Fortunately for Mr. Bronner, the street's Market Cap is not always a true representation of the value of all of a companies assets. For example, when America West stock was trading around $2/share, their market cap was $75mil or so (I am rounding). Now, trading around $11/share, their market cap is $400mil. This is a big change and AWA did not acquire or sell any substantial assets. They are pretty much the same as they were (maybe a few less assets with CMH closed), even though there was a large change in market cap.
So, while market cap is important from an acquisition target / stock perspective, its not really a valid representation of the value of all individual assets summed up because its wrapped up with expectations of future profits, etc.
It reminds me of an expression, "The parts are more valuable than the whole". Reminds me of a junk yard car... The individual salable pieces are collectively more valuable than the whole car.