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US Airways Cancels Your Flight, Treats You "Like Dirt"

Okay, these folks want a refund of there one way to BDL and also reimbursed for there car rental, and gas?!! Can you say greedy! I can understand giving them a voucher of some value, but wanting both is unrealstic, and gurantee they will not recieve. They made the choice to rent a car, so they should be responsible. A hotel would of cost them a lot less, and I am sure a disrest rate was offered to them. I believe there are a lot of people out there just waiting to go on there vacation, and hope somthing goes bad or sour, so they can make the biggest fuss possible and try to get compensation. It just amazes me. 🙄 🙄

Posts like this always amaze me - those pesky customers - if we didn't have to deal with them and all of their pain in the butt requests and demands life would be SOOOOO much easier. Just amazing. Life working for an airline would be so much better if we could just handcuff all those pain in the butt customers and take them away - then they would all just die and never come back! Yahoo!
Okay, these folks want a refund of there one way to BDL. I can understand giving them a voucher of some value,
HP SHARES does not allow immediate refunds like sabre did and HP management does not allow agents to give vouchers for compensation That’s why you are seeing a LETTER WRITER.Season agents are pretty good at smelling out a LETTER WRITHER therefore can avoid the documentation of the situation if given the right tools.Please tell me you are not the F/A misinforming the passengers to see the agent for such compensation
Okay, these folks want a refund of there one way to BDL and also reimbursed for there car rental, and gas?!! Can you say greedy! I can understand giving them a voucher of some value, but wanting both is unrealstic, and gurantee they will not recieve. They made the choice to rent a car, so they should be responsible. A hotel would of cost them a lot less, and I am sure a disrest rate was offered to them. I believe there are a lot of people out there just waiting to go on there vacation, and hope somthing goes bad or sour, so they can make the biggest fuss possible and try to get compensation. It just amazes me. 🙄 🙄

As a customer I have stopped flying US for the same reason as these folk's experience. I had a connecting flight into PHL on a Saturday night in August. After I arrived my flight was cancelled. No MX or weather problems. Special services was unstaffed and a supervisor would not help the customers, but announced on the PA system in the terminal "Will the Gate Agents Help the Passsngers?" After no help and being stranded in PHL, I rented a car and drove home.

I complained and they gave me worthless vouchers for less than the car rental. I vowed no more paid US flights for this CP.

Time is money. Why would anyone want to waste another day and stay in a hotel BECAUSE it is cheaper for US than provide service they agreed to provide when they sold the ticket. I think the passengers requests were actually very reasonable. They want their out of pocket expenses to replace the service US was to provide, and because US breached their agreement to get them home in a timely manner, the cost of their ticket for services not provided. That is what any other business would have to pay if they breached their contracts--why do you want to treat US as an airline any differently than any other business? They are definitely are not something special.

They lost this CP after this latest fiasco in a series of fiascos. I followed my son, another CP who left US earlier this year, and have moved on.
As a customer I have stopped flying US for the same reason as these folk's experience. I had a connecting flight into PHL on a Saturday night in August. After I arrived my flight was cancelled. No MX or weather problems. Special services was unstaffed and a supervisor would not help the customers, but announced on the PA system in the terminal "Will the Gate Agents Help the Passsngers?" After no help and being stranded in PHL, I rented a car and drove home.

I complained and they gave me worthless vouchers for less than the car rental. I vowed no more paid US flights for this CP.

Time is money. Why would anyone want to waste another day and stay in a hotel BECAUSE it is cheaper for US than provide service they agreed to provide when they sold the ticket. I think the passengers requests were actually very reasonable. They want their out of pocket expenses to replace the service US was to provide, and because US breached their agreement to get them home in a timely manner, the cost of their ticket for services not provided. That is what any other business would have to pay if they breached their contracts--why do you want to treat US as an airline any differently than any other business? They are definitely are not something special.

They lost this CP after this latest fiasco in a series of fiascos. I followed my son, another CP who left US earlier this year, and have moved on.
IT was a WEATHER delay, not US AIRWAYS!
What do you not get?
There is no compensation for that type of delay. Don't blame the airline or employees. If we were rude, I am sorry, we try our best, but an Weather delay is out of our control, period! ATC, etc. Stop blaming the airlines, it has to do with air traffic control and the FAA itself! :angry:

You should read the post before responding - he was saying in his case - it WAS NOT a weather delay and US still wouldn't do anything about it. That is different than the original post that started this thread.

And a blanket statement that "we try our best" is laughable at best.
You should read the post before responding - he was saying in his case - it WAS NOT a weather delay and US still wouldn't do anything about it. That is different than the original post that started this thread.

And a blanket statement that "we try our best" is laughable at best.
I was responding to the comment and original post, letter.
They want their out of pocket expenses to replace the service US was to provide, and because US breached their agreement to get them home in a timely manner, the cost of their ticket for services not provided. That is what any other business would have to pay if they breached their contracts--why do you want to treat US as an airline any differently than any other business? They are definitely are not something special.
The contract is to get you from point A to point B on the next available flight
The contract is to get you from point A to point B on the next available flight

It's your type of attitude why I moved with my $25,000 plus per year revenue elsewhere. It follows my son's CP revenue, who is in another type of business and also left this year, to a different carrier. As owner of my business, that means my employees will also fly someone else, since I will not have them fly an airline that I will not fly on and find undependable. I was stranded and no one helped nor would provide even any information on the next available flight.

It has not gone unnoticed that their 10 year elite boss won't have himself or them fly US anymore on business. Without saying anything to them, I did notice that three of my office staff in the last month booked someone other than US for their vacations, so US lost more revenue just by their treatment of me.

All businesses are more than just selling a product or transporting you from point A to B. It is inexcusable when the management's attitude filters down, but in light of last June's PR announcment that would have people ready when flights cancelled or delayed to assist customer service, it seems just another example of US's promises to the press that never get implemented.

US's business plan presumes that there is an indefinite number of customers, but that's what all Ponzi schemes are also based. They always fail.
It's your type of attitude why I moved with my $25,000 plus per year revenue elsewhere. All businesses are more than just selling a product or transporting you from point A to B.
I just am pointing out the obvious. If you chouse to use alternative travel arrangements I surely understand. I will rephrase my statement. The contract is to get you from point A to point B on the next available flight with good customers service
Posts like this always amaze me - those pesky customers - if we didn't have to deal with them and all of their pain in the butt requests and demands life would be SOOOOO much easier.

sky high states: Lookie here. Even an article on the internet on.....HOW TO BE A PAIN SO YOU CAN UPGRADE............I wonder how many will test this theory out?


Remember, knowledge is power, so read on and equip yourself with the tips and tricks of the upgrade trade.

"Be a Nuisance"

While nobody likes a complainer, there is a way to go about it that won’t leave you completely blacklisted by company staff. After all, the customer is always right -- and without customers, there’s no business. If it's a first-class seat you’re after, look around yourself in coach: Is your seat uncomfortable, or are you next to a fellow passenger who smells bad or requires one-and-a-half seats because they’ve eaten one too many Big Macs? Politely and discreetly bring it to the attention of the flight attendant, and leave it with her. She’ll either tell you straight away that there’s nothing she can do as there are no other seats available (highly likely) or you may be in luck, and she’ll tell you that there happens to be a seat up front you can take. However, you must be realistic in this situation -- she might just move you to another seat in coach.

Soooooooooo, Con Artist or customer???? Huh?

only stating opinions