this out for months, right here on usaviation.
Somebody has to explain to Dave that there is more to leadership than cost-out. I don't care if US offered to double what I make now, I'd never go to work for these goons. Siegel could not lead an alcoholic to Happy Hour at Fred's from the front of Carnot pointed in the right direction. As a customer, I have seen exactly one thing in the last two years that has made me want to buy more tickets, and only then because I was so pissed this year that I did not requalify for US1 next year, and now will continue to get all the upgrades I can eat. Of course, you must offset that with all the customer unfriendly moves made since then, and judge the total picture--which leads us to an unhappy alcoholic sucking break fluid from my Chevy at the BP on the corner.
Haaavahd MBA at 11.