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US Airways – Delta Merger Update


May 18, 2003
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US Airways – Delta Merger Update: December 8, 2006

Can Delta Survive as an Independent Carrier?

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US Airways Coast-to-Coast Pilots Express Grave Concerns on Proposed Delta Merger

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Pilots not happy with US Airways' pursuit of Delta merger

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AirTran eyeing US Airways/Delta assets

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US Airways and Delta –Saga Continues

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About US (US Airways’ Weekly Newsletter) – December 7, 2006

CLT: A Day in the Delta Deal

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Report: NWA enlists bankers to bid on Delta

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Northwest Hires Evercore Partners to Look Into Merger and Acquisition Possibilities

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thanks for keeping us informed and gathering these articles. :up: :up:
Is it just me?? I think this deal is a dead as Paris Hiltons Brain.
LOL...I thought so when it was first announced. Funny thing is that each day I really think that this might just happen.

Just please keep the US Airways name! :up:

I like your comparison to Paris Hilton. While I am no fan of hers, and her ditzy Bim friends. You must admit she is a great self promotor.

Comparing this deal to Paris may be tight on track.

Itlooks like it will never happen, but that hidden intelegence will make it work, and surprise everyone that such a dumb idea is working.

I like your comparison to Paris Hilton. While I am no fan of hers, and her ditzy Bim friends. You must admit she is a great self promotor.

Comparing this deal to Paris may be tight on track.

Itlooks like it will never happen, but that hidden intelegence will make it work, and surprise everyone that such a dumb idea is working.

money will talk. My guess is that Delta knows better deals can be had. I've been in this industry long enough to know other suitors will step forward. Can we really expect NW, UA, AA to sit on the sidelines and watch USair gobble up Delta?
IMO, USair did this to put, not delta, but the entire industry in play. I'm sure it will accomplish that but I haven't a clue who will merge with who, neither does anyone else.

Why do you think the deal is dead Bob? I just read most of the articles and still feel neutral...could go either way. ALPA is just posturing. They'll, both DL and US, come on board once they get some money...and rightfully so. NW is just exploring all of their own options...that's only to be expected. "Can DL Survive as an Independant Carrier?" I found to be a very interesting article. Sounds to me all DL management has been doing for the past year and a half is making "The New Delta" a whole lot of fun and "stylish" to work for. There hasn't been much done to develope a solid POR. And the DL/Boeing deal....please. Since last year Parker has said he's in talks with Boeing and Airbus for replacment a/c. Parker knows Boeing is chairman of the creditor's committee. I'll bet he already has them in his back pocket. I'll never say "it's a done deal" again after the UA debautchery (sp?), but my gut is starting to tell me this has a real possibility.
This offer IMO is a show card, the hole cards have yet to be played or even dealt at this point.

I've always thought that too and have heard that from many others. But if his real target is NW, UA or someone else, why go through all the hoopla with DL?
It's just a "Gut" feeling. Besides which I'm not certain the offer was intended for US Airways to actually end up with all of DL but rather to jumpstart the consilidation that DP feels must happen.

This offer IMO is a show card, the hole cards have yet to be played or even dealt at this point.

8 Billion $'s is a pretty high stake poker hand. I can't imagine making such a bluff. The whole thing does not make a whole lot of since to me. Too much overlap. As said before these are interesting times!!!
I've always thought that too and have heard that from many others. But if his real target is NW, UA or someone else, why go through all the hoopla with DL?

Dougie is taking a sharp stick and poking a hornets nest. An executive for UBS laughed when I made that comment and stated it seemed right on.

Dougie is simply thinking he is pushing over the first domino in a setup. He may be correct. Our previous MEC put us in the passenger seat, so, sit back. You are just a passenger, despite what your "sources" say. Relax, enjoy what your enabling has enabled. Popcorn is on you.