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US Airways defaulted on a $19.7 million payment


Sep 3, 2002
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Talk about timing.
US Airways defaulted on a $19.7 million payment
Active and retired pilots will never get all the pension benefits they''re owed. USAirways told a bankruptcy court judge that dramatically scaling back retirement benefits is crucial to the company''s survival.
These benefits will never be paid at these levels. They are gone, US Airways bankruptcy lawyer John Butler said at a hearing on the airline''s proposal to terminate the pilots'' pension plan and replace it with a cheaper one.
On 2/21/2003 4:01:21 PM zonecontroller wrote:

Talk about timing.
US Airways defaulted on a $19.7 million payment
Active and retired pilots will never get all the pension benefits they're owed. USAirways told a bankruptcy court judge that dramatically scaling back retirement benefits is crucial to the company's survival.
These benefits will never be paid at these levels. They are gone," US Airways bankruptcy lawyer John Butler said at a hearing on the airline's proposal to terminate the pilots' pension plan and replace it with a cheaper one.

This is a court house stunt, like showing up for your trial in a wheelchair with a neckbrace. It can't possibly be anything else, especially in light of U's recently announced plan to acquire 10 more 330's
I heard that USAirways is hiring a new law firm to assist with the Pilots lawsuit. It's a DC based office; Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe.
On 2/21/2003 5:13:14 PM Hula Girl wrote:

I heard that USAirways is hiring a new law firm to assist with the Pilots lawsuit. It's a DC based office; Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe.

Are you saying Ben Dover didn't perform satisfactorily???