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United gets a new CEO


Aug 27, 2002
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Even on these ancient and musty shores the news of UAL is making the rounds. AS many of you know in Europe the word bankruptcy in all its attendant translations means the cessation of business. Therefore with the power of Star, the business press has been covering this story with interest and even at times accuracy.
One of the items that caught my interest was Mr. Tilton standing in one of the airports chatting with his customers. His CUSTOMERS by golly. Personal contact, pressing the flesh, mixing with the masses! It seems that UAL finally has a new CEO that is not afraid the admit that the customer fits in the equation. I know that the enemy forces aligned against United at the moment are formidable - from some (some I said!) mechanics with their faces scriven in hatred against United to competitors on the shores of the U.S. and elsewhere. From the government to the public. But I will contend that you have a fighter in harness now and if he goes about making the customers feel welcome then as your famous American saying goes These is indeed a new sheriff in town.
Will the road be easy? No. Hatred, and fierce competition, and bungled and injurous management are hard genies to put back in the bottle but it is not often that even if for show that you have a top manager lead from the front. All too often they are concerened about their competative compensation packages. Churchill was our bulldog. You do not want to be bitten by one and to me Tilton very well may grap a pantleg and never let go.
Indeed, may 10,000 men abed in England know what they have missed. (paraphrased Shakespeare in case Henry V was not on the reading list - the speech before Agincourt where the English, assured of losing gave the old what for to the French.)
Good luck UAL