Okay, these folks want a refund of there one way to BDL and also reimbursed for there car rental, and gas?!! Can you say greedy! I can understand giving them a voucher of some value, but wanting both is unrealstic, and gurantee they will not recieve. They made the choice to rent a car, so they should be responsible. A hotel would of cost them a lot less, and I am sure a disrest rate was offered to them. I believe there are a lot of people out there just waiting to go on there vacation, and hope somthing goes bad or sour, so they can make the biggest fuss possible and try to get compensation. It just amazes me. 🙄 🙄
Posts like this always amaze me - those pesky customers - if we didn't have to deal with them and all of their pain in the butt requests and demands life would be SOOOOO much easier. Just amazing. Life working for an airline would be so much better if we could just handcuff all those pain in the butt customers and take them away - then they would all just die and never come back! Yahoo!